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How Actress Jesseca Logan Defines Health, Wealth & Lab Me.


We are here with actress, model, & mental health advocate Jesseca Logan.



Maybe the best way to start is by saying a little about you...



My full name is Jesseca Ruth Logan and I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I spell my name in a unique way because I was named after a man in the Bible: Jesse, the father of King David. My name means wealthy one and I have dedicated my life to living up to that interpretation. If I can bring every facet of your life an essence of wealth, I will feel as if I have accomplished my purpose on this earth.


That is interesting, so then how do you personally define wealth?


I personally define wealth as an abundant quality of life. Most think of wealth in a monetary sense or as the possession of many material assets, but I have found that the meaning of wealth is much deeper than that. For example, the antonym of the word wealth is the word privation, meaning the scarcity of conditions that are necessary for the overall wellbeing of the individual. Wealth can be thought of as a plentitude meant to permeate every aspect of a person’s life. With that being said, you can have more than just wealth in your finances, i.e. you can also have wealth in relationships, wealth in your mental and physical health, etc. Who said you can’t have it all?


Tell us about your journey and what made you end up becoming a holistic health practitioner.



Growing up, I was always very aware of my weight. I started using weight loss pills around the age of 16 because I thought I had a double chin. This led to many health complications, including a ruined metabolism. By the time I was in college I had put on almost 40 lbs, but it wasn’t until a member of my father’s church told me I was looking a little thick, that I knew I had to do something to take much better care of myself. I started a very intense workout regime and saw the inches diminish quickly. My energy  also began to diminish quickly from the nutrient deficiencies my body experienced. I determined that I not only wanted to shed weight, but I also wanted to heal my body from the inside out. This led me to obsessively researching the nutrition facts and health benefits of everything I was consuming. I decided to take things a step further by educating myself so I could not only continue creating a beneficial lifestyle for myself, but I could also bring a wealth of health to others in my community.


What advice would you give yourself at 16 knowing what you know now?


I think that the first thing I would tell my 16 year old self is to put the diet pills down! Skinny doesn’t necessarily mean beautiful or healthy. It’s simply a body type and if I want to see substantial change, I should consult a professional for the best course of action. I didn’t fully know my pre-existing conditions at the time and this created aggravating dysfunctions in my body that took years to reverse. I would tell 16 year old Jesseca that she is beautiful just the way she is in that moment and to focus on inner physical health as opposed to outer physical appearance. 



What advice would you give to other girls going through this type of experience?


I would give every girl suffering from similar insecurities comparable advice. Know your body and know your pre-existing conditions so that you refrain from participating in activities that may put you at risk. Instead of looking for the quick fix, make small lifestyle changes that will benefit you in the long run. Then focus on nurturing your intellect and your personality.  




You are involved in so many things. Modelling, singing, writing, acting... How do you see this all tying into your role as a nutritionist?


Acting is my first love. There’s nothing quite like feeling your way through a scene and embarking on a rollercoaster of emotions. I want to make my audience see themselves through me or, at the very least, see a glimpse of what they could be. A lot of acting has to do with appearance and I want to ensure that I have a healthy presence when the camera is intrusively all up in my face. Just as I have been on this journey of healing my body through holistic medicine, I want to heal my soul and allow others to do so through watching me on screen. And I want to make you feel something while doing so. I want to change the colors of your mood ring through my work.


Modelling kind of comes along with an acting career. I have to consistently take headshots and keep entertaining photos on social media to stay relevant. I am the ambassador of my brand in every photo I take so understanding wellness through a holistic approach has given me an advantage in maintaining a youthful glow that makes you want to pay attention to what I have to say. 


At the age of 7, I knew exactly who I wanted to be. Not only did I audition and receive my first lead role, I also began singing and writing furiously. I would run around the house writing songs and belting what I wrote at the top of my lungs. But because of the pressures of life and because I spent too much time trying to conform to the norms of Cincinnati, Ohio, I lost myself. Every now and then, I would get a gig writing an article for a newspaper or writing a college essay for a friend, but I never fully dove back into my passions until I began to heal my body. Throwing myself into my work as a holistic practitioner has given me a platform that allows me to reveal the wealth I would bring to the entertainment industry. And because I was able to do so, I want to share my knowledge with you through my practice so you too can get back to doing that which you truly love. 


Any tips on how you keep that glow? :)


Always take your vitamins and drink plenty of water. It also doesn’t hurt to take an enzyme and a pre-probiotic to aid with digestion. I’m sure you’ve heard this many times before, but the secrets to life are in the cliches!


Right now I am obsessed with Sea Buckthorn oil and Vitamin B5. Those seem to help my skin look its best. I’ve also been taking a new supplement that contains the L. rhamnosus bacteria strain.


There are 80+ studies confirming that this particular strain generates a strong immune system, helps its host manage a healthy weight, and it’s proven to clear skin of those suffering from adult acne and many other skin conditions. I think taking vitamins daily was a real game changer for me. I take so many! 


Any notable appearances?  What is your impression of Hollywood and health currently?


I’ve recently made my way back into the acting arena, so I’m in the process of accumulating more notable appearances.


You’ll see me in a few Netflix movies here and a couple of music videos there.


