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What Your Blood Test Has To Say About You
As we all know that misguiding or misleading test results have become common diagnostic blunders these days. To get the most of lab tests, you should know actually what test results have to say about your body. One of the major troubles are when you don’t know how to determine which results are normal and which are not. Another problem is when you don’t know how to use the test properly and what are its limitations. You have to stay ahead with advances in testing and evidence base. Failing to do so means you to end up with poor, outdated and inaccurate test results. For getting complete insight to the blood test report, we must understand the complex terms and their meanings. But first we need to understand exactly how blood work is done and how it works. What Your Blood Test Has to Say about You? Fig- What Your Blood Test Has to Say about You   Blood work or blood test shows what is happening in our blood, and in our body. Blood also shows changes in our bodies that we cannot see from outside, for example, nutrition status or blood sugar levels. Hence, blood test helps determine your overall health. It gives more detailed and accurate insight to wellness than just thinking that you are feeling fat today or you had some veggies last night.  

How is Blood Test performed?

First of all, blood samples are collected from –
  •         Your fingertip (capillary skin puncture)
  •         Blood from your artery
  •         Dried blood samples
  •         Blood from your vein
  •         Bone marrow

What happens after collecting blood samples?

Fig 2- What happens after collecting blood samples?   Blood is placed in a centrifuge and spun until it gets separated and is tested in a lab. Then, test results are compared to reference range, which determines expected values of each test which is listed. In lab test, expected ranges consist of 95% of healthy population. Around 95% of healthy people would have values recorded in those ranges. According to the lab, type of blood, and region (EU or US), range varies. The readings below or above this range of reference can give important insight to diagnose your body. Especially, low and high values are of great help in context with lifestyle, symptoms, and tests.  

Changes in Ranges and Results

Lab test values vary from person to person and it should be assessed based on different factors. Reference ranges of blood tests are established once you test a lot of healthy people. But blood analysis is subject to change on different people on the basis of –
  •         Posture
  •         Time of year
  •         Drink/food consumption
  •         Stress level
  •         Alcohol
  •         Supplement/medication use
  •         Smoking
  •         General tests
  •         Physical activity

Lab Test Organization

First of all, let’s wait for a while and determine why you need to go for blood work. In simple words, our blood works as both, waste removal system and a means to pump up oxygen in our body. Our organs in the body like kidney, liver, lungs, heart, etc. work as our processing parts. On a lab report, normal values usually indicate the function of healthy organ and that such systems are doing well. Even though the kidney test values which are off range don’t always mean that the person has imminent disease. Testing a large number of healthy people show up a normal range of each test. But there are certain factors which may affect those ranges for each person, including age, weight, gender, medicines, medical history, and lifestyle factors. So, it’s your doctor who can tell what is normal in your body. Usually a blood sample is collected for routine checkup with three different tests – a complete metabolic range, blood count, and lipid profile or panel. These types of tests can show up a lot of specific outcomes. Rather than grouping results in three tests, a lot of reports just show up a column of results in Test Name section. To gain better insight of your lab report, it is always wise to know the inter-connection of test results. Here are some of the common terms used in blood tests and some of the common results under each section.  

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

The list of items in “Test Name” column features the results of Complete Blood Count or CBC. It is focused on the health of three different types of blood cells, including white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets, by determining their size, amounts, and volume and other things. It is a wide tool for screening which is helpful for doctors to identify allergies and infections, or to diagnose possible conditions and diseases like leukemia and anemia. Here are some of the items measured in CBC –  

Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

These types of blood cells are often listed next on the report. Red Blood Cells pump oxygen to our body tissues. If reports show high Red Blood Cell counts, it means you have heart disease, kidney problem, or dehydration. Low RBC is the symptom of lack of nutrition, anemia, damage of bone marrow or kidney disease. And smoking is the main cause behind damage of RBCs. So, it’s time for smokers to grab nicotine gums, e-cigarettes, and other alternatives.

White Blood Cells (WBC)

It is probably the first test which shows the number of White Blood Cells, also known as leukocytes. These blood cells play a vital role in our immune system. When you have allergic reaction or any kind of infection, our body naturally releases more White Blood Cells than normal. There are five different types of WBCs. But these are listed at the common of results in many blood test lab reports.

Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH), Mean Corpuscular Value (MCV)

These blood group test results are usually featured under RBC as they further test overall functioning of red blood cells and health status. Red Blood Cells contain a protein “Hemoglobin” which transfers oxygen to the body. It is measured in the body to figure out if tissues and organs are getting enough of oxygen. On the other side, Hematocrit results have the volume of blood from red blood cells to figure out if RBC count is too low or too high. Blood cells are also known as corpuscles to measure the average RBC size with mean corpuscular value. If RBC is of unusual size, it shows the symptom of anemia or lack of vitamin B12. The average amount of hemoglobin in RBC is measured in mean corpuscular hemoglobin. It is also evaluated on the basis of MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) to measure average hemoglobin percentage in RBCs.

Mean Platelet Value (MPV) and Platelets

Next in the list are these two tests. Platelets are blood cell fragments. They are important to heal injuries and wounds and form blood clots to avoid excessive bleeding. When platelet count goes below the level of 150,000 platelets per mcL (microliter), it causes excessive bleeding. If platelet count goes above 400,000 platelets per microliter, there is a risk of blood clots. Hence, platelet value measures the average platelets and can show up subtle problems when there are normal platelet counts. Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, Neutrophils, and Monocytes These are actually the types of white blood cells and their results usually appear under the list of RBC results. The health and amount of such kinds of cells are ideal to know the allergies and infections. For instance, neutrophils work like EMT in your blood and they are a kind of immune cells which are some of the first at the infected area. Basophils are a kind of immune system which have small enzymes and particles released during asthma and allergic reactions.

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

When it comes to metabolism, we think of lots of dietary books and number on the scale. But this type of test clarifies something more than the metabolism and chemical balance of the body. Metabolism covers all the chemical and physical processes of the body which use or convert energy (for ex, controlling temperature of body, breathing etc.). CMP also details the information about electrolytes of the body, minerals in the blood which influence water in the body, muscle function, and acidity level in the blood. For CMP, some of the electrolytes tested are chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Along with it, the CMP also measures the chemicals and substances, including albumin, bilirubin, and creatinine. Hemoglobin breakdown often causes bilirubin. It is commonly found in blood and bile and most of it could be the sign of jaundice. The common protein which is found in blood plasma, Albumin is a yellowish, clear fluid of the body which consists of blood cells. Low levels of albumin are the sign of inflammation, malnutrition, kidney and liver problems. Finally, creatinine is a chemical waste produced by creatine, which carries energy and transfers it to muscles. It can help crush weight lifting. Creatine is a common supplement but creatinine is filtered off the body through kidneys. Kidneys may work worse if creatinine levels are elevated.

Do you feel starving all the time?

The fasting glucose test is another most common type of CMP test. You cannot eat for up to 8 hours before this test. Glucose is the major source of energy in your body. It is simply the sugar produced by the body from carbohydrates. Even a pancake can affect the results. If you want to skip hunger rage in the afternoons, which is natural, it is best to schedule your blood sugar test in the morning. Unusual glucose levels can be the symptom of diabetes.

Lipid test

It’s not about fat talk, but rather about your fat (lipid) in the body. All body fats are not bad, just like fat on your food. Lipids can be used for energy after breaking down. Lipid panel covers the tests to determine two types of fat found in your blood – triglycerides and cholesterol. Triglycerides are actually an important part of fat made in your liver. If you don’t know what is affecting triglyceride in your body, simply remove the dietary hazards off your routine – fat, sugar, and alcohol. But levels of triglyceride can be high due to liver problem, thyroid, and genetic issues. High triglyceride levels indicate higher risk of blood vessel and heart diseases. HDL and LDL are two different types of cholesterol. HDL or High Density Lipoprotein takes additional cholesterol to the liver from blood to remove it. Hence, it is known to be healthy or good cholesterol. High amount of HDL cholesterol is important and it can reduce the risk of heart disease. On the other side, Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol is fat moves cholesterol to body parts for cellular repair. But it also leaves fat deposits in the artery walls. Hence, it is also known as bad cholesterol. Increased LDL cholesterol is bad for your health as it elevates the risk of blood vessel and heart disease, such as coronary artery disease. It is important to maintain the ideal balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol levels and healthy level of triglycerides to support your heart.

How to avoid confusions in blood test work?

If you are still confused with your blood work, don’t worry! We have the best solution to interpret your blood test. LAB.ME is the best solution which scans your lab report. It works on machine intelligence technology which detects numbers and letters on your lab result. Then, it will do the magic. It will analyze, encrypt, and graph your results quickly and can indicate if you are at health risk. Also it adds great flexibility and removes complexity. It enables third party apps to access and integrate with machine code seamlessly and quickly.

How Does LAB ME Work?

LAB.ME is a mobile app which provides health tips and recommendations according to your lab test results. It analyses you report and gives simple and layman-friendly information about your tests just like a doctor and also teaches you about optimal ranges and what you can do to get into the right range. We are revolutionizing the way we look at blood test results with deep analysis using artificial intelligence, deep learning, and detailed information of lab tests. We are known to be the best digital blood analysis tool on the market which gives science-based, accurate information about your personal results. Standard lab test work is based on common ranges which will tell you whether you are sick or not. This app has been designed after hours of analysis and research to know the right ranges for individual health.

How to Interpret Blood Test Results Quickly?

Even if you are an athlete or a CrossFit champion, you definitely should be doing regular checkups. The huge lists of typical medical terms that often mislead us on blood test results don’t make sense at all. These are all are the part of almost all routine checkups. At the end, you just Google these terms like bilirubin, basophils and what not.   Along with this clutter of terms, design of iron blood test result is completely dull. Leave wonderful makeovers alone, we can’t even decode administrative-looking and technical documents. Don’t worry, there is a solution to help you learn about your bun blood test outcomes. Lab ME app has more than just a complete collection of all these technical terms. In addition, it gives basic information better sense of information from a typical report in a comprehensive and organized manner to interpret it with peace of mind. This app can help interpret the allergy blood test report for you to have better knowledge of what those terms mean to you. It is very vital to know blood test results so one can explain the decisions of you or your doctors to take precautionary measures. Here’s how you can interpret your blood test results and get it explained.
First of all, keep in mind that is a non-commercial portal (no ads and no needs to purchase license etc.). Secondly, we take your data very seriously.  With military grade encryption we keep your data completely anonymous. We do not store your personal details on our system with your blood work. So, if subpoenaed, we have nothing to give them.
We strongly recommend you to consult with your doctor also. Your doctor specializes in this field who can better interpret your blood test results. They may find something noticeable in your report that you either didn’t know was important or simply ignored. No matter whatever the case is, this source is great. You should talk to your physician with more understanding and background details when you have the discussions. You may also have some better questions to discuss with your doctor. It is very vital to understand blood test results and interpret them. Lab Me has accurate information to help you determine blood test reports that you get from the lab. Download the app now for complete blood test analysis. Ref:  
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Cholesterol's 15 Common Myths You Need To Stop Believing Today
cholesterol at-home lab testing common myths

What's that? Cholesterol isn't a dirty word? Maybe that stick of butter in your coffee isn't so bad after all.

According to a survey by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) in the US, around 76% of Americans claimed they had checked their cholesterol level at least once in the last five years.

Despite the similarity, patients are severely misguided about what the cholesterol test results mean to them. Most of them are not even getting accurate results at all.

76% of Americans claimed they had checked their cholesterol level at least once in the last five years.|


Wait, What's That All Mean?

For example, you know almost nothing about your health status with a total cholesterol test. You must know the amount of low-density lipoprotein and high-density cholesterol numbers and the size of LDL cholesterol particles.

Are we getting confused? You're not alone! It has always been a matter of suspicion behind heart disease for decades by the media, and most of us have cut all high-cholesterol foods strictly (no matter how healthy, nutritious and vital they were for our bodies) from our diets.

Many people started looking for cholesterol-controlling statin medicines as prescribed by their physicians. At least one in four Americans above 45 take those medicines, despite their huge list of effectiveness and side effects. But the question remains the same. Is it the matter of concern?

Is cholesterol the culprit, which is eventually blocking your arteries and taking you to a threatening condition of stroke? For most people, the answer is obviously no. So, let's discuss some of the most common myths behind cholesterol busted once and for all.

Common Cholesterol Myths Uncovered!

  1.       All Types of Cholesterols are bad.

Cholesterol is not bad at all. It is centre stage of the great cholesterol myth. Your liver wouldn't be able to produce it much if it were bad. Most of us don't know that our liver generates over 3-quarters of cholesterol in the body. This is why it is important. Most of the healthiest diets contain cholesterol in their foods in the form of saturated fats. Since the early 1950s, it has been a scapegoat with the arrival of wrongful research by Ancel Keys.

Cholesterol helps our body in different ways in overall functioning. It plays a vital role in controlling the protein pathways which signal the cells and other processes of cells.

It has already been evident that cholesterol plays a vital role in the membranes of the cell. But it is also known to interact with proteins in the cells, adding up even more value. Your body consists of trillions of cells which should get in touch with one another.