But I still have so much work to do and everyday I’m putting myself in the right position to get the exposure I need to really make a ripple in this industry I’ve grown to love. One of my favorite projects was a short film that highlighted the darknesses of Bipolar Disorder. I starred in Gems which was nominated for best actresses in the My RØDE Reel film festival (the largest short film competition in the world). As I said before, the goal is to bring a wealth of mental and physical health to you through my work in hopes of healing you just as I’ve healed myself. I look forward to getting roles where this will be made possible.


The actors and actresses I know who have made a substantial career for themselves are very healthy people. It inspires me to see others in my profession display self-discipline whenever it comes to what they allow into their bodies. I’ve learned so much about new supplements that will enhance my health, give me an extra boost, and that overall natural glow. It’s great for my career too! Whenever I can say that a certain celebrity recommends a certain product, my clients are more likely to follow his or her influence. What I see as far as physical health in Hollywood is phenomenal and I think that as technology evolves, it will become much easier to preserve a wealth of health. 


Whenever it comes to mental well-being, I also see a majority of the professionals I know taking extreme precautions. You must have a clear mind and an open heart to do well in this industry because cameras capture everything. If we are not meditating daily to ensure that we maintain full control of our emotions, we cannot be the kind of dynamic storytellers that capture your attention and keep it. All of my friends who have any kind of influence in major motion pictures take amazing care of their mental. I will say this, though. I want to see more films in my industry that highlight neurological functioning and how it can affect our personalities. 


Ohio is vastly different from California in many aspects including mentality.  Given the current US situation - how do you merge the two? 


Yes, California and Ohio are like night and day. Los Angeles is much more liberal and open minded than that of its midwestern counterpart, however I have learned to love my Ohioan upbringing. Growing up in Cincinnati taught me a unique set of morals that I wouldn’t have obtained if I were brought up in a major city. In Ohio, people genuinely care about each other and go out of their way to help others because we believe it is the right thing to do. I had so many friends go above and beyond for me without expecting anything in return.


My parents gave me the privilege of growing up in a community that was selfless and loving so I want to bring that genuine, nurturing spirit with me wherever I go. Moving to Los Angeles was definitely a culture shock for me, but I embraced it fearlessly! I love how my perspectives have changed from the experiences of the people I have met in this city.


Every day my beliefs are being challenged with a new idea or concept that is totally out of my comfort zone. I guess you can say that I merged the two mindsets of the Midwest and the Westcoast by learning to understand how both conservative and liberal mentalities are necessary. Because unity is what will bring substantial change to the current social and political climate our Country is enduring, I have taken on the idea that “I think I’m right, but I could be wrong.” A lot of times when you simply stop and listen to another’s truth, you’ll find that not everything is as white and black as we thought it to be. America is like a clock in which every cog and gear, though intricately different, are vital in being a high functioning society. Because of my acceptance of the different cultures that raised me, I can bring a dual approach in everything that I touch. I’m able to appeal to the better nature of those who are hurt and fighting for their rights in society while maintaining a strong sense of moral responsibility. 


When you mention Mental Health Advocate - we assume there is some backstory there.  Would you mind sharing that journey with us?


I believe that people aren’t lazy, they are depressed.


Clinical studies have shown that people are depressed because of a chemical imbalance where there is a degradation of the production of neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine. Many have taken to harmful chemical medication to try to treat depression or balance these hormones to alleviate this form of mental illness.


Unfortunately, almost half of the adults living in the United States alone will experience a mental illness of some kind. That’s 46.4% Americans you and I know experiencing some sort of neurological disorder that could absolutely affect their personality. I believe that through holistic medicine e.g., through the right nutritional diets and supplements, we can overcome depression and many other mental illnesses.


What kind of supplements have you seen the most effective?  Any cool new things you are discovering?  


I have been researching the effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan (or 5-HTP for those of you who love abbreviations). This compound is naturally formulated in our bodies from an essential amino acid called tryptophan. 5-HTP is used to boost the production of Serotonin, also known as the feel good hormone.


Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter responsible for endowing a sense of wellbeing and stabilizing the human mood. The studies I have been monitoring show promising results if 5-HTP is taken as directed. Increasing your intake of foods like collard greens, sunflower seeds, turnip, and even pumpkin have proven to be beneficial in improving one’s disposition because they contain trace amounts of tryptophan. If taken as a supplement, only ingest about 50-100 milligrams three times a day. And please, before taking anything that could affect the chemicals makeup of your brain, consult a professional who specializes in neurology. Do not exceed the daily amount prescribed or recommended by the professionals. Though I will say that with over 40 years of research, 5-hydroxytryptophan is definitely a supplement worth looking into.


Throughout my lifetime, I have encountered many different personalities.


I used to believe in good people and bad people.


That is, until I really began to study the science of human nature. In college, I fell in love with the teachings of Dr. Paul Ekman and his art of deception. He believed that the human body always tells the truth, whether it be through micro and macro-expressions or tiny body gestures.