Cholesterol is among those molecules which promote such kind of interactions to happen. For instance, it is supposed to be the ancestor of bile acids. Your digestive system may not work properly without proper amounts of cholesterol.

It is also vital for our brain, which holds up to 25% of the cholesterol found in the body. Connecting neurons is vital, which are helpful in thinking, building memories, and learning something new in day-to-day life.

HDL is good cholesterol.  Think "happy" for the H.  LDL is the bad cholesterol.  


  1.       Bad Eating Habits are the Main Cause of High Cholesterol

This is another cholesterol myth. Diet is not the only factor in cholesterol levels. Instead, it can be hereditary. Our liver is made to filter extra cholesterol from our bodies. Genetics also play a vital role in our liver's ability to control cholesterol to a healthy range. Let's take an example of genetic familial hypercholesterolemia in people. In this condition, cholesterol levels go abnormally high, which may resist lifestyle strategies like exercise and diet.

Having healthy cholesterol-laden foods isn't something you should relate to your guilt. They are good for your body. Also, they will not increase cholesterol levels as you may have suggested. Only around 20% of cholesterol levels in your blood come from the diet.

According to a survey conducted among adults in South Carolina, there is no connection between blood cholesterol and with poor diets, such as animal fats, red meat, eggs, butter, bacon, whole milk, cheese and sausage.

If cholesterol in your food still haunts you, the recently released US Dietary Guidelines in 2015 say something else. According to previous guidelines, people should eat only around 300mg of cholesterol-rich foods. Per day, despite having strong pieces of evidence that it's not the major culprit behind cholesterol levels in the body.

Finally, the recent guidelines refused misleading information and even suggested egg yolks as the main sources of protein. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) has suggested the long overdue change, which acknowledged what science defines, i.e. cholesterol is not the matter of concern behind overeating.

  1.       Healthy Cholesterol Level of Everyone Must be the Same

Healthy cholesterol level varies from person to person. No matter what the doctor tells you, there is no scientific evidence that the total cholesterol of everyone must not cross the level of 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter), and LDL must be below 100 mg/dL. In addition, it will not tell much about the risk of heart disease. If you are diagnosed with too high cholesterol based on lipid profile, you should get more detailed info, especially when you have a family history of cardiovascular disease. Initially, you can ask for LipoProfile NMR, which focuses on small LDL cholesterol particles.

Large LDL cholesterol particles are not that toxic. Only a small density of LDL particles can cause a problem, as they can squeeze through arteries. They can cause inflammation and damage if they oxidize. National Lipid Association (NLA) and other groups are moving their focus to LDL numbers rather than LDL and total cholesterol to determine the risk of heart disease. But it is still yet to reach the mainstream. Along with it, these tests can give a better check up of the risk of heart disease than the total level of cholesterol –

HDL/CholesterolHDL cholesterol levels are a very potent risk factor for heart disease. HDL level should be divided by total cholesterol. It should be around 24%.

Triglyceride/HDL – Do the same with your HDL and triglyceride ratio. Be sure the percentage is around 2.

Fasting insulin level – Any snack or meal rich in carbohydrates like refined grains and fructose generates a huge spike in blood glucose level and insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

Insulin released by consuming too many carbohydrates increases fat deposits and makes it even harder for your body to lose weight. Especially your belly fat plays a vital role in heart disease.

Fasting blood sugar level - According to the studies, people with around 100 to 125 mg/dL of fasting blood sugar level had up to 300% risk of coronary heart disease compared to those with levels under 79 mg/dL.

Comprehensive Guide To Testing Cholesterol Levels [2021]

Iron level - Iron is supposed to be very intense oxidative stress. If you have a high level of iron in the body, blood vessels can be damaged, and there is increased risk of heart disease. As a general rule, you need to keep track of ferritin levels and be sure that they are not high over 80 ng/ml. You can donate your blood to lower them if they are increased. There may be therapeutic phlebotomy if it is not possible, and it will effectively remove the excess iron from the body.

  1.       Kids Cannot Have High Levels of Cholesterol.

It is common for kids to have high cholesterol levels, especially because of liver problems due to which the liver cannot remove extra cholesterol from your body. Lifestyle changes like controlling sugar consumption, exercise, and eating unprocessed foods can help healthy control levels.

  1.       Margarine is Better than Butter for Controlling Cholesterol Levels

Especially raw and organic butter from cows fed with grass, butter is a range of nourishing fats and nutrition. According to the research, butter may have both long and short-term benefits to our health. According to a Swedish study, fat levels in the blood are lower after having a meal loaded with butter than eating a meal high in canola oil, olive oil and flaxseed oil.

In addition, having omega-6 polyunsaturated fats (margarine) instead of saturated animal fats is associated with a high risk of death among patients suffering from heart disease. Taking margarine is the exact opposite of your body's needs for heart health. Saturated fats are supposed to benefit our body with HD6s

The latter is not that bad either, as it is confirmed that having saturated fats can raise the levels of fluffy LDL cholesterol particles, which doesn't cause heart disease. But increasing saturated fat consumption may even turn dense, a small level of LDL into large and fluffy LDL levels. On the other side, margarine has synthetic trans fat, the worst artificial fat,2 which increases dense, small LDL and risk of serious disease.

  1.       Cholesterol Drugs are Good for Heart Health

Drug manufacturer Eli Lilly in October 2015 stopped trial for Evacetrapib, a cholesterol-controlling drug. According to many people, drug which can lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL level would be another best cholesterol cure. Until 2016, results of study were presented at annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology which meant health professionals learned the dismal nature of study. Drug had almost no adverse impact on heart.

According to the New York Times, "Participants taking medicine had reduced LDL levels to 55 mg/dl from 84. The HDL levels of these participants rose to 104 mg/dL from 46. In comparison to 255 patients in group taking placebo, 256 people had heart attacks.

More than 92 patients had stroke who were taking the drug, in comparison to 95 in the group taking placebo. And 434 people taking this drug died of heart disease, including stroke or heart attack, in comparison to 444 people taking placebo."

According to Dr. Steven Nissen at Cleveland Clinic, "These studies are known to be wake up calls for many of us." It is indeed not the first time a cholesterol-controlling drug has been found to be useless.

  1.       Statins are Good for Your Heart

There are certain evidences that claim that statins may be unhealthy to your heart health and are only be effective because of statistical deception. According to a report in Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, statin advocates used relative risk reduction (RRR), a statistical tool to control the trivial beneficial effects of statins.

When it comes to absolute risk, statin drugs are beneficial to only 1% of population. It doesn't look that amazing. So, relative risk is a different statistic which is used by statin supporters. Statins become good for around 30% to 50% of population suddenly.

According to George Mason University's STATS, "The best thing of relative risk is it tells nothing about the risk." Statins further deplete the body of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10), which is used for producing energy for every cell in the body and it is important for high energy levels, good health, overall quality of life and longevity.

The reduced form of CoQ10, ubiquinol is an important part of respiration of cells and production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is coenzyme used to carry energy to every cell of the body. If you think that heart is an organ which needs most oxygen in the body, you may be shocked how devastating its effects can be to deplete the main source of energy of your cells.

When one of the famous claims of statins is to reduce risk of heart disease, you are actually at high risk when you deplete the body of CoQ10. The depletion of CoQ10 is the reason why statins can cause acute heart failure. You should take CoQ10 as supplement if you are at statin drug. If you are above 40, you should take the reduced form of CoQ10 as it can be absorbed by the body more effectively.

  1.       Only Mens are at risk of High Cholesterol, not Women

To control cholesterol level in the body in normal range, women have high amount of estrogen levels. After menopause, there is no advantage of it. Women above 55 and men above 45 have higher risk of increased level of cholesterol.

  1.       You Cannot do Anything Much about High Cholesterol

Genetics surely play a vital role, but lifestyle and diet choices play a huge impact on high cholesterol levels. You should take preventive measures and be more careful to maintain normal level if your family have had high cholesterol in the past.

  1.    Medication is the Only Way to Lower Cholesterol Successfully

Once you know that you have high amount of cholesterol, you should investigate the matter. If you fix the cause frequently, your cholesterol will be back to normal. Lack of activity, poor diet, infection, physical stress like surgery, and mental stress are the common causes of high cholesterol level.

Another major misunderstanding that most people have is taking medication is enough and they don't have to exercise or do anything with their diet. Cholesterol medications can just help you control it's levels at a certain extent. You can get the most of your medication by making heart-healthy lifestyle choices and diet.

  1.    Food having "0 mg Cholesterol" is Heart Friendly

The Cholesterol level of this nutritional label is helpful in dietary cholesterol, which is one of the important things in food which can lead your cholesterol level to go up. Saturated food which is found in dairy food and animal fat and Trans fats in packaged goods seem to have a lot high effect on LDL, the bad cholesterol which is the cause of atherosclerosis. These are high cholesterol foods.

  1.    Cholesterol is Always Worst for Heart

When it comes to cholesterol, many people think bad of it. But reality is far more different. High cholesterol can be harmful but only cholesterol is not essentially harmful to functions of the body. Most people also confuse cholesterol with heart disease. The HDL and LDL lipoproteins carry it through bloodstream. Though LDLs are bad cholesterol levels, but they don't always cause atherosclerosis.

  1.    Low Cholesterol is Always Good

Usually, LDL cholesterol is healthy. But according to a new research, people who have cancer also have LDL cholesterol before diagnosis than those who are healthy. With low cholesterol, people are also vulnerable to several infections suffering longer and are more likely to die of infection.

  1.    There are no Common Signs of High Cholesterol

With high cholesterol, some people develop xanthomas, yellowish red bumps which may take place on joints, eyelids, hands or other body parts. People with familial hypercholesterolemia or diabetes are highly vulnerable to have xanthomas.

So, it is always wise to check your cholesterol level to find out if it is high, at the age of 20 years or if suggested by healthcare provider.

  1.    Skinny People Don't have to Worry About High Cholesterol

Cholesterol has nothing to do with thin, obese or in-between people. In fact everyone should check their cholesterol regularly. Overweight people may have high cholesterol by having fatty food too much, but skinny people who cannot gain weight should also control their diet and have good cholesterol foods.

[caption id="attachment_22346" align="aligncenter" width="605"]testing your cholesterol levels at home Test your liver and heart levels easily with the Baseline, Crucial or Executive (Female or Male).[/caption]

How Medications Can Affect Laboratory Test Results

Tips to Protect Your Heart

Here are some of our top suggestions if you want to improve your heart health without relying on any medication –

  •         Make a plan to avoid sugars and grains in your diet. It is very vital to avoid gluten-based sugars and grains like fructose.
  •         Eat as much raw food as you can. It is the best way to lower cholesterol.
  •         Be sure to get enough of animal-based high quality omega-3 acids like krill oil. According to a research, at least 500mg of krill oil per day can improve triglycerides and cholesterol and also improve good cholesterol levels.
  •         Refrain from hazardous vegetable Oils and Trans fats and adopt healthy oils like olive oil, avocado, butter, coconut oil and pastured eggs. Use coconut oil for baking and cooking, you can also use cold olive oil.
  •         Make your daily diet healthy with fermented foods. It will improve your intestinal micro-flora and also improve overall immunity. It will add healthy bacteria to your mouth which will help improve heart health.
  •         Improve your vitamin D intake, especially with proper sunbath as it can help body absorb vitamin D sulfate, which plays a vital role to avoid arterial plaque buildup.
  •         Be sure to add high intensity interval exercises to your routine and exercise regularly. It will help optimize the production of human growth hormone.
  •         Stay away from excessive alcohol and smoking.
  •         Get plenty of good sleep.
  •         Practice stress-management techniques regularly.

So, it's the best time for you to make health goals and follow the ones you have set earlier. And also make all the important changes to your life to finish this year as healthier and stronger you.


Download Lab Me Analytics Now & Track Your Blood Work Historically

Download Lab Me Analytics for complete blood test analysis. We have highly skilled professionals behind the scenes and this application works on machine intelligence algorithm to ensure 100% accuracy every time when you scan your test report. You can always rest assured with accurate interpretation of your blood test report.



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How Lab Me Is Secure To Understand Blood Test Results Effortlessly
Health tracking devices just show you what’s going on in your body externally.  For example, how many steps you took, how many hours you spent snoring, or your menstrual cycle.   On the other hand, blood tests give deeper insight than a wristband or mobile app could do yet when coupled with wearable the sum is greater than each part. As services and devices becoming easier to access, healthcare is finally moving from a doctor’s clinic to your hands. Thanks to the technological advances in blood testing such as Lab MeIt is true that most of us have had drawn their blood at some point, whether it was volunteering with Red Cross or due to doctor’s prescription. So you may know how it goes. Here's the guide, how to read and understand blood test results

Are you wondering what happens from the time needle pricks our arm to the time we get our results?

Reading blood test results is indeed a complex process. One has to store, collect, pack, transport, and to analyze the blood with very specific methods. Read on to learn everything about blood testing that you have ever wanted to know. What is Blood Test? Reading blood test results for diabetes reveal what our body is doing and they show what’s going in our blood. Our blood is packed with various substances like nutrients, proteins, and hormones. It needs fresh blood sample to analyze them. It is a very sterile and complicated process. Also, it needs advanced machinery and fancy tools at state-of-the-art labs. Normally, giving blood sample takes no more than 3 minutes. Some people may feel slight pain and bruising from needle just after blood draw.

Why Getting Blood Tests?

Reading blood test results for iron reveal whether health problems are being developed or you are at risk which would sometimes go unnoticed. It is very vital to stop or prevent disease in its tracks. Reading blood test results for hypothyroidism will also reveal the status of treatment if you use any kind of medication. It is important to keep track on your diseases. However, blood tests can also help you track quality of health.

Track Both, Disease And Health

We get blood tests results usually once a year during our health checkup. These are generic tests and focus only on limited biomarkers based on disease. This falls short to determine your health condition.

You Don’t Need To Be Sick To Feel Low

Even though you are totally fit and fine, you might still feel unfocused, tired, plateaued, slowed down, or burdened with a couple of extra pounds. It happens because your body is not optimized. So, it is important to check up your biomarkers related to cognitive and physical health. Also check performance to figure out whether you have optimal blood levels instead of normal, so that you can get the most of your potential.

Here’s What to Know about Blood

Our body has five liters of blood circulating all the time to help us survive and our body to work properly. Blood provides all the vital nutrients and oxygen to tissues and removes the wastage. More than 45% of blood includes red blood cells, and only 1% of them have platelets and white cells. Rest 55% of them are made of plasma, i.e. transparent yellowish fluid.
Our body has five liters of blood circulating all the time to help us survive and our body to work properly.

Each Substance Plays A Vital Role 

Plasma to nourish tissues – Plasma is a clear liquid in the blood which moves nutrients and water to the tissues of the body.
  •         92% of plasma holds water
  •         7% of plasma has proteins like clotting factors and antibodies
  •         Less than 1% has nutrients like sugar, hormones like insulin, and electrolytes like sodium
White blood cells prevent infection – White blood cells play a vital role in fighting infection and support our immune system. Red blood cells pump oxygen – Red blood cells carry hemoglobin, a protein carries out oxygen throughout the body and filters carbon dioxide off the body tissues. Platelets control blood clot – Platelets are small cells in the blood which are helpful in blood clot. They seal the cuts on the walls of blood vessels to control bleeding. There are different procedures and tests to analyze various blood substances. According to what is getting tested, you should prepare for blood test.

How to Prepare for Blood Test?

Special preparation is not recommended for all tests. But, some tests need fasting for up to 12 hours before drawing blood. Fasting makes blood test give better report about your baseline, natural blood levels. Substances from the food changes blood levels temporarily and can affect analysis. Sample taken without fasting give misleading outcomes. Consider skipping exercise for a day – Any kind of physical activity may also affect blood levels. So, you should refrain from being involved in any type of exercise for 24 hours before you get your blood drawn. But it is recommended to drink plenty of water during 24 hours. This helps blood to flow easily and smoothly while drawing it and you will feel less pain. Even three to five vials loaded are safe amount and unsubstantial out of 5 liters of blood circulating throughout the body. This way, they can have enough samples for backup if some samples are lost. It also prepares you for confirmatory tests which may be required after tests.

What You Need to Do?

When it comes to determine reliability and accuracy of blood test, it all depends on you. It is indeed a sample from the body, be it in the form of urine or blood on which the whole test will be done. Hence, you need to do these things to get the results helpful:
  •         Follow all the instructions carefully that you are given to prepare for the particular tests that are being performed.
  •         If you don’t know how to understand blood test results and instructions given, tell the person who is collecting the sample. Tell your doctor about any medications you are taking (i.e. vitamins, herbal medicines, and health and dietary supplements) or any foods that you have consumed before test.
In most of the blood tests, you don’t need any special preparation. Make sure that you follow all the instructions, if they are given for some tests. If you have any doubts, ask your doctor. The most common example of special tests which need some preparation is fasting, in which you have to go for test without consuming certain or all foods for several hours or even overnight. In some tests, you may want to lower or raise the amount of beverages you have in 10 to 12 hours before test. There are certain medications and foods you should avoid which you will be asked for, or you may be suggested not to smoke or drink alcohol before test.

Here Are Some Of The Common Blood Tests Which Need You To Prepare In Advance 

Glucose Tolerance – It is taken when you have to fast for several hours before taking samples. Serum lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) – You cannot eat overnight for this type of test. Faecal occult blood test – It is taken when you cannot take some medications and foods.

Why Do You Need Identification?

It is very important to confirm your identity for all types of pathology tests before letting someone to collect sample. Blood sample is labeled by the blood collector just after drawing blood with your accurate details (including date of birth and full name) before leaving your side. Before the blood sample is collected for testing, it is very vital for the person who is collecting your blood sample to ask you to spell or state your full name and date of birth. It is very important to ensure your safety. If you are with someone who cannot confirm identity like child or someone incapacitated, you need to verify your identity and provide their right details. Your identity band will be checked in a hospital setting to verify the right person. Collector may repeat details once your blood sample is collected when it comes to write on sample label and/or hand you the blood sample tube labeled to ensure that the date of birth written is right and spelling of your name is correct. It is the best way to ensure correct labeling of blood sample tube and to ensure your safety. If labeling of the blood sample is wrong, it would become important to take another blood test. Incorrectly labeled blood samples or altered samples are not accepted in most laboratories for conducting tests. It is important for your safety. Lab technicians ask your date of birth and full name to ensure safety of the patient before every test. Testing the Reliability of Pathology Tests

Precision and Accuracy

There are two different ways to assess the value of any test. First of all, test is done to figure out the right answer and to figure out whether the test is reproducible (ensuring it is giving same results every time). These are the ways of getting right answer (accuracy) and getting same result every time (precision).

References Ranges and Their Meaning

There are a lot of changes in humans like weight, height, and hair color. But there is a specific normal range. If height of a person is 8 feet, we all would say it as abnormal. These variations are often gender specific and ethnically. Chinese people usually have dark hair and men are usually taller than women. All of these tests measured in pathology labs have this range of values in normal population. Results of the tests used to diagnose the health conditional gradually go unusual and vary from normal range of changes in healthy adults. There may be gradual change from normal to abnormal and it may take several years. For example, levels of glucose increase eventually with diabetes in patients until diagnosed. It is hard to diagnose a disease due to slow change going to abnormal. It is known as the range of variation in the result that is found as reference range of reference interval in healthy population. Interpretation of a test compares the results of the person with normal or reference test for the test.

How to Determine Normal Range For Performing Test?

Defining healthy population is the first step to define reference range. It is not so easy to define what is healthy. The reference range is determined from specific set of outcomes in the group of healthy people. For a specific laboratory test, the reference range is defined as average value for the group of normal population with the variation across the value. Hence, the ranges quoted by labs represent the values in 95% of people in the chosen reference group. Even in normal population, the consequence of this method is that, a test result is out of the reference range in 5% cases. This is why ‘reference range’ is chosen over normal or average range. Reference interval is the term which replaces reference range. Whether your test result falls under the reference range of the laboratory or not, it should be considered in the context of personal situations and with benefit of your doctor’s knowhow of your personal and medical history, with results of other investigations that are performed.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Pathology laboratories undertake various formal processes to ensure getting the same results of testing samples no matter which labs or number of times sample is checked. These processes are of two different types –
  •         Internal Quality Control (IQC) – It determines how laboratory ensures they get same result on sample.
  •         External Quality Assessment or EQA – It ensures all labs test same sample to give same outcome.
Quality Assurance covers everything performed by the lab to ensure quality service for the users, including EQA and IQC. Laboratories analyze IQC materials every day which are similar to the sample with certain concentrations of substances like glucose and cholesterol to ensure getting the best results. If the expected result is not produced in these tests, testing process may have a problem. At the same time, no samples are released until technicians find the solution.

EQA schemes

EQA schemes are always the same but sample is sent to various laboratories to analyze the sample. It is important for all laboratories to get the same result on the sample. If they don’t, it is important to investigate the process of testing. Where a sample is analyzed doesn’t matter. It will always get same result as if it was tested in other lab. Independent non-commercial organizations manage the EQA schemes and submit the data on labs and test method can help labs to determine problems by analyzing performance with others through various testing methods. To ensure each step of the process is monitored (including sampling, requesting, reporting and analysis), laboratories conduct complete quality assurance to provide correct test results. Then reliable test results are generated and communicated to the concerned specialist on timely basis. The Quality Assurance program of each laboratory may not be infallible and it defines the staff competence requirements, monitoring, and equipment maintenance, and various standards of operations. Along with following in-house guidelines, professional organizations keep track on laboratories. Lab me tracks your blood work overtime giving you an extra layer of control and security over your blood work and the quality assurance associated.

How to Ensure Test is Valid and can Diagnose Disease?

Validation of blood sample refers to the evaluation and collection of data. It is clinically proven that process can deliver quality products consistently. Tests which are about to be used commonly should meet the criteria listed by CDC.

What is ACCE Framework?

ACCE framework was designed to evaluate genetic tests. But it applies to all forms of lab tests. There are four important factors to evaluate lab tests –
  •         Analyzing test ensures that it is able to measure the component of interest reliably and accurately along with its technical performance.
  •         Clinical validity shows that it can predict or detect the absence or presence of clinical disease which is accepted or predisposition.
  •         Social, ethical, and legal implications of test. It covers how test is promoted and how it explains the reason of test, false-positive incidents, or simply fast diagnosis.
The most common reason behind the failure of tests is they don’t meet the criteria. It's due to further exam which is supposed to be a poor indicator between the ones with and without illness. When test is evaluated in healthy adults and people having disease in advanced level, it may really work well. Some people will have disease in early stage to make it even harder (which is especially when it comes to detect the same), instead of the ones with disease in advanced stage who were used in comparisons earlier. It is where a lot of new tests cannot work. They are either positive in many people with false positive or negative in some people who have false negative (early stage illness) and they are often both. There are usually no tests which can recognize everyone with a condition while being negative in everyone without any condition. Some genetic tests come around this are best but both false negative and false positive tests are described. There are different reasons behind the failure of tests. It includes, being too hard to perform, too costly, too many interference, too unreliable, or looking for toxic chemical reagents.

How to test the reliability of Information?

Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM) has released important report in October 2013 and announced four main principles for pathology tests -

Does It Reflect The Actual Health Status Of The Body?

Simply speaking, you should find out if measurement in test tube reflects the reading in patient’s blood (or whatever tissue is getting checked. This type of test defines its analytical validity.

Does Test Result Have Any Important Relationship With The Concerned Disease?

Is the measurement normal in patients or abnormal with a specific illness? Is it possible to use the test result to predict that person may develop a specific disease? This phenomenon is known as clinical validity.

Can You Get To Know Other Details That Are Not Available With The Test Result?

Can a patient make a health decision on the basis of this test result which wouldn’t have been possible in any other way? If test result confirms something which is common and patient knows already, there is no important information in the test. This characteristic is known as clinical utility of the test.

Is This Test Justifiable To The Cost?

Is this test cost effective or useful enough for the patient? It is important for both patients and governments when it comes to decide the best test to pay for. But it really doesn’t make sense to keep non-accredited labs providing non-validated tests which don’t meet the above mentioned criteria. Also accredited labs providing non-validated tests is bad for society. However, Medicare doesn’t cover non-validated tests. There are different tests which meet the criteria given for specific patients but may not be covered. Hence, it is not enough to differentiate between non-validated and validated test. Such types of tests have some new tests which are not assessed yet for Medicare. Also they have some tests which are used for new genetic tests and rare diseases. Users may need to pay in full or the cost is often covered by the State Health Departments.
Use Lab Me For Blood Test Interpretations
According to what has been tested, you may get blood test reports within 3 to 7 days. You have to do nothing, if there's no disease found. After getting results, scan your report with Lab Me and its machine intelligence algorithm will make recommendations to improve your health by reading blood test results. It is a practical step for you to feel and live better.

A Much Simpler Option For Blood Test Results

Head over to our shop that shows the most popular tests & select one.  You can buy one off or you can subscribe and save - complete flexibility. We will order the MD to sign off on it electronically and send it to your doorstep within 2-3 days.  You can see how to perform it here. Then you mail it back and have easy to under blood work results in a matter of days.  No waiting rooms, no juggling appointments - no fasting (besides you sleeping). That's Lab Me. Ref:
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Why Choose Lab Me To Evaluate Your Blood Tests Instantly
Evaluate Your Blood Test Results Easily? "Artificial intelligence has incredible potential. Within the next couple of years, it will revolutionize every area of our life, including medicine. I am convinced that it will redesign healthcare completely – and for the better." -The Medical Futurist. at-home blood tests - Lab Me Analytics Fig: why you should go for Lab Me

So if you are looking for good lab test analysis software, here is why you should go for Lab Me.

  • Lab Me analyzer instantly explains your complex blood test result. I am using only a photo!
  • Using machine intelligence, Lab Me can help predict disease early.
  • You can instantly send that report to a licensed MD for a second opinion
  • You can track and compare all your blood work historically

So What's The Problem?