To give you a brief explanation, he stated that there are 7 universal human emotions that our bodies innately express regardless of our awareness. When we try to conceal these emotions, they will still slip through in moments; however, there is a loophole. If you are a psychopath (or as I later discovered, a person who suffers from a personality disorder of the dark triad) you will NOT have these slip ups. Discovering this intrigued me into studying more about personality disorders. And that’s when my eyes really began to open.


Most people that you and I know aren’t bad. They are suffering from some sort of mental disorder. Even the people that are really, really evil are dealing with a neurological disorder that is out of their hands. The more I began to evaluate my peers, and even my family members, the more I began to realize that mental health is just as important, if not more important than being physically fit. I became a mental health advocate because I truly believe that mental health will solve so many of the issues we have in our world today. I mean, can you imagine an America where every human being is mentally sound?


Give us one example of what you're talking about above (e.g. microgestures).  Any other authors you recommend?


The “tells” of human emotion that appear on your face can be subcategorized as macro and micro expressions. Macro-expressions are evident emotions that can be seen for about a half of a second to four seconds while micro-expressions come on and off of the face in about a fraction of a second.


Micro-expressions are slips of concealed emotion that a person may not want another to see. It can come through in the slightest movement of the facial muscles i.e. a tiny smirk, or pressing the lips together tightly. I like to use the example of a micro-expression called “Duper’s Delight” where a duplicitous person shows delight in the deception of his or her victim.


It takes a trained professional to spot this unilateral expression, but when caught, it is a definite tell that there is some sort of foul play taking place. I like to tell people to start with and study the seven universal, human emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust, and contempt. When a baseline is established of how these emotions maneuver across the face, then they will be easier to catch when a person is trying to keep them hidden.


This leads me to recommend another one of my favorite authors, Desmond Morris. His book “Bodywatching: Desmond Morris Guide to Body Language” really helped me study the human body and its functions. This book helped me understand gestures and how the body moves, how human emotion affects these movements, and the subconscious effects biology has on expression. Fascinating stuff! I may go reread now.


Where do you see technology taking health from here?


I believe that as science continues to evolve, we will see technology that pushes mental wellness, along with physical health.


I would love to believe in a magic pill that would balance all hormones and supply the body with the nutrients it would need to fight off anything harmful.


I know that we are far from that type of magic, but I have heard rumors of microchip insertions and even microdosing certain plants to obliterate depression and other dysfunctions. I just hope that whatever science affords the human race will be made accessible to all. And if I’m honest, I just like to be pleasantly surprised for once.


How would you suggest people track their blood and leverage that data as power over their own health?  


I would say to take frequent visits to your local physician or even easier use Lab Me.


Stay current with professionals who are equipped with the technology to give you important information about your health.


As you stated, this data gives you the leverage necessary to take your power back and take charge over your physical wellbeing. I believe that you can elaborate better than I on how advantageous it is to be able to monitor one’s blood. I cannot wait to use your product further because I can see that you’ve made this process much more accessible and convenient to the consumer.


One last question - how will you be using lab me for yourself in the coming months?


I’m so excited because it has been an absolute joy working with you and Lab Me so I can only imagine how enjoyable it will be to use your services!


I suffer from a skin condition called rosacea which causes extreme flushing in the face, along with broken capillaries and tiny red, raised bumps. It has been a mystery in the medical world and some have deemed it to be incurable. I believe the opposite.


There have been many cases in which rosacea has been cured naturally so I have been experimenting with different holistic options. My dermatologist recently assigned me an antibiotic and a few medicated creams which I have been using for quick relief, but I understand that this only treats the symptoms.


To get to the root of the problem I am going to have to cleanse my liver.


I will be using Lab Me to monitor my blood work in my liver while using the antibiotic doxycycline. I want to see how this affects my body versus going on a liver cleanse, then subjecting myself to a liver friendly diet.


I’m a big believer that anything that can be cured medically can also be cured holistically and I want to prove this method to be true for myself with rosacea. Monitoring my blood work on this journey to cure rosacea could be the breakthrough that I need to prove myself as a practitioner.


You’ve made it much easier for me to do so with your technology. Thank you!



Jess, it's been an absolute pleasure and honor to speak with you, learn more about you and we are looking forward to watching you grow and seeing your progress with Lab Me


You are a peaceful motif in an otherwise noisy environment.  Thank you for your time, trust and love. 



Which Test Is Best?

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Cortisol - 10 reasons why a high level of this stress hormone is unhealthy!

Everyone has had to deal with stress at some point, that is simply part of life. However, if stress is chronic, i.e. long-term and is not processed well, this can result in an increased level of the stress hormone cortisol and associated health effects.

How does stress arise?

The process is quite simple: we get a stimulus that signals a kind of dangerous situation, for example when we have to speak to a lot of people. We cannot run away from each of these situations. And staying relaxed is much easier said than done. If we cannot resolve the stressful situation, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex axis ( HPA axis ) is started as a stress reaction. Glutamate spreads in the brain, activates the cortex (cerebral cortex) and the so-called limbic system. At the end of a process chain, cortisol is then released.


If we have too much cortisol and a chronically high level of it, this has a negative impact on metabolism in many ways.

Why is high cortisol so bad? 10 reasons!

In short: bad stress (so-called distress) is a real destroyer of the metabolism. Especially because the hormone cortisol is released, which affects the body and mind very negatively from a certain level.