Lack of decentralized Storage

92% of people surveyed (100 people) had no idea where their old blood work was located. Less than 2% had access to all their historical blood data. One of the leading causes of death is medical malpractice which starts with the misinterpretation of lab results.

Corporate & Government Red-Tape

Getting end users to commit via their employer or government agency requires too many agreements. Time is of the essence, and health doesn't wait for policy. Individuals alone will drive decentralization, yet most rely on someone from above to initiate.

Doctor time

As the ageing population and medical costs are increasing, doctors have less time to focus on patients as individuals. Moreover, SEA has the world's lowest physician density (per 10,000 population), just above Africa. This is an issue since many patients have lifestyle-based diseases which need continuous monitoring. In addition, doctors don't have the brainpower to analyze every biomarker of every patient.

Historical tracking

Blood biomarkers fluctuate over time. How do you track improvement or lack thereof if you don't know where you are? It's nonsense to think you can get a snapshot of the day and have a complete picture of overall health.

Corporate Health

Corporations today all agree that employees' health is paramount to the success of the company's functioning. However, most of them lack a clean way to track and monitor the health of their employees.

Excel-based models

Many organizations realize the power of tracking the blood test results but rely on manual input and clunky old excel sheets. The churn rate is high because they are difficult to share and collaborate with. Also, it's too time-consuming for most patients to follow through on.

The Lab Me Solution

Decentralized Storage - being "end-user centric", Lab Me bypasses the red tape required by governments and large organizations and places the onus in the hands of users. Also, it provides a simple way to upload, store and analyze their blood work in seconds. Artificial Intelligence - it's already well known that AI is changing how the world works. AI in healthcare is no different. Our proprietary algorithms analyze massive amounts of biomarkers and patient data to forecast early disease, predict future disease and assist healthcare practitioners in making more robust healthcare treatment plans that are individual to the patient. Collaborative Modeling - allows users to share their dashboard with people inside their trusted network. Whether doctors, loved ones, or company managers - it's a simple click to get an overview of the users' progress.   Structured Data - we aggregate not only blood work but various other data points through integrations with common healthcare applications. This can include sleep, periods, mood, prescriptions and more. In addition, our computer vision allows users to track home devices such as blood glucose, pulse and pressure.

Why Use Lab Me Analytics?

Because Lab Me Analytics is a blood test analyzer which organizes, automates, and explains the complex laboratory tests of the patient to keep track of important information needed to evaluate your blood test results easily. Lab Me Analytics helps in exploring and understanding blood work results. It is a comprehensive solution for the history of reliable, efficient, and modern blood test results This application has been designed to help patients and doctors to spot early signs on lab reports that otherwise would have been missed.
Lab me creates a normal range for you, not a population.
The software displays the default units of measurement and reference ranges for each lab test procedure, generating a quantitative result. Along with reference ranges, the units of measurement used in the laboratory may vary according to Lab. With the help of this tool, you can easily adjust measurement and reference ranges units. Also, you can easily review and generate a lab test report which will interpret important results which are out of reference range or abnormal.

Lab Me Analytics vs Others

Lab Me Analytics Others
You can understand your blood tests by taking a photo of your lab report.   Excel-based models or manual input
Instantly get detailed predictive insights. No guarantee of accurate interpretation. Also limited access to reports within the plan
Lab Me works on machine intelligence technology for precision. Do not use machine intelligence.
We have connections with over 600 doctors for quick expert opinions. Do not integrate with telemed.


Hence, it is vital to determine the key information that should be obtained from lab analysis through an intelligent system like Lab Me Analytics. Get detailed cellular analysis with machine intelligence and various smart algorithms to improve productivity and efficiency. For more information, please visit All blood test reports will be in one place with 100% accuracy, affordable price, and minimum time spent. Moreover, you can try the power of Lab Me's analytical engine for no charge. Ref:
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The Simple Guide To Understanding Your Complete Blood Count

complete blood countYou have just finished your complete blood count and now you're left scratching your head.  What does it mean? It’s an enigma and it’s like that because the end user (yourself) was never in mind for understanding when it was created.

The complete blood count (CBC) is the world's most ordered test.  It allows Doctors to determine where things maybe going wrong or right.  Like looking at the different parts of a computer like the RAM, to help figure out what's going on.

You might get a CBC as part of your yearly check-up. Your doctor might also order it to:

  • Check for anemia or leukemia
  • See if you have another health issue or to explain symptoms like weakness, fever, bruising, or feeling tired
  • Keep an eye on a blood condition you already have
  • See how medications or treatments like chemotherapy are affecting your blood


The reference ranges - AKA “the normal” ranges - those have been around for decades and vary depending on the country and/or lab.  This is a concern since every person is an individual with a unique set of environmental, lifestyle, genetic and societal factors.

The other problem we see and will cover later is the historical tracking of blood work.  You'll notice the last two bullet points above require tracking. Most of the time you lose our blood work, forget were it was done, or the doctor doesn’t look at all of our blood test results historically.

Use lab me to automatically do this for you, from the comfort of your own home.  You can order an at-home complete blood count test by clicking here.  We are the first company in the USA to offer a complete blood count that you can do easily from home and with the same accuracy as going to any hospital or external lab.

In this article we are going to look at all those annoying abbreviations.  I will attempt to do this in a simple way that makes sense.

Download this as a pdf here.

The Players Of A Complete Blood Count

The suspects in this line up are as follows.  Real name followed by abbreviation:

  1. White blood count (WBC)
  2. Red blood cell count (RBC)
  3. Hematocrit (Hct)
  4. Hemoglobin (Hb or Hgb)
  5. Red blood cell indices:(mean corpuscular volume [MCV], mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration [MCHC]

So now you know the abbreviations - let's look at what each player actually represents within your complete blood count.

White Blood Count (WBC)

In your body you have five different types of white blood cells.  The WBC is looking at the total count of them. Consider it like an index of the white blood cells in your complete blood count.

It generally will give further evidence to the body having an infection, asthma or even cancer.  There are many medications that can affect this number as well.

Drugs that may produce low numbers include

  • Antimetabolites
  • Barbiturates
  • Antibiotics
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antithyroid drugs
  • Arsenicals
  • Antineoplastics
  • Cardiovascular drugs
  • Diuretics
  • Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Heavy metal intoxication 

The numbers that should cause worry are:

A WBC of less than 500 and the patient is at risk for a fatal infection.
A WBC over 30,000 indicates massive infection or a serious disease such as leukemia.

Now there are a few things that can also mask a high blood cell count.  One of them being corticosteroids. These drugs can lower the WBC thus making it look normal.  If you are using them, you need to inform your doctor to find out the best plan of action for getting a proper reading.

Quick Summary of WBC

So the normal ranges is between 4,500 to 10,000.  Simply put anything above suggests a massive infection or leukemia.  Anything below suggest that you are risk for an infection.

Red Blood Count (RBC)

These little guys carry oxygen around the body.  They also carry carbon dioxide to the lungs. Think of them as a delivery service.  

Now, higher than normal numbers with these guys suggest you:

  • live at higher altitudes
  • do endurance training
  • are a smoker

There is one disease that can cause high RBC’s.  It is called, Polycythemia Vera and it is a disease of unknown origin that results in an abnormal increase in red blood cells.

Drugs that raise your RBCs are:

Why are my RBCs low?

A lower than normal RBC can result from a number of causes, including:

  • Massive RBC loss, such as acute hemorrhage
  • Abnormal destruction of red blood cells
  • Lack of substances needed for RBC production
  • Chemotherapy or radiation side effects from treatment of bone marrow malignancies such as leukemia can result in bone marrow suppression.

The term "anemia" is a general term that refers to a decrease in red blood cells. Anemia can occur from either a decrease in the number of red blood cells, a decrease in the hemoglobin content, or both.

Quick Summary Of RBCs

When reviewing your complete blood count, the normal range for men is 5 million to 6 million cells/mcL; for women it is 4 million to 5 million cells/mcL.  Anything more is from high altitudes, smoking, heavy endurance training or Polycythemia Vera.

Anything below is anemia that can be due to various factors that need to be ruled out by your healthcare professional.

Learn More: Anemia Simplified (Short 1 min video).

Hematocrit (Hct) 

In your blood you have a liquid that serves as the carrier of all these little cellular machines (e.g. RBCs and WBC).  That carrier liquid is called plasma. When we look at the percentage of RBCs in the plasma we get our hematocrit.

Another way to look at it is, hematocrit is how much of your blood is made up of red blood cells (RBC).

Fun fact, If the RBC and the hemoglobin are both normal, it is possible to estimate the hematocrit as being approximately three times the hemoglobin. For example, a person whose hematocrit is 30% would have a hemoglobin of approximately 10 gm.

Hematocrit: critical low and high values:

  • A hematocrit of less than 15% can result in cardiac failure
  • A hematocrit of over 60% may result in spontaneous blood clotting

Quick Summary Of Hematocrit 

A low score on the range scale may be a sign that you have too little iron, the mineral that helps produce red blood cells.

A high score could mean you’re dehydrated or have another condition. The normal range for men is between 41% and 50%. For women the range is between 36% and 44%.


This molecule is like a box that holds the oxygen.  So if you remember our little delivery guys, the red blood cells (RBCs)? Well, they use these “boxes” to hold the oxygen from point A to B.  Let's have a look at the role they play in your complete blood count.

Learn More: Oxygen curves and hemoglobin video (1 min long)

So what can decrease it?

  • Blood loss
  • Bone marrow suppression
  • Thalassemia
  • Sickle Cell Anemia

What about a normal RBC but lowered hemoglobin?  It happens, most notably in people with iron deficient anemia.   Women need iron more than men as well due to menstrual flow. Pregnancy also requires the body to need more iron.  

Getting your hemoglobin tested regularly during pregnancy is important.  Low iron level can lead to anemia and place unwanted stress both on the mother and baby.

Interesting Fact: During the last trimester of pregnancy, a condition known as "physiological anemia of pregnancy" occurs. This normal drop in hemoglobin values results from an increase in the plasma volume.

Critical Values

Hemoglobin: critical low and high values

  • A hemoglobin value under 5 g/dl may cause heart failure
  • A hemoglobin value over 20 g/dl may cause clogging of capillaries

Increased levels of hemoglobin are found in any condition in which the number of circulating red blood cells rises above normal.

Examples of conditions associated with increases in hemoglobin are

  • Polycythemia vera
  • Severe burns
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Congestive heart failure.

Summary Of Hemoglobin

This is the protein in your blood that holds the oxygen. The normal range for men is 14 to 17 grams per deciliter (gm/dL); for women it’s 12 to 15 gm/dL

Erythrocyte Index

When a patient has a lower than normal hemoglobin, it is important to determine whether red blood cells are of normal size and if they have a normal concentration of hemoglobin. These measurements, are known as Erythrocyte Indices.  They also, provide important information about various types of anemias.

This clever little index is made up of three key players:

For this I am breaking it down by their general measure, the name, the abbreviation.

  • Size: Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
  • Amount: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
  • Space Taken Up: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

The MCV is the size of the red blood cell (RBC).  While the MCH is the amount of hemoglobin in one RBC.  Lastly, the MCHC is the amount of the cell occupied by the hemoglobin.  

Think of it like this:  The RBC is your cloud storage.  The MCV is how much space you have.  The MCH is the amount of data in that space and the MCHC the percentage of space taken up.

An MCHC of less than 32% or an MCH under 27 %. indicates that the red blood cells are deficient in hemoglobin concentration. This situation is most often seen with iron deficiency anemia.

So What's It Telling Us?

If your MCV is high it could indicate that you have low vitamin B12 or folate levels. If your red blood cells are smaller, you could have a type of anemia.

Anemias can be classified using erythrocyte indices in the following way:

  • MCV, MCH and MCHC normal --- normocytic, normochromic anemia --- most often caused by acute blood loss.
  • Decreased MCV, MCH, and MCHC --- microcytic, hypochromic anemia --- most often caused by iron deficiency.  You can test your iron and more from home here.
  • Increased MCV, variable MCH and MCHC --- macrocytic anemia --- most often caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency (due to pernicious anemia) and folic acid deficiency.

Abnormal erythrocyte indexes are helpful to classify types of anemia. However, diagnosis must be based on the patient's history, physical examination, and other diagnostic procedures.

Quick Summary Of The Erythrocyte Index

A normal-range MCV score is 80 to 98 in men and 96-108 for women.

  • MCV:
    MCV values are higher in newborns and infants
    Men: 80-98 fl (femtoliters)
    Women: 96-108 fl
  • Normal range for MCH is 17-31 pg (picograms)
  • Normal range for MCHC is 32-36%

Wrapping It Up

The complete blood count has been around for a while and it’s the bread and butter of all blood tests.  It can quickly give insight into what's happening with a patient.  

Patients who have a keen interest in their own healthcare frequently want to know what they can do to change their WBCs, RBCs, and platelets.  Unlike "good" and "bad" cholesterol, cell populations are not generally affected by lifestyle changes unless the patient has an underlying deficiency (such as vitamin B12 or folate deficiency or iron deficiency).  There is no way that a patient can directly raise the number of his WBCs or change the size or shape of his RBCs. Addressing any underlying diseases or conditions and following a healthy lifestyle will help optimize your body's cell production and your body will take care of the rest.

Technologies like Lab Me you can now instantly track and store your blood work, while doing it from home.  All you need to do is order the test online and it will arrive to you in 3-5 days. You will be provided detailed written and video instructions on how to perform the test.  After your specimen is collected, you mail back using the pre-paid FedEx envelope.  The lab will process your sample within 72 hours or less.

The report is then sent to your dashboard for easy visual understanding and tracking overtime so that you can have a clearer picture of how things are changing in your body.

Learn More:  How Machine Learning Works.  SImply. (5 min)

In addition, we use artificial intelligence to look for patterns or anomalies to help spot disease early or help forecast future problems.  Your blood work is something to be reviewed over time however Doctors are too pressed for time and there wasn’t a simple storage solution until now,.

Lab me will work over time to benchmark your normal values as well.  Get started today with your at-home complete blood count today.

at home cbc

At-Home CBC Test

Lab Me is the first company in the USA to offer an at home CBC with differential. See everything included by clicking below.

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How to Reduce The Missed Blood Test Errors with Lab me analytics

How to Reduce Missed Blood Test Errors with Lab me analytics

In Union Budget 2018-19, the expectations for healthcare unions include advanced technology, health programmes, investment and public-private partnership. Along with it, diagnostics is an industry that has become a major break point in the healthcare industry. Hence, there are other healthcare issues that should be addressed even though it has relief from the blood test errors or missed results of the laboratories.

Fig: Lab me test Results vs Molecular Testing

Due to the absence of proper regulation and lack of directives in the diagnostics market, different individual private players play a vital role in this uncertain market. The private players have volunteered eagerly to bring standardized practice and go through the same conventions set by global medical bodies to guarantee the best and steady services for all customers.

The Need for Lab Test Software

According to estimates, only 1% of all diagnostic labs are accredited. With effect from a diagnostics point of view, one has supported the requirement for a regulated, standardized diagnostics industry and admired the government's efforts in this direction. As a result, the government needs to assign allocations every year to have an autonomous body to control the quality of services. Better primary healthcare centres are very important to help reduce the burden on tertiary and secondary healthcare clinics. It seems the government and regulatory bodies are focusing more on the investment in preventive and primitive measures on healthcare. By investing more in diagnostics, the healthcare industry can spread early diagnosis of a disease, reducing delay in treatment, loss of productivity, and need for tertiary care. The private healthcare system is very effective in dealing with the patient burden of public healthcare. It has helped a lot of health insurance plans. However, the fact is that complete and proper coverage for a lot of diseases and services is elusive. Invasive and curative interventions, like inpatient care and surgeries, are covered by public health insurance. The lack of coverage for pre-existing diseases and outpatient care is a hurdle to affordable and complete health insurance coverage. Hence, the growing emergence of investment in diagnostics is leading to the growth of lab report management systems in many healthcare institutions.

The Emergence of Early Diagnosis with Lab Test Management

A lot of research has been done on test result management over the years in outpatient settings. Many researchers have conducted case studies. The report includes why, where, how many, under what conditions, and what kinds of lab test results are missing. We are aanalyzingwhat could happen due to delays or missing test results. These authors focused on the current methods to deal with blood test errors and ensured the satisfaction of clinical personnel with such methods. In addition, they also asked physicians to suggest the right solution to a problem.

Lab me Analysis to Identify Problems

Prior research reports a lot of details regarding the growing importance and problems of timely results of tests in primary care. Hence, one might expect electronic blood test result management tools to be widely available to support medical staff in the clinical process. According to studies, different institutes have different ways of handling test results. So, there is no specific way. Further research could bring more benefits to the design of test result evaluation and management of the use of them laboratory software.

blood tests errorFig: Lab Test Results with the Right Lab. me Software

There are three ideas on how this Software can help reduce missed laboratory results. There is a growing need for a system which allows clinical staff to keep track of lab tests from an order of reports to action completion. We aim to define the temporal responsibilities of the agent with an innovative workflow management model, provide retrospective analyses which can detect common issues in past orders, and generate an interface based on that model (something which could be integrated with existing EHR systems).

About Issues on Test Report Management

Researchers have conducted many case studies to report analysis on how the healthcare providers who ordered the lab results of patients were missed. Nobody knows that how often are blood tests wrong. With the growing need and reasons for a second blood test for timely test results in an outpatient setting, there are limited electronic versions of discussion on test result management systems to help medical and clinical staff with this process. There could be various causes of laboratory error. Three ideas can help reduce analytical errors in the clinical laboratory with a tracking system to facilitate from order to completion along with follow-up –
  • Define a workflow management model that clarifies responsible agents and a time frame.
  • Generate user interface to perform tracking, which could eventually integrate into existing EHR systems.
  • To help detect problems in orders with defined analysis.
According to findings by the 2002's National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey findings, general internists and family doctors prescribe lab tests in 29% to 38% of cases on average and imaging in 10% to 12% of cases. In an internal medical practice, a doctor reviews an average of 930 haematology/chemistry tests and 60 radiology/pathology reports every week.

The Diagnostic or Screening

These tests are conducted for diagnostic or screening purposes or to monitor and manage medications and chronic health issues. Even though a couple of tests are performed in the office when patients wait, many patients are sent to outer locations for their samples, including hospitals or typical testing facilities. One can avail the results during an office visit or take weeks to get the report without a similar format. Different types and numbers of tests, other testing locations, and variable reporting processes would cause blood test errors and delays.

About The Study

According to the survey, for around 83% of primary care doctors in a study, at least one delay has been found when reviewing test reports over the last two months. Poor results management can be harmful to the patients, and it did so. Hickner and his colleagues conducted a study which suggests the adverse effects of post-analytical errors in a clinical laboratory. It includes 22% of loss of money and time, 24% delay in care, 11% in pain and suffering, and 2% in adverse clinical consequences. Another report suggests an improper follow-up to be one of the rapidly growing areas of litigation of malpractice in outpatient care. As a result, it impacts the effectiveness and efficiency of patient safety, treatment, and overall peace of mind. Lack of effort is not the cause of many physicians and institutions losing test results. Time is spent managing and searching the blood test errors and reports. Testing becomes prone to error due to a separation of the Lab from the clinic's location, the process's complexity, the lack of quality control in the outpatient setting, and variations in reporting.

The User Interfaces for Test Process Tracking

According to Wahls & Cram, there are no standards to manage test results at their best. Yackel et al. aanalyzedthe existing information systems used to track. They found that there were logic and user interface blood test errors in doctor's records, resulting in routing, system maintenance and setting interfaces. Studies are also revealing what features laboratory information management system software should have. It is one of the best-rated features of medical laboratory reporting software. Doctors must acknowledge all results with the in-box function in pathology report software. Abnormal reports should be shown before normal ones, and the integrated review prompts should help a doctor decide on further action. These are some of the most desired functions in pprioritizinglab results to avoid medical laboratory errors and provide the best output in less time.

Defining Temporal Responsibility

Doctors also recommend tracking their orders for completion, including a warning system to figure out whether a test order is complete or not. Finally, the delegation of responsibility is required by the physicians to other staff. They desire the capability of forwarding to use surrogates during planned absences and a regular process to assign proxies when unavailable.

The Evaluation

  • After a user-centric approach of iterative evaluation and design, we are working with clinicians regularly to get feedback on the interface prototype and general design principles.
  • Over the past five months, over seven different cases, over a dozen physicians offered feedback for around 8 hours of discussions and reviews.
  • These were structured as a sample presentation or prototype to a group of knowledgeable individuals. So let's discuss what experts say and conduct evaluations further as the prototype improves.
  • We will conduct the integration of such features in commercial products to present the value of those strategies.
  • All experts approved the concept of having an explicit workflow model to estimate the expected lab test duration and the notion of detailed agents.

The Improvements and Testing

  • The model needs improvements to capture constant testing, including the blood sample collection each week for two months. Reflex tests were another recommendation, where one test can lead to another test automatically.
  • Along with it, abnormal results could take a longer time to process sometimes. We are discussing how results will go without processing at the same pace every weekday. For process steps, potential actions were some ideas about one of the samples.
  • There are a lot of recommendations for the generation of the user interface. Terms used on screens are updated frequently based on comments from the medical team.
  • There are modifications to the interface, including removing or adding functionality to clarify its intended use.
  • We are assigning a manager in a model which gets notifications and contact details. The manager must display the role of a responsible person as a tooltip.
  • We are adding a table to the system for planning and orders to conduct testing in future (including three years from now).

About the concept

The concept of Lab me analysis is appreciated well and found helpful to quantify common problems instantly. It is expected experts to figure out the precision of results. Many domain experts are interested in getting more useful information and data to track and aanalyze. Having quality attributes on the model was an interesting proposal to calculate some metrics to analyze later.

Lab Information Management

Paper charts and other traditional methods are still used by clinical staff to review their lab results. Many reports suggest general-purpose alternatives, including checklists or logbooks instead of the application. For tracking tests, Lab. me Analytics is the most advanced lab reporting software app. The app aims to analyze blood test errors and work reports for patients.

The key factors why use Lab. me analytics:

  • Users can see all closed and open visits and flag and add reports to watch lists.
  • Haematology, chemistry, pathology and radiology tests are the only types of tests that are supported. The modification of current tests or new tests is not supported.
  • There are three degrees of abnormality, abnormal, critical and normal.
  • Physicians may add their visit notes, acknowledge results, or generate letters of the patient effect.
  • This tool has an interface where the user needs to switch between Manager Screen. The patient charts and all visits list the results' details.
  • Even though clinic staff may mark reminders and results for follow-up tests in the future, healthcare providers should take follow-up decisions.
  • The digitally interpretative clinical languages have been well received over recent years. Also, the different languages are developed along with the ones that can execute by machine intelligence.
  • The tool supports editing and authoring along with enactment. A medical guideline is per the guiding criteria and decisions about management, diagnosis, and cure.

The Future of Lab Test Interpretation

We aim to reduce the missing lab results in the analytical phase of laboratory testing by establishing a workflow model. This model defines responsibility in the management of test results.

We are describing how to implement a prototype interface for tracking the test process to diagnose the issues.

  • The prioritization of abnormality and lateness and support for follow-up on the same screen may improve efficiency.
  • We aim to develop more than just a working system to provide inspirational prototypes. Also, it can allow developers of proprietary and commercial management tools to implement their ideas.
  • Initially, we focus more on ambulatory care, but future work will test how this model works.
  • The model can work in hospital settings with several providers who will care for the patient.
  • We are more inclined towards sampling for the developers and adoption with a usability study. Such principles could be subject to ethnography, usability, data logging or controlling.
  • We are collecting feedback from clinical staff to filter analysis of what is important for a complete interface.
  • The improvement of the interface is to make way for saving/setting controls. We are also showing options for various users through the preferences dialogue.
  • Our main focus is on the design options. We are also working on an analysis indicating the severity of matters and the facts.

What Is The Improvement

This Software can improve the delay in computations. If a test is late, it is a matter of discussion. One could admit that it just needs to report that the test was conducted late. In events when all of the steps are taken early to cover, the delay of a facility/individual would overlook. Should physicians propose only a standard definition or user options to be provided to examine lateness?

Lab Analytics can be the Savior.

According to the Institute of Medicine, over $750 billion was spent in a single year on unnecessary healthcare solutions. Unwanted medical tests are a major part of the expense. They cost around $1.7 million in an American hospital in 2009. The huge volume of results and orders through medical lab software can make it an important place to avoid waste and identify it. For example, it can flag old tests and highlight tests which were not good for the condition. When a recent survey indicates that unnecessary testing is a huge problem, overuse is the most pressing matter. However, uunderutilizationis even more important for safety and patient care when unwanted tests can increase the healthcare system's cost. A missing test could also cost thousands of dollars daily if an inpatient stays in the hospital.

Why Lab. me Analytics?

  • This data analytics solution can interpret a huge amount of information on your blood test error report. It goes through the Lab, along with demographic details of the patient and their history.
  • They present very useful evidence which is important to determine. The important clinical questions regarding the value of a test can also illuminate differences among doctors.
  • This lab test software uses machine intelligence. The algorithm is to aanalyzelaboratory tests and eliminates the need for manual interpretation.
  • This lab test software is helpful for both hospitals and patients to interpret their results readily. Administrators provide physicians with tests that are done faster, better and cheaper in-house.
  • This pathology lab reporting software can generate information. Also, it can track records about your current health status and suggest the right diet plan. It can alrecommendest the right way to work with your healthcare provider and interpret your lab test values.
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1st Priority - Never Feel Anxious About Lab Values Again- Analyze Your Blood Test Results

Are you worried about a repeat blood test? You should never feel anxious about lab values again. As a general rule, accurate diagnosis is the key to getting the best treatment in the medical field. If the diagnosis is not right, treatment will not work. Sometimes, it may go against you. So here we are! You can see the process of analyzing your blood test results, and you will never feel anxious about lab values again.