Here are 10 examples of the negative influence of increased cortisol:

  1. Too much cortisol makes you listless. It is an antagonist of testosterone, which means that it prevents us from producing enough testosterone. This can have a negative impact on our libido and sexual desire. That is why cortisol is also called the “anti-Viagra”.
  2. A high cortisol level is bad for our intestines. It promotes the so-called leaky gut syndrome, in which our intestines allow toxins to enter the body more easily. This causes inflammatory reactions in the body.
  3. Cortisol reduces fertility. It affects the production of progesterone. Progesterone controls the woman's cycle and has a strong impact on fertility.
  4. Cortisol weakens the immune system. It has an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect, ie it suppresses the immune system. As a result, we get sick faster.
  5. Cortisol promotes obesity. It increases the blood sugar level, which can create a kind of cravings for us. At the same time, there is a risk of insulin resistance, which in turn promotes the formation of bad fat in the middle of the body.
  6. Cortisol reduces sleep quality. If its level is permanent and also elevated at night, it is difficult for us to fall asleep and sleep well through the night.
  7. Cortisol makes us age faster. Collagen is a structural protein that is responsible for our aging, especially skin aging but also brain performance. Cortisol destabilizes the collagen. We get old faster - and look like that too.
  8. Cortisol breaks down muscles by releasing glucose and amino acids from the muscle to provide energy.
  9. Cortisol is associated with depression and anxiety. Many studies have shown that depressed people tend to have high levels of cortisol.
  10. Cortisol makes us tired and lacking in energy. Due to various metabolic processes, including the prevention of the hormones DHEA and testosterone, cortisol robs us of a lot of energy and makes us feel weak.

Measure the cortisol level

So stress and cortisol can be extremely harmful to us. But it doesn't have to be. Cortisol is not bad per se! On the contrary - it is essential for our survival! However, it depends on the dose. We should avoid too much stress and high cortisol levels.
In some of our blood tests, like male wellness and female wellness, cortisol is measured in addition to other hormones. So you can see whether your cortisol level is elevated and take your health into your own hands.

How do I reduce stress?

Reducing stress and thus reducing cortisol is a very individual topic and depends on the causes of stress. Possible starting points are meditation, yoga, movement, good time management, learning to say "no" or simply looking for a good coach with whom you can untie the knot in your thinking. Because negative spirals always create stress.

So overcome your inner bastard and reduce your stress! Thank you with more happiness, serenity, and health.


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Iron Deficiency And Inflammation - How Are They Related?

Iron deficiency can occur when the iron is lost to the body over a long period of time. This happens when iron-bound in the blood pigment hemoglobin is excreted faster than it can be replaced by a new intake.

Adequate intake of iron in food is very important. Inadequate utilization of iron should, therefore, be recognized at an early stage and compensated accordingly.


Anemic Blood Cells

Why is iron essential for our body?

Iron performs important key functions in the human body: it not only ensures smooth oxygen transport from the lungs to the cells but also plays a crucial role in energy metabolism. Because iron is significantly involved in the formation of the cell energy source ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which supplies the body's cells with energy. A sufficient supply of iron contributes significantly to your performance and health and is therefore of the utmost importance for the human organism.

What causes iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency disease worldwide: around two billion people are affected. This high number is explained not least by the various causes that can be responsible for the lack of iron:

  1. Insufficient intake of ferrous food.
  2. Excessive iron loss due to prolonged chronic bleeding.
  3. Diseases that lead to reduced iron absorption (e.g. Crohn's disease).
  4. Menstruation in women.
  5. Indigestion.

Certain physical changes can also increase the iron requirement: women need almost 100% more iron during pregnancy. The need is also significantly increased during breastfeeding, in the growth phase of children and with regular blood donors.

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

If there is too little iron in the blood, the body tissues cannot get enough oxygen and the energy metabolism only works to a limited extent. Typical symptoms are mainly weaknesses in the body:

  1. Paleness.
  2. Brittle nails and hair.
  3. Difficulties swallowing.
  4. Headache.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Shortness of breath.
  7. Learning and concentration difficulties.
  8. Mental instability.
  9. Fatigue and listlessness.

How is iron deficiency related to inflammation?
  Hepcidin was discovered in 2000 and was called the "Master Regulator" of iron metabolism.  It is the gatekeeper for letting iron in and out of the cells.  Hepcidin affects the following key processes related to iron metabolism: In 2000, scientists discovered a compound called hepcidin, and deemed it the “Master Regulator” of iron metabolism. Essentially, hepcidin controls whether iron can get into and out of cells (via ferroportin, the main channel for iron flux into and out of cells).   This affects a few key processes related to iron metabolism:  
  • Iron absorption from the digestive tract
  • Iron recycling from damaged cells
  • Utilization of iron from ferritin stores
  Hepcidin levels rise when circulating iron levels are high.  When this happens iron absorption from food decreases, which in turn, lowers the amount of recycled iron in your system.  This causes ferritin to levels to increases thus protecting the body from an overload of iron.   Inflammation causes hepcidin production to rise, this is good because it creates a defense against organisms that can produce diseases.  These organisms, just like us, rely on iron to survive.  Our bodies amazing response to this is by releasing more hepcidin and removing iron from our blood stream.  In this way the organisms that cause diseases can not survive.  This results in an increase in ferritin since ferritin is the storage form of iron.     Ferritin is usually a good measure of overall iron status, but in the presence of inflammation, it functions as an immune response, not as a marker of iron status.     How to measure inflammation   Lab Me uses highly sensitive c-reactive protein called hs-CRP.    We measure hsCRP because it is a highly stable marker of inflammation compared other frequently measured inflammatory markers and the research around hs-CRP and lifestyle based diseases is substantial.   It also spikes from working out but will return to normal within 72 hours.

Poor diet & lifestyle - as well as - hormone based birth control, autoimmune disease and obesity can also cause high levels.
How can I test & track my iron levels from home?

Lab Me's Athletic Overload at home blood test allows you to test, track and monitor:   Ferritin
Glucose.   Whether you are a sprinter or concerned about your iron blood metabolism – the Lab Me Overload Health Test is the ultimate in iron metabolism testing.

You can also find hs-CRP and hbA1C in our Lab Me Baseline and Executive Testing.  Both of these are more focused around lifestyle based diseases rather than just iron metabolism.



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Vitamin B12, (Part 2) - Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that we have to take in through our food. According to the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), the recommended daily intake is 4 µg. Since this vitamin is only found in foods of animal origin, vegetarians and vegans in particular have an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, due to the complex absorption mechanism of the vitamin, which we described in our previous vitamin B12 article, non-vegetarians are also often affected. There are many reasons for a deficiency and the health consequences can be just as far-reaching. In this article you will learn more about the causes and symptoms of a B12 deficiency.

This article describes the risks, symptoms, and causes of deficiency. If you want to learn more about absorption, take a look at part 1 of our vitamin B12 series.

Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Low intake

A vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by low intake, decreased absorption or an increased need. A low intake that leads to inadequate B12 levels can occur in particular with a vegan or plant-based diet. Since B12 is the only nutrient found exclusively in animal foods, vegans are strongly recommended to regularly take a dietary supplement or consume fortified foods. Vegetarians who rarely consume dairy products or eggs can also benefit from a vitamin B12 supplement. In short, dietary supplements and fortified foods are the only reliable alternatives to animal foods.

Our liver can store excess B12, and the liver stores are sufficient for about a year. This means that vegans have to start taking B12 supplementation after a year at the latest.

There can also be a nutritional deficiency due to malnutrition, especially in risk groups such as the elderly. Those with anorexia or chronic alcoholism also run the risk of not getting enough B vitamins.

Increased need

Pregnant and breastfeeding women have a higher need for vitamin B12. You need about 4.5 or 5.5 µg daily to support the growth of your baby. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers on a vegan diet in particular can risk symptoms of deficiency in their infants if they do not meet their nutritional needs. Mothers who do not include enough B12-containing foods in their diet should take a dietary supplement.

Poor digestion

While some people consume enough foods rich in vitamin B12, they are still prone to deficiency because their digestive systems cannot properly absorb the suppliment. There are many causes for this problem that can be divided into two categories. On the one hand, food can no longer be broken down and digested properly due to maldigestion and, on the other hand, malabsorption means that nutrients in the intestine can no longer be properly absorbed. Both types of indigestion can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.


Natural vitamin B12 found in food sources is bound to proteins. In order for the vitamin to be transported and absorbed in the intestine, however, our body must first detach it from the proteins. Since stomach acid helps break down the B12-protein bonds, decreased stomach acid production can interfere with the complete digestion of foods rich in B12. In addition, pancreatic enzymes help break down and transport vitamin B12 from food. Accordingly, a reduced pancreatic function can also lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Fortunately, vitamin B12 in dietary supplements and fortified foods is not bound to proteins and can usually be absorbed without any problems despite maldigestion.


In order for the vitamine to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestines, a protein called intrinsic factor (IF) is required. This protein is produced in the stomach and binds to vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 can only be recognized and absorbed through this IF-B12 complex.

Malabsorption of occurs in some people who are unable to produce enough IF. Inflammation in the small intestine can cause malabsorption by reducing the area of ​​absorption. This is often the case in people who have inflammatory diseases such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease. Operations on the stomach or small intestine can also reduce the absorption of by reducing IF production or the absorption area.

In contrast to maldigestion, a dietary supplement can unfortunately not help with an absorption disorder. Instead, an intramuscular injection given by the doctor can ensure the supply of vitamin B12.


How Vitamin B12 Deficiency Affects the Body
How Vitamin B12 Deficiency Affects the Body

Low levels can lead to a variety of symptoms, depending on their severity. However, many symptoms take a long time to show up. In order to avoid permanent damage, it is therefore important to intervene early and remedy the cause of the deficiency.

If left untreated, deficiency can cause what is known as megaloblastic anemia. Anemia is a disease in which the blood cannot carry enough oxygen and the total number of healthy red blood cells is reduced.

Symptoms of megaloblastic anemia include:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Low appetite
  3. Weakness
  4. Headache
  5. Pale skin
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Constipation

In addition to anemia, a deficiency in can also cause neurological disorders. Signs of neurological damage are seen in around 20-30% of patients with vitamin B12 deficiency. The symptoms can occur independently of anemia.