Fig: Is your Lab Test Report Normal

Managing hypothyroidism is not easy and misdiagnosis often takes place. If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism and you see the doctor, you will simply get alternative hormones without doctors asking any further questions about the cause of this condition. Even worse, if you get blood tests normal but you have hypothyroid systems, they will simply tell you that you are fine. Even if you insist that there is something wrong, they might just give you an antidepressant, as they won’t have clue about your symptoms.

The steps

  • It is because of complex procedures in thyroid physiology.
  • There are several steps involved in the production, uptake and conversion of thyroid hormone in your body.
  • Malfunction in any of these steps, can cause symptoms of hypothyroid, but it may not be seen on common lab tests.
  • Simply assuming that all cases of hypothyroidism need same treatment and have same cause, doesn’t make sense.
  • However, the problem is when treatment standard for hypothyroidism doesn’t give much concern.

So, let’s discuss the thyroid dysfunction patterns which are not detected on common lab tests and solutions to analyze blood tests-

Having any of these patterns in your body means your thyroid is not working well and you would suffer from its symptoms. However, it is even more painful when you are told that there is nothing wrong in your body when you visit a conventional doctor.  
  • Normally, T4 and TSH are the markers of a typical thyroid panel.
  • According to lab, the ranges vary for these markers.
  • It is a problem in standard ranges.
  • Another problem is that these ranges don’t tell about healthy range as they are not research based.
  • It is based on bell curve of values that are obtained from the individuals who visit the labs to perform test.
Obviously, sick people visit the labs for blood test. If thyroid blood test normal range is created on results from those people, does it clarify anything about their health?

Thyroid Blood Test Normal But Still Have Symptoms

never feel anxious about lab values againFig: Thyroid Blood Test Normal But Still Have Symptoms

  1.      Low conversion from T4 to T3

Thyroid is a hormone and T4 is its inactive form which should be turned into T3 before it is used by the body. Over 90% of thyroid has been produced in T4 form. Increased cortisol levels and inflammation are main causes behind this particular pattern. Cell membranes are the place where conversion from T4 to T3 takes place. Cell membranes are damaged by inflammatory cytokines and our ability of T4 to T3 conversion is impaired. Elevated cortisol level also restricts T4 to T3 conversion. You will suffer symptoms of hypothyroid with this pattern but TSH and T4 levels will remain normal. It will be low if you get your T3 tested, which is under low settings.
  1.      Pituitary dysfunction causing hypothyroidism

The Increasing cortisol level is highly responsible for this pattern. It is indeed caused by blood sugar problem, active infection, pregnancy, chronic stress, insulin resistance, or hypoglycemia. The pituitary gland may fatigue by these stressors at the base of brain so it can no longer show the thyroid to release enough hormone of thyroid. It is also common with thyroid gland. Our pituitary gland doesn’t send right signals.   You will have low TSH than the functional range, i.e. 1.8-3.0, but under standard (0.5-5.0) range with this pattern along with hypothyroid symptoms. In the functional and lab range, T4 will be recorded low.
  1.      Increased TBG levels causing Hypothyroidism

TBG or Thyroid Binding Globulin is the protein transfers thyroid hormone with the blood. Thyroid is not available and inactive for the tissues once it is bound to TBG. In case of high TBG levels, unbound or free thyroid hormone levels will be low and cause hypothyroidism. T4 and TSH will be reported normal in hypothyroidism test with this pattern. T3 will be low, and TBG and T3 uptake would be tested higher. Elevated estrogen levels are responsible for increased TBG, which are usually due to estrogen replacement (like estrogen creams or Premarin) or birth control pills. It is important to clear increased estrogen from the body to cure this pattern.
  1.      Reduced TBG also causes Hypothyroid symptoms

It is the exact replica of above pattern. Free thyroid hormone may record high with low TBG levels. It is assuming that it causes hyperthyroid symptoms. However, taking free thyroid too much in the blood may develop resistance in the cells against it. Despite having enough of thyroid, cells would be unable to use it and you will still suffer hypothyroid symptoms. T4 and TSH would be normal in this pattern. TBG and T3 uptake would consider low and T3 would be high when tested. High testosterone levels are the main cause of reduced TBG levels. It is usually related with insulin resistance and PCOS in women. It is important to balance blood sugar and reverse insulin resistance to treat this pattern.
  1.      Resistance to Thyroid glands

Both pituitary and thyroid glands work well in this pattern. But when needed, hormones resist getting into cells, which is the main cause of hypothyroidism. In this pattern, all the markers would be normal as there is no way to test cellular receptor function. Usually, elevated cortisol levels and chronic stress are the major culprits behind thyroid resistance. Genetic factors and high levels of homocysteine are also responsible.

Common Thyroid Problems, Lab Tests and How to Deal with them

Our thyroid controls a lot of body systems and processes. It even controls our heart and brain functions, as well as growth of our nails and hair, and even our digestion and metabolism in the body. No other hormone in our body can play such different roles. So, it goes without saying that most of the functions in our body may affect when thyroid becomes unable to work. However, the problem is thyroid physiology varies from person to person and is very complex. When you have symptoms like weight gain or constant tiredness related to thyroid, your problem may be different and more complex than a patient who can be treated by just giving thyroid replacement medicine. Keep in mind that thyroid dysfunction has nothing to do with sign of aging, as it is commonly believing thing. You may even have symptoms of thyroid, despite normal lab results.   As a results, there is no magic pill to fix your thyroid that can work for every patient. Rather than diagnosing levels of thyroid, doctors usually make more complex diagnosis to know why a patient is struggling with symptoms. Here are some of the hidden problems related with thyroid and what you can do to deal with each –
  1.      Thyroid dysfunction due to resistance

This is not a typical thyroid problem that most women have. Instead, it is a problem with cell receptor. As discussed above, thyroid hormones are responsible for most functions of our body to work well. However, toxins and inflammation block the cell receptors and our body feels hypothyroid symptoms, despite the fact that hormone is producing well. It is simply because those hormones don’t get where they should go. You will get normal TSH values but you will still feel low.
Lab tests – Markers like homocysteine and CRP levels along with reverse T3 can drop light on availability of hormone receptors and inflammation levels. Low HDL and high triglyceride levels are also the symptoms of insulin resistance, which usually takes place with resistance to thyroid.

What you can do – Resveratrol and liposomal turmeric are best supplements to deal with high levels of inflammation.
  1.      Autoimmune thyroid issues

According to a research, around 90% of all cases have autoimmune hypothyroidism. It is one of the most common signs of Hashimoto’s disease. Well, thyroid is not the root of the illness when it takes place. Instead, it is the victim of misled attack by immune system, in which it is confused as a virus by your body.    You usually get the common thyroid medication when you see your doctor. Whether you have autoimmune disease or true hypothyroidism affecting your thyroid. However, we are familiar to cure autoimmune thyroid disorders naturally in functional medicine and it can vary from person to person, as our body is biologically different. Tests – TBG antibodies and Thyroid peroxidase What you can do – To manage this condition naturally, you can do a lot of things. It is good if you heal the gut by making diet change and taking compounds like Baicalin to promote Treg (T cell) to manage immune system.
  1.      Increased levels of thyroid-binding globulin

High estrogen levels are most commonly in women, especially those who are using estrogen creams or birth control pills. All of the hormones are moving across the body on thyroid binding globulins (TBG), which carry proteins throughout the body. In case of increased TBG levels, it could increase protein-bound thyroid hormones, which have no use for the body. Tests – Free T3, TBG, and T4, along with expanded panel of female hormone. What to do – You can take herbs like milk thistle to clear excess hormones from the pathways of detoxification and also mythylation by taking active B vitamins.
  1.      Thyroid under-conversion

Also known as low T3 syndrome, this pattern is commonly related to chronic adrenal stress as well as the increased cortisol levels. Most of the thyroid hormone comes as T4, which is inactive metabolically and it should be turning to T3 to use in the body. Over 80% of conversion of thyroid takes places in liver and 20% in gut. In this process, 5’ deiodinase is a special hormone takes an iodine molecule away from T4 to activate T3. Medical literature is covering this pattern for years but it is not improving effectively by thyroid replacing hormones. A lot of thyroid drugs are T4 synthetic, which is not the issue with this pattern.

Tests to conduct – Total T3 and free, microbiome test, liver enzymes, and testing magnesium, selenium, and zinc nutrients.

What you can do – Along with getting gut, adrenal fatigue, and liver health controlled, you can promote healthy thyroid function by taking foods high in zinc, selenium and magnesium. Some of the best options are shellfish, brazil nuts, and oysters.

  1.      Pituitary Hypofunction and Hypothyroidism

Our thyroid simply follows the instructions from the brain. If pituitary gland malfunctions, especially due to chronic infections, chronic illness, or even benign pituitary tumor, you will suffer improper functioning of hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid (HPT). Pituitary gland serves as a pathway between your thyroid and brain. It is placed at the base of our brain. If it is not interacting well with thyroid gland, it will be fine but it will not get the signal to work. Tests to run – Inspect low levels of T3 and T4, even with low or normal TSH. Also go with labs to check for EBV or Epstein-Barr virus. What you can do – To promote proper HPA function and pituitary health, it is recommended to use the tools that can support natural brain functions, such as olive leaf, astragalus, sage leaf, zinc, L-lysine, and vitamin C.
  1.      Thyroid over-conversion

This function is common in people who have high testosterone levels, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is commonly assuming by most of us that if body produces high levels of T3, the thyroid hormone would be metabolically active. As you know, taking too much of anything is not good, no matter how healthy it is. Similarly, overly T3 conversion can be harmful for cell receptors and they may resist T3. Even though there is a lot of conversion, you cannot get the most of it. Tests – free and testosterone serum, total T3 and T4, HbgA1c and fasting blood sugar tests.

What you can do – Along with healthy foods like fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and meats, also take natural supplements like chromium and alpha-lipoic acid medicines, cinnamon etc. which can balance your blood sugar levels.

When it comes to usual thyroid health, sea vegetables like nori, dulse, and arame are the important sources of nutrients, including iodine, which is important to improve the production of fuel thyroid hormone.

Why Am I Always Tired And Have No Energy?

Also known as feeling sluggish, overwhelmed, low, overtired, weakness, or exhaustion, extreme fatigue is considered the most common symptom of thyroid disorder. If you have to take a nap after lunch or when you wake up you find your brain foggy, unrefreshed despite having proper sleep. There are many people like you. However, there are some ways to deal with your fatigue, such as making changes to your thyroid dose, looking for another drug or changing your sleep habits.

Thyroid and Fatigue

Fatigue is the most common hypothyroid symptom (underactive thyroid gland), which takes place due to the lower production of thyroid hormone. When the cure for hypothyroid is complete, the best thing is that many patients report improvement or recovery of fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom of overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), which is usually because of anxiety, insomnia, or improper sleep habits. The treatment of fatigue is with the cures of hyperthyroid problem and Graves’ disease.

What causes extreme fatigue?

If you are experiencing fatigue even after treatment of thyroid disease, there are other causes of extreme fatigue in women to look for –


With both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid, people have signs of depression. Along with extreme fatigue symptoms, here are other signs of depression –
  •         Feeling low or sad
  •         Low interest in day-to-day activities
  •         Problem in concentration
  •         Having too little or too much
  •         Slow down of movements, thoughts, or restlessness
  •         Feeling of guilt or hopelessness
  •         Problem in sleep like problem in staying asleep, waking up unrefreshed, or falling asleep
  •         Depressing thoughts
If you are having any of these symptoms, it is important to see the doctor. Treatment also includes the combination of antidepressant with psychotherapy and it can sometimes change your life.

Sleep disorders

According to a research, thyroid disease is related with sleep problems like sleep apnea. When breathing stops for a while when you sleep. Fatigue is highly responsible for sleep apnea, because of lack of oxygen. Along with grogginess and fatigue, other signs of this problem are gasping for air when waking up, snoring, headache in morning, and waking up to urinate more often at night.


If you are suffering from fatigue for a long term, and it takes place with other symptoms like wide muscle pains and aches, it might be fibromyalgia. According to a research, fibromyalgia also causes by an autoimmune thyroid disease which is “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis”.


Usually because of low RBC count, Anemia is commonly accrue due to hypothyroid. It may also lead to pounding heart, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Inferior sleep habits

When thyroid disease is usually relevant to improper and un-refreshing sleep and insomnia, fatigue can also the cause due to poor sleep patterns. The National Sleep Foundation suggests adults to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours and most of us are not so lucky to get that much sleep on daily basis. Here are the tips to help you improve your sleep patterns. It can help you give proper rest to your mind and body to get through the day in healthy and happy way –
  •         Stick to the same schedule to sleep on both weekends and weekdays.
  •         Your bedroom must be cooler than other rooms.
  •         Avoid television, laptop, smartphones and other devices before sleep
  •         Don’t drink alcohol and caffeine before sleep and in the afternoon
  •         Use blackout curtains or blinds or use dim lights in bedroom
  •         Avoid naps
  •         Don’t exercise after dinner

Here are some of the steps to relax your body before sleep –

  •         Take hot bath or shower before sleep
  •         Listen to relaxing music to fall asleep
  •         Use earplugs or sound conditioner to avoid noise
  •         Drink relaxing herbal tea before sleep
  •         Have protein-filled bedtime snack

Other causes

Along with aforementioned medical causes, there are several potential causes of extreme tiredness, including the followings:
  • Chronic liver or kidney disease,
  • Alcohol, infection,
  • Drug abuse and side effects of medications.
  • According to some people, changing diet improve fatigue, be it avoiding sugar, gluten, or dairy.