Symptoms from neurological damage include:

  1. Reduced cognitive performance.
  2. Apathy.
  3. Depressions.
  4. listlessness.
  5. Psychosis.
  6. Bad memory.
  7. Dementia.
  8. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

Children with a deficiency run the risk of impaired growth and cognitive development. Low levels are also linked to cognitive decline in the elderly. However, many of the symptoms of megaloblastic anemia and neurological damage are non-specific and can also be caused by conditions unrelated to deficiency.


Several population groups are at increased risk of deficiency:

Vegans and vegetarians, the elderly, people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, pregnant women and newborns.

It is important not to wait so long for symptoms to appear, but to take action beforehand. Check out the next article in our Vitamin B12 series to find out which foods are particularly high in B12 nd to read our detailed supplement guide.

If you are unsure of your vitamin B12 supply, a blood test is a good way to determine if you are at risk of deficiency. Routine checkups are especially important for those with Celiac disease and Crohn's disease.


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How Testing Your Blood Regularly Reveals Your Unique Internal Profile To Unlock Your True Potential

When testing your blood regularly you will get to know your body like never before.  You’ll understand what it needs, how your diet, lifestyle, training, supplements and medications are impacting your overall health and performance.

Build a personalized picture of how your body is responding to your diet, training, lifestyle adjustments and more.

Collecting multiple scientific data points around your health means that you and your healthcare provider can make better decisions, faster and an individually tailored approach to your health.  We believe that you should take control of your health and health data.

Testing your blood on a regular basis allows you to do just that. Lab Me makes it convenient, trust worthy and affordable.

Every human is different and mapping out your biomarkers over time can help you identify your personal normal. 

Then, you can accurately track your progress, looking internally at how your body is responding to modifications in your nutrition, lifestyle changes, exercise, medications, supplements and more.

Why do people self-track?

Some people want to self track out of curiosity, skepticism, desire for control, or motivation. 

If the concept of self-tracking is new to you here are some common motives for people when they start to self track biomarkers.  Testing your blood regularly helps by:

  • Increasing awareness of when or where something is happening so you can be more in control.
  • Learning about the frequency and intensity of a symptom such as pain, dizziness, cramps, or allergies, to support medical treatment.
  • Creative expression using your own data - changing diets for example.
  • Making progress in training for sports and fitness.
  • Pacing physical therapy and/or recovery from injury.
  • Determining if a medicine or treatment is working as intended.

How often should I test?

We recommend testing every three months to build up the most accurate picture of your own biomarker profile.

By testing your blood regularly you can see how your profile changes throughout the year and the impact of differing life situations (stressful events, medication or supplement changes, exercise, nutritional changes, sleep issues and more) on your internal health.

With our Lab Me subscription packages, you’ll be sent a test kit automatically every three months. All you need to do is complete the sampling, send it back and check your dashboard for your updated biomarker results and analysis.

Our experts will make suggestions to you based on your results but you have the freedom to change the frequency of the testing (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly) or cancel at any time.

What are the advantages of testing your blood regularly?

Your biomarker levels are unique, and vary between individuals. A variation outside of the ‘average’ biomarker reading may be insignificant for one person, or greatly significant for another. @labmeanalytics

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When you’re talking about lifestyle based diseases, marginal changes mean everything, this level of detail is important. 

The more regularly you test, the more accurate the picture of your performance and health, and the greater the ability to identify issues before they become serious problems.

Want to get started? Click here or on the image below to compare the different plans that Lab Me offers for those wanting to take control of their health and health data.

testing your blood

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What is HbA1c and what do my results mean?

HbA1c refers to glycated hemoglobin — the amount of glucose that's attached to hemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells). A HbA1c blood test is used as a way to measure your average blood sugar levels over the past three months. This can help indicate your risk of developing diabetes. A healthy lifestyle can help lower raised HbA1c levels.

What is HbA1c?

HbA1c refers to glycated haemoglobin — how much glucose is attached to haemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells). It's sometimes called haemoglobin A1c or just A1c.

When the sugar in your blood rises, it binds to haemoglobin (a protein) in your red blood cells. And because your red blood cells live for about three months, a HbA1c blood test can tell your average blood glucose (sugar) levels over the last three months.

What does a high HbA1c level mean?

A HbA1c test can help indicate your risk of developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Or if you have diabetes, a Hb1Ac test is a useful way to check how well you're controlling your blood sugar levels.

Symptoms of high HbA1c levels

If your HbA1c result indicates pre-diabetes, it's unlikely you'll have any symptoms. But if your HbA1c level indicates diabetes, some common symptoms include:

increased thirst

frequent urination


blurred vision

If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor.

Long-term, a high HbA1c result might lead to things like eye problems, kidney disease, and nerve damage.

With Lab Me you can keep an eye on your HbA1c easily and without needing to leave your home.

What can cause a high HbA1c level?

A number of things can cause high blood sugar levels and subsequently high HbA1c levels. These include:

being overweight

an unhealthy diet

lack of exercise

chronic stress

some medications — for example, steroids


How to lower your HbA1c level

There are simple ways to lower your HbA1c level, including:

exercising regularly

losing weight if you’re overweight

choosing carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index (GI) — examples of this include whole grains, pulses, some fruit and vegetables

avoiding processed foods high in trans and saturated fats and sugar

You can monitor your HB-A1C easily using the following Lab Me test kits:

Overload Health Test - Great for endurance athletes
Baseline Health Test - Excellent for heart, liver, & inflammation tracking
Executive Health Test - Also includes Vitamin D, cortisol & more

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What Is Lab Me Health Predictive Analytics?

Lab Me health predictive analytics, uses clinical research that has been clinically proven to help detect or predict diseases such as heart attack, heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.

Lab Me is constantly updating the platform to include more robust ways of analyzing data to inform you of potential threats to your health.

Using health focused predictive analytics and biomarker tracking, you and your healthcare professional can make faster, data driven decisions about your health.

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Interestingly enough, healthcare organizations face increasing pressure to achieve better care coordination and improve patient care outcomes. To accomplish these results, organizations are turning to predictive analytics.

Health statistics deals with the use of data and machine learning algorithms. Thereby, predicting the likelihood of future outcomes based on past data. However pitfalls do exist in the realm of health predictive analytics.

Which, I will cover in another topic.

Moreover, predictive analytics can be used in healthcare to “identify pain points throughout the stages of intake and care to improve both healthcare delivery and patient experience,”

Lauren Neal, a principal at Booz Allen Hamilton.

Finally, at Lab Me we are in a state of kaizen to lower health care costs, save time, travel and ultimately life. All by doing so from the comfort of your own home.

Lifestyle Based Diseases & Health Predictive Analytics

The way a person or group of people lives directly influences their health. Lifestyle diseases include atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke; obesity and type 2 diabetes; and diseases associated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. Regular physical activity helps prevent obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, and premature mortality.

We are working hard with our advisory team to continuously improve how we can better accomplish this.

If you want to see your risk for heart attack, heart disease, stroke or kidney failure - sign up for a Lab Me Executive Health test.

Using our medical grade blood testing, from the comfort of your home in will know within 48 hours of the lab - receiving the report. 

Moreover, kidney damage can easily be assessed using this test: Overload Health test.

Biomarker profiling to give you unparalleled insight into how your body works and respond.

Whether it be training, diets, supplements, medicines and/or lifestyle changes regular blood testing with lab me - will save you thousands.

In conclusions, don't waste money or times on things that aren't working for you internally.

To see is to know - to not see if to guess. So why would you guess with your health?

Don't put off today, what could put you or your family at risk for tomorrow.


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What Is Lab Me's Predictive Analytics?

Lab Me's predictive analytics, uses clinical research that has been clinically proven to help detect or predict diseases such as heart attack, heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.

Lab Me is constantly updating the platform to include more robust ways of analyzing data to inform you of potential threats to your health.

Using predictive analytics and biomarker tracking, you and your healthcare professional can make faster, data driven decisions about your health.

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Today’s healthcare organizations face increasing pressure to achieve better care coordination and improve patient care outcomes. To accomplish these results, organizations are turning to predictive analytics.

This area of statistics deals with the use of data and machine learning algorithms, predicting the likelihood of future outcomes based on past data. Predictive analytics can be used in healthcare to “identify pain points throughout the stages of intake and care to improve both healthcare delivery and patient experience,” says Lauren Neal, a principal at Booz Allen Hamilton.

Lab Me has a vision of being able to help lower US healthcare costs while allowing users to be able to spot early lifestyle diseases before they happen or while they are still easily managed.

Lifestyle Based Diseases & Predictive Analytics

Lifestyle based diseases are associated with the way a person or group of people lives. Lifestyle diseases include atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke; obesity and type 2 diabetes; and diseases associated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. Regular physical activity helps prevent obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, and premature mortality.

We are working hard with our advisory team to continuously improve how we can better accomplish this.

If you want to see your risk for heart attack, heart disease, stroke or kidney failure - sign up for a Lab Me Executive Health test - using our medical grade blood testing, from the comfort of your home. 

You can also quickly check if you have kidney damage using our Overload Health test.

Biomarker profiling to give you unparalleled insight into how your body works and responds to training, diets, supplements, medicines and lifestyle changes. 

Don't put off today, what could put you or your family at risk for tomorrow.

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Understanding Your Blood Test Results Using Your Dashboard

With Lab Me, understanding your blood test results using is easy with our intuitive dashboard design.

After you have purchased a test and your results are in. You will need to do the following:

You can click VIEW RESULTS at the top of the landing page

Or you can save time right now by clicking here.

Next, you need to RESET your password for security measures.

Once you are logged in you will be at your main dashboard. Depending on how many tests you have done will determine how much data shows. Here is a dashboard with two years of quarterly testing.

The Main Dashboard

Example Dashboard With 8 Tests - Quarterly Over 2 Years

At this screen you are able to quickly see an over view of all your tests with color coded bars. Red being tests that were "at risk", yellow indicate borderline results, and green for optimal or normal range results.