Never Feel Anxious About Lab Values Again – Analyze your blood test has been designed by scientists who are always trying hard to make platform easier and smarter. It is able to add current blood test results ordered by the doctor and you can get the full value. It is one of the best features of this lab test analyzer admire by its users. You can get scientifically-proven and personalized recommendations for supplement, nutrient, lifestyle changes and exercise on the basis of biomarkers, which come with lab-based tests, without any additional trip. Even better, you don’t even have to add the results manually, which is very cumbersome. You don’t need Ph.D. in biology to understand blood test results and wade through the complex terms like GLU, ALT, etc. Even though blood tests and codes are for doctors, it doesn’t mean you cannot understand it. Now you don’t have to do manual entry. All you need to scan your blood test report, upload it, and leave the application to do the rest. Here’s how it work –
  •         First of all, you get your blood test report in PDF or as hard copy
  •         Scan the report and save as PDF or JPG
  •         Upload the file to
  •         Get your results in your inbox
Don’t worry if you have report in several pages. Send multiple pages in one upload. This will send confirmation email after receiving your report. analyzes your report with its smart machine intelligence technology. Also, it extracts the text, including values, biomarkers, units, and date of test. The specialists will review your results to ensure accuracy. This is the technology where both machines and humans work together. Ref:
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What is ALCAT Test for Food Allergies? Can LIMS Software advance Healthcare?

What is ALCAT Test for Food Allergies? Can LIMS Software advance Healthcare?

LIMS software or Laboratory Information Management system or web based LIMS software is actually software which is designed to process large amounts of blood samples for R&D, clinical research and manufacturing. LIMS software benefits each type of lab but they are most often in quality assurance and manufacturing.

Fig: ALCAT Test

With software, we can analyze number of test results in less time. Here we are going to see the ALCAT test, Process and results evaluations. Yale School of Medicine researchers have completed finding on ALCAT food sensitivity test with some of the common immunological markers of immune system. The ALCAT Test gives a tool to healthcare professionals to manage conditions associated with chronic activation of immune health and inflammation. With the ALCAT test, healthcare professionals can measure responses to food at cellular level and also reveal the common causes of specific symptoms. After taking the ALCAT Test, the results can help figure out the foods and other elements causing allergies and unwanted inflammation. ALCAT blood test allows healthcare providers to help patients improve their chronic health conditions by making important changes in their diet. Chemical and food sensitivities have been associated to aching joints, migraines, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue and other symptoms associated with chronic immune system activation. There is a significant improvement in a lot of common symptoms with clinical assessment of ALCAT test to guide modification in diet. The efficacy of this test has been mentioned in a lot of studies to implement double blind and placebo controlled designs of studies.

How ALCAT Test is done?

The immune system or food reactions have been measured with leukocytes stimulation through ALCAT test. Leukocytes cover all the five categories of white blood cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils (~70% to 80% of white blood cells). The chemical extracts of food can affect these elements. The defense mechanism of immune system, i.e. neutrophils initiates the main role in inflammation. When this first-line defense can be very effective over acute infections, chronic immunologic activation may cause health problems. The type 1 lgE mediated allergies or anaphylaxis are not identified by the food intolerance blood test. When considering the difference between lgG antibody testing and ALCAT test, chemical and food sensitivities are the  mediators by several pathogenic systems. With the cellular approach, food tolerance test can identify chemical and food sensitivities instead of antibody like lgG despite the toxic, immunologic, and pharmacologic pathway. The cells are using to release inflammatory mediators and free radicals without the involvement of antibody. According to most of the studies, IgG antibodies are relevant to food are protective and are not pathogenic.

What conditions are diagnosed by ALCAT Test?

Cellular reactions to chemicals, food and other substances are often associating with both chronic and acute conditions. It conducts to determine association between inflammation, innate immune system, and growth of chronic conditions. Here are some of the common health conditions diagnosed by ALCAT Test –
  •         Skin disorders like eczema, rashes, psoriasis, pilaris, keratosis, acne, and urticaria.
  •         Gastrointestinal problems like constipation/diarrhea, IBS, bloating, reflux, gastritis, and nutritional problems
  •         Neurological symptoms like headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, memory, mood swings, ADHD, depression, cognitive impairment, and neuropathy.
  •         Respiratory problem – Wheezing, Chronic cough, sinusitis
  •         Skeletal/muscular disorders – such as, sore or stiff joints, tendonitis, arthritis
  •         Endocrine/Metabolic disorders – such as, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, weight loss, problem in losing weight, thyroid diseases and illness, unusual menstruation, and infertility
  •         Immune system problem – reduced immunity over infection, autoimmune diseases, allergies, growth of tumors, and heart problems
More than 450 foods, coloring, additives, chemical and biological substances are screened with blood draw for one time.

What test results include?

The results of ALCAT test include color-coded and readable test report which classifies items as per the degree of reactivity of cells. With each report, it includes test results card of wallet size, food rotation plan (when it comes to test 100 foods), Foods to Avoid, and complete patient guidebook of ALCAT Test results.

Fig: ALCAT Test Results

It may also include one-on-one phone based, complementary test review for you and your patients at Cell Science symptoms with a health counselor. The ALCAT test is evaluating individually and it showing a lot of benefits. In several results, positive results reporting according to different symptoms. Currently, more research is going through in universities in Europe and the US.

Why do you Need Allergy Test?

The allergy tests recommended by your healthcare provider may include skin test. A little drop of food extract is placed on the skin in this type of test. Then, the skin is pricked a bit. It is usually painless and a safe procedure. A raised bump may appear with redness within 15 to 20 minutes, just like a mosquito bite. It means you are likely to be allergic to that food and you may need treatment for food allergy. Blood test for food allergies may often be conducted. Blood test usually costs higher than skin test. Usually, the results are not ready for up to 1-2 weeks. Blood tests or skin tests are reliable and can rule out or in food allergy if it is done well. Some people are allergic to a certain food (by blood or skin test) and have no symptoms when they eat the food. Your allergist may want to do test to confirm test results. This means you need to drink or eat small amounts of food over a time period to figure out if this reaction takes place. Usually, the best food allergy test is done in expert's supervision.

How professionals know which foods are allergic to you?

Some people know what kind of food can cause their allergy. They eat something with peanut or peanuts and break out. Some people need doctor’s recommendations to know the cause. The symptoms often show up several hours after having food. Usually, treatment for allergy starts with proper medical history. Your healthcare provider will ask you about the following things –
  •         Symptoms after eating food
  •         How long these symptoms take place after eating
  •         How much food you consumed
  •         What kind of treatment you had,
  •         How often has reaction took place
  •         Your diet, medical history of your family, and your living area and home.
Your healthcare provider will ask you the above questions to determine the cause of your allergy or what is making your symptoms worse. Allergy to ragweed pollen and pollen in air might cause itching or swelling in your throat or mouth if you eat melons. There is no specific cure for food allergy.

Do you need any special diet to deal with the problem?

Your healthcare providers may narrow down your search for foods that can cause allergies and recommend a special diet for you. You may want to keep a food record. It records all the medications you take and food you eat, apart from symptoms for the day. If one or two food may cause allergic reactions, you may want to avoid them. You are not going to eat suspicious food at all in this diet for up to 1 to 2 weeks. If allergic reactions reduce during the period and flare up while eating that food once more, there are high chances that it is food allergy. You need to decide which food to avoid and for how long you need to avoid that food, and when to eat that food again. Don’t eat even a small amount of any food that you have to avoid. They may conduct those tests with a challenge. Hence we can say, choosing the best food allergy test is very vital for you.

Types of Blood Tests for Allergy

With the change in season, you are much likely to sneeze and sniffle or even get teary eyed and itchy when you care for your pet or do dusting in your house. You may start wheezing when eating a certain food. Blood test for allergy may help reveal the allergy symptoms and help your healthcare providers to pick the best cure for your allergy. These types of tests measure how much allergen-based antibodies are found in your blood and also detect the same. Your body creates antibodies over it when you get in touch with any allergic trigger, which is also called as allergen. The antibodies signal your body cells to release some chemicals. These types of chemicals are the main cause of allergic symptoms. The IgE or Immunoglobulin is an antibody which is linked strongly to the allergic response of the body. Usually, allergic blood tests are screened for around 10 of the most widely known allergens like pet dander, dust, grasses, trees, molds, and weeds, depending on the place you live. They can also diagnose allergies related to some foods. Blood tests for allergy are also known as immunoassay tests, which include –
  •         Radioallergosorbent test (RAST)
  •         Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (EIA or ELISA)
The Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or ELISA test measures how many allergen-based antibodies are found in your blood. The Radioallergosorbent test (RAST) also determines the allergen-based antibodies to detect what is causing allergy. However, this type of test is not in use widely. Allergies can also increase the levels of WBCs. That's why, blood tests are also conducted to determine the amount of white blood cells including eosinophil, a type of white cell, if you are suspect to have allergies.   You should also keep in mind that there are different health conditions which can increase WBC levels. There are different blood tests to measure chemicals which are releasing and can cause allergy.

Reasons behind Allergy Blood tests

Skin tests are widely conducted but blood tests are ordered in some cases. If you comply with any of these conditions, blood test for allergy is prescribed -
  •          Whether you are using medicine which can interfere with test results and find it unable to stop consuming it for a couple of days, including steroids, antihistamines, and some anti-depressants.
  •          If you cannot handle needle scratches for skin testing
  •          You have badly controlled asthma, unstable heart health, severe dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, or any other severe skin problem.
  •          And if you may have extreme reaction during skin test or have had deadly allergic reaction like anaphylaxis.
You may also be recommended for blood test to determine how well immunotherapy is doing. You may also determine whether you have outgrown allergy in blood test. Blood test for Allergy – Pros and Cons

Here are some of the pros of allergy blood tests –

  •         Despite any medications you are going to take, it can be performed at any time.
  •         Unlike skin tests, it needs only one needle stick. It may be better for those who don’t like needles. It is the ideal test for very small children and infants.

Cons of allergy blood tests

  •         These are usually more expensive compared to skin testing. It may not be covered in most health insurance policies.
  •         It is more time taking to get results, as blood sample is needed to be sent to the lab for analysis. Hence, you get quick results in skin tests than blood test.
  •         It may be less sensitive.

What Test Results Mean to You?

If test results are positive, it means allergy-specific antibodies are present in your blood. Usually it shows allergy. Blood test determines the root cause of your allergy. You may get positive for something but you may never have any reaction with it. You may not have true allergy if it is showing negative result. Your immune system may not respond to the allergen. However, you may have negative blood test result and you may still have allergy. It is important to interpret allergy blood test results carefully. Your healthcare provider will also take your medical history and symptoms into consideration when it comes to diagnose a specific allergy.

Is there any Side Effect of Allergy Blood Tests?

Allergy blood test is considering safer. Here are some of the minor side effects –
  •         Bleeding at the area where allergists had put the needle
  •         Redness and swelling at the area of needle
  •         Pain
There are chances some people may be so sensitive that they may faint during blood test.

How Blood Test for Food Allergy is conducted?

  • To diagnose food allergy, both blood test and skin test are used by the doctors.
  • Scratch test is one of the most common skin tests.
  • A nurse or doctor scratches your skin with little bit of extract of an allergen in liquid form, such as a food or pollen.
  • This test is usually performed on your back or forearm.
  • After 15 minutes of wait, allergists will see if there is some reddish spot (wheals) is rising, showing allergy.
  • If doctor suspects that you are allergic to several things, or if they are confused about what is causing allergy, an allergist will test your skin for various allergens at a time.
  • When it shows positive with a specific food in skin test, it simply means a person is allergic to that food. Doctors may want to conduct further testing.
  • Blood test may be suggested along with skin testing to diagnose food allergy for a specific food.
  • It means they need to take small sample of blood to send to a lab for testing.
  • The lab looks for IgE antibodies in the blood for some foods.
  • If there is enough IgE antibodies findings for a food in the blood, chances are high that a person is allergic to it.
  • If blood and skin test results are still not clear, an allergist might perform food challenge test.
  • In this test, the Doctors are giving some high amounts of food allergen to consume and will watch out for symptoms.
  • Skin tests may be annoying for a while. If your child goes through the one, allergist might recommend steroid cream or antihistamine for child to use to reduce itching after the test.

What is LIMS System?

Here are some of the common examples –
  •         Testing water treatment plant
  •         Food safety
  •         Labs managing R&D for oil and gas
  •         Industrial chemical testing and creation
  •         Environmental facilities
This type of test measures, what kind of laboratory software to be used. LIMS software  is also popular in pharmaceutical and medical industries. Both LIMS software and Lab Information Systems (LIS) are a kind of medical lab program. Almost all types of pharmaceutical labs use this lab management software. They are widely using for genomics and biobanks testing apart from labs which develop formulations and research drugs.