Also, this screen shows you a break down of your current test. Which tests were at risk, borderline, & optimal. With the value and percentage change from the previous test.

If you only have one test - no percentage change will appear.

The Reporting Portion Of The Dashboard

Understanding your blood test results using visualized tracking.

By clicking on "REPORT" on the left hand side menu - you will be able to see a detailed breakdown of each biomarker, graphical tracking, comparisons between your last two tests, information about that biomarker and specific information regarding your current test.

The blue pointers show you quickly the difference between your last two tests. The light blue pointer is your previous test and the dark pointer is your current test.

From here you can select "MORE" to the right hand side of the bar indicator. When you do so, you will be able to see the trend in that biomarker over time. This gives you powerful insight into how your body is responding.

You can scroll the comment box on the right to learn more about the biomarker and information regarding your current result.

Tracking your biomarkers over time is powerful. Just one test, randomly, doesn't tell you much. However, overtime (as you can see above) you start to notice trends telling you a much different story.

Noticing these trend early can be the difference between fixing a problem while it is small vs. a serious issue later in life. Understanding your blood test results with Lab Me allows you to do this affordably and from your own home.

When testing your blood regularly you will get to know your body like never before.  You’ll understand what it needs, how your diet, lifestyle, training, supplements and medications are impacting your overall health and performance.

Build a personalized picture of how your body is responding to your diet, training, lifestyle adjustments and more.

With Lab Me Analytics

Collecting multiple scientific data points around your health means that you and your healthcare provider can make better decisions, faster and an individually tailored approach to your health.  We believe that you should take control of your health and health data.

[Read More About Why Regular Blood Testing Is Important Here]

Get A Free Look At Our Dashboard

Want a guided walkthrough of the dashboard shown above? We won't call you or give you a demo - you can simply log in and have a browse around for yourself.

Understanding your blood test results has never been easier.

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What Does GGT Mean, Find 2 latest reasons, And What Are The Normal Ranges?

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) is usually the first liver enzyme to rise in the blood when any of the bile ducts that carry bile from the liver to the intestines become obstructed, for example, by tumours or stones. This makes it the most sensitive liver enzyme test for detecting bile duct problems.

 How is the GGT test used?

The gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) test may determine the cause of elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP). ALP and GGT are elevated in diseases of the bile ducts and some liver diseases, but only ALP will be elevated in bone diseases. Therefore, if the GGT level is normal in a person with a high ALP, the cause of the elevated ALP is a most likely bone disease.

The GGT test is sometimes used to help detect liver disease and bile duct obstructions. It is usually ordered in conjunction with or as a follow-up to other liver tests such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), ALP, and bilirubin. (Read also about the Liver Panel.) In general, an increased GGT level indicates that the liver is being damaged but does not specifically point to a condition that may be causing the injury.

GGT can be used to screen for chronic alcohol abuse (it will be elevated in about 75% of chronic drinkers) and to monitor for alcohol use and abuse in people receiving treatment for alcoholism or alcoholic hepatitis.

Interestingly, when looked at with low HDL, it can signal non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

What does the GGT test result mean? 

An elevated GGT level suggests that a condition or disease is damaging the liver but does not specifically indicate the damage's cause. In general, the higher the level, the greater the damage to the liver. Elevated levels may be due to liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis. Still, they may also be due to other conditions, such as congestive heart failure, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or pancreatitis. They may also be caused by alcohol abuse, alcoholic liver disease, or the use of drugs that are toxic to the liver.

A low or normal GGT test result indicates that it is unlikely that you have liver disease or have consumed any alcohol.

If you are a drinker, there is good news.  Over time, your GGT level will fall from whatever level you were when you stopped drinking alcohol to within the normal range. This can take several weeks to more than a month. Abstaining from alcohol will decrease your chances of further damaging your liver and should allow your liver function to improve.

Summary of GGT

What is gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase?

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme found mainly in your liver. A GGT test is used to check for liver damage or disease signs.

What is its function?

GGT plays a key role in breaking down drugs and toxins.

What can cause it to change?

High levels can be a sign of liver damage or disease.

Excessive alcohol consumption will most likely cause your GGT levels to increase. Some drugs, including antibiotics and NSAIDs like ibuprofen, can also increase your levels.

What are the most common symptoms?

If your normal GGT levels are high as a result of liver damage, common symptoms include:

jaundice — yellow skin and eyes

nausea and vomiting


unexplained weight loss


swelling around your eyes, stomach, or legs

What can I do to change them?

What can you do about it right now?

To prevent high levels caused by liver damage, avoid too much:

Saturated and trans fats — like fried foods, red meat, cakes, pastries, and cream

refined carbohydrates — like white bread and white pasta

added sugars — like fruit juices, fizzy drinks, and sweets

salt — like frozen foods, salted nuts, and smoked or cured meats

alcohol — limit to 14 units a week (equivalent to about 6 pints or 7 medium-sized glasses of wine)

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is part of our Crucial test

Test it now
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Heart & Liver

Crucial Health Test

Test looks at your cholesterol, liver & other lipids to help you monitor both your cardiovascular & liver health. It includes all lipid markers & GGT.
 / Test
Comprehensive Health Test

Complete Blood Count

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 / Test

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