Why LIMS software?

The information recorded by this pathology software, the way it enters system, and how and where it is stored varies according to the LIMS software vendor you go with. Some LIMS will better help some kinds of labs that operate very well but they may not be right for others.

Common Functions of LIMS software

Operation of each system varies. Here are some of the common functions and features –

Workflow management

Use LIMS software to automate the process of record keeping. This function is time-saving rather than saving work. When it comes to codify existing procedures and methods, you assign the software for decision making. For example, it can assign scientists to work and suggest some of the instruments on the basis of specific rules.

Reporting Tools

It is good to pull reports to answer questions regarding instruments which are using frequently, how long will keep the sample, and how long a lab will take to process a sample. This data is very helpful for analysis and audit trail. Some programs like medical laboratory reporting software are going to be more granular in terms of reporting as compare to others. For instance, one LIMS will tell the right processing time of a sample, but another will tell you average time by sample time. It comes handy to know the level and type of reporting needed before comparing vendors. Just because report is handling by LIMS, it doesn’t mean to be simple. Custom coding may require to set up and run. Some systems export to MS Word and PDF, instead of Google Drive.

Managing Sample

As samples move from one place to another and from one person to another, it can easily get mixed up or lost. Detailed and accurate records are very important to ensure that everything is going right. For instance, good record may require to discuss whether projected criteria are meeting by a sample. However, they can be more difficult to maintain and create. A lot of LIMS software store and record information in laboratory information management system software when creating a sample, including –
  •         What sample is taken and by whom
  •         How to store sample
  •         Which providers are analyzing samples
  •         Where it should go next
  •         When it should move
Basically, LIMS will automate process as much as possible for it. RFID is using to update and create audit logs and custody chain to track sample in each stage.


It is an inventory management program but it can come handy when it comes to manage LIMS software. It can help you view what you have at a glance and get notifications when you are running out of supplies, freezer capacity, and auto calculation of storage, as well as location management which can help in lab tests. Analytics - An Advance Blood Report Software Analytics is an advance lab test program which works on machine intelligence and combines both non-proprietary and proprietary algorithms. It performs all the complex mathematics for you and give you proper interpretation of blood test results. Also, it is managed by very experienced management team which has proven knowledge and market skills. Ref
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What the ranges of blood test say about your health

What the ranges of the blood test say about your health?

Even though you have normal ranges in your blood work report, chances are that they may not be optimal for overall performance, longevity, and mental and physical health. Values for most of the tests fall well within normal range but they may still be combined with the high risk of diseases and mortality. This is the reason why you should maintain optimal blood test range. We have certain reasons to show why you shouldn’t count on normal lab test range and how they can be misleading and confusing to you. There are certain markers in which normal ranges are very harmful.

Reasons You Shouldn’t Rely on Normal Ranges

Over 95% of the population in the world relies on normal lab ranges. Actually, they do nothing but help doctors to make treatment and diagnosis decisions. They shouldn’t use to tell what’s optimal to ensure your longevity and health. They don’t include the research on a large population about mortality and risks for disease. In this research, you will get a different result on the basis of a group of people with the least risk of diseases. But most doctors are too busy to stay ahead with this type of research and implement it. Sometimes, normal ranges are depending on groups which include a large number of unhealthy people and these ranges are not good for your health. Due to these reasons, you shouldn’t count on normal ranges, especially if you want to keep track of your health and live a healthy and long life.

Common Markers in Blood Test with Unreliable and Confusing Normal Ranges

Thyroid-stimulating Hormone (TSH)

The pineal gland in your body releases this hormone which signals your thyroid to make more hormones. What should be the normal TSH levels is still the matter of debate for most researchers. In most cases, normal ranges remain somewhere around 0.4 to 6 mlU/L. In some studies, the upper limit should reduce to around 2.5 to 3 mlU/L. The levels above 2.5 mlU/L are relevant with the high risk of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), mortality and Alzheimer’s disease are one of the main reasons. Another reason is undiagnosed autoimmune thyroid because a lot of people rely on the original normal range. High TSH levels are usually not a healthy range. But recent researches have still found that well-screened group of individuals have the upper limit of thyroid dysfunction from 2.1 to 3.7 mlU/L. Another important fact is that more than 30% of individuals with around 3mlU/L of TSH levels have autoimmune thyroid disease in some form. If you get a normal range, it doesn’t mean thyroid levels are working well. If you really want to be healthy, there is no point hoping for blood test to fall off the normal range to work. You have to be practical to maintain your TSH levels in a specific range which shows the least risk of hypothyroidism and allied problems.

Folic Acid (Folate)

It is another type of blood test marker with confusing normal range. Folate is a vitamin in your DNA to create fresh blood cells and it is also important for overall brain development. It also helps reduce a molecule associated with heart disease, named homocysteine. A lot of labs use around 3 ng/mL of a lower limit to diagnose deficiency in folate. But the limit should be above 13 ng/mL, according to the researchers. In countries which strengthen grains and other foods containing folic acid, the lack of folate is rare. However, the range goes beyond 3 ng/mL is not good. If you want optimal health and longevity, what levels you need to target? According to research, an optimal lower limit should be higher than the one which is already present limit. For example, levels under 13 ng/mL shown the high risk of mortality in a survey conducted on 28,845 people. In levels from 17.6 to 20 ng/mL, lowest risk was observed. According to a study conducted on 1921 people, there is the least risk of heart disease in individuals with around 9.6 ng/mL. Levels beyond 11.3 ng/mL shown 39% lower risk of lung cancer than levels under 7 ng/mL. It means optimal lower folate levels are a lot higher as comparing to the existing normal lower range. It is yet another reason why it is not good to rely on the normal range establishing to figure out if levels are healthy.


An upper normal limit is 150 mg/dL for triglycerides. More than 60 studies were conducted by scientists on 726,030 people which shows that levels under 90 mg/dL are relevant to least risk of mortality. Another study on 13,957 individuals shows that people with the lowest risk of mortality had levels below 88 mg/dL. Along with this, levels under 88 mg/dL also shows least heart attack risks. Levels beyond this shows the heart attack risk when there are high levels of cholesterol. In simple words, high levels of cholesterol are a lot harmful when they are associated with triglyceride levels beyond 88 mg/dL. There is also a high risk of diabetes when triglyceride levels go above 90 mg/dL. All in all, depending on normal ranges could be harmful with markers like this. These types of normal levels do more harm than good as you might ignore disease precautionary steps by relying on them. It gives a wrong feeling of security.

Normal Ranges vs. Optimal Ranges

Have your blood test come normal and you are worrying instead of being relieved, as you know that something was going wrong but the doctor couldn’t find anything?

                    Fig: Blood Test Ranges

Along with traditional blood test , standard reference ranges are also the matter of concern for most naturopathic doctors and other practitioners in functional medicines. Reference ranges are usually very large with small practical value. For standard labs, in order to fit 95% of Americans in the normal reference ranges, normal reference ranges are intended to diagnose and detect stages of disease only. The number of clinically normal people is larger and makes the definition of the disease or abnormal states relative as population goes sicker. Is being normal is good enough for your body as comparing to the rest of sick people or do you have more healthy goals like being free of a headache, sleeping well, having the energy to live well, stable blood glucose, not eating unhealthy etc?

The Source of Optimal Reference Ranges

Optimal physiology is the source of optimal health ranges. These tighter ranges are derived from clinical trials and research studies. These are the ranges which are known to be normal since 20 to 30 years ago. Optimal reference ranges are often referred for functional blood analysis and using them deeper knowledge on the common causes of physiological imbalances is provided. By testing most of the markers combine, dysfunctions like gastric inflammation, viral infection, thyroid dysfunction, gut problems, adrenal insufficiency, etc are revealing. When lab testing is a great tool to assess your health status, such lab tests must be used along with other modalities like functional evaluation and symptom analysis.

Should You Rely on Lab Test Values?

There are four common indicators to determine clinical test reliability. Accuracy and precision are two indicators which shows how well test is performed, on daily basis in a lab. Specificity and sensitivity are the other two indicators which deal with how well a test can differentiate disease from good health. In each test approach, the precision and accuracy are established and monitored well by a professional. Specificity and sensitivity are usually find in literature and research studies. Each test is having its own uses and performance measures. Lab values are considered to be accurate, precise, sensitive and specific. These concepts are known to be the keys of reliability and to provide the feeling of confidence to the healthcare provider when it comes to using clinical laboratory test.

Precision and accuracy

The basic reliability is measured by the measurements of precision and accuracy. These terms are not interchangeable and they describe the sources of variability. A test approach is usually precise without being accurate.


When test value shows the true value of an analyte (a substance) to measure, it is supposed to be accurate. In each test, results are comparing to the control samples which have gone through several evaluations and are assessing with ‘gold’ standard for the same assay and are analyzing with the best testing standards possible.


When the same results are coming with repetitive analysis on the same sample, a test approach is considered to be precise. There is a small amount of random variation with the precise test method. Results are producing reliably over time to ensure that the test method is trustworthy.   Even though 100% precise and accurate test is perfect, there is still a chance of small changes in results due to instrumentation, test methodology, and lab operations. The small changes which usually take place during testing don’t usually detract from the value of the test. The level of accuracy and precision which can be achieved, is specific to each approach. Also, it is usually tested for reliability with complete quality assurance and control procedures. When your blood is tested by the same lab more than once, test results shouldn’t vary much unless your condition is no longer the same. There may be some changes between labs in accuracy and precision because of different analytical methodologies or instrumentation. But the test results are reported with standard intervals of references that are specific for that lab. It is helpful to the health care provider to interpret details along with their relevance to that interval.

Specificity and sensitivity

The tests are ordered by the healthcare provider to monitor or diagnose medical condition. The conditions depends on their natural ability to differentiate whether you have a condition or not. According to the medical history and symptoms of the patient, tests with high sensitivity to verify the condition or tests with high specificity are ordered to rule it out.

Tests with high sensitivity

Sensitivity is an ability of a test to identify people who have a specific condition or health problem. Suppose a test is known to be 90% sensitive if 100 people have a disease, the test which is detecting the condition will do so correctly for 90% of cases. The rest of 10 people will not show the result expecting for the test. The normal result could be confusing for 10% of cases and it is known as a false negative. More sensitivity leads to fewer false-negative results.

Tests with high specificity

Specificity determines the ability of a test to exclude people correctly who doesn’t have given health condition or disease. Let’s take an example of a test which is 90% specific. If doctors test 100 healthy people with this approach. Only 90 people (90%) will be diagnosed with disease-free (found normal) by this test. The rest of the 10 people will seem to be positive (who don’t have the disease). For those 10 % of people, the abnormal findings are found to be false-positive and misleading results. When it is important to confirm diagnosis which calls for a risky therapy. The specificity of the test is one of the main indicators. If a patient is notifying that their report is positive for a test but doesn’t have any problem, they may subject to harmful or painful treatment. Also, unwarranted anxiety and expense may need to retest. More specific test refers to fewer false-positive results. According to the FDA, manufacturers and developers of a test must provide specific values for results. Also, the evidence for the ranges. It also expects details on limitations of the test as well as factors which could give false results. Hence, it is vital for healthcare providers to correlate the results with the clinical health of a person to figure out if recommended for repeat testing. There are different factors in lab testing which could affect the integrity of the sample adversely and prevent reporting of test result accuracy to the provider. These are usually grouping in three different areas which can track sample from beginning till the end.


    It covers the things take place from the moment test is ordered to the moment when the sample comes in the lab.


    It describes things which take place when analysis and management of sample take place.

    Post Analytical

    It describes the process after getting the result and how and when it is reported.


Some processes take place from the first moment of the test. It is important to conduct all such steps right to ensure that samples arrive at the laboratory. Here are some of the error-prone areas, even though those procedures take place to avoid those errors –
  •         A process of ordering the test – It is important for a provider to order the right test with right code or name of the test.
  •      Patient preparation – A patient should get proper instructions about fasting, diet, and medications to ensure that the sample won’t have substances which can affect the test.
  •      Identification of patient – A professional assigning to collect sample should understand that a person is a patient on whom the test was suggested. It means confirming the identity of the patient and checking for the wristband. When it comes to giving a name and some other information, be sure that samples are matching properly.
  •      Completeness of information – There are two identifiers to label the sample (i.e. name of the patient and medical record number or date of birth, as well as the date of service) to ensure the sample is matched with the right person.
  •      Collection of samples – It is important to collect the specimen in the right type of container and it should be mixed with the right preservative if need. The staff who is responsible to collect samples should have proper training in collecting samples for different types of tests.
  •      Sending samples to the lab – Some samples should store in cold and some should process and tested in a specific period. So, proper transportation and handling are important for the integrity of the sample.

Analytic Process

Automated analyzers are used in most test methods in order to reduce chances for manual errors. Integrated technology is improving from some years for more accuracy and consistency to manage samples, the process of testing, and reporting of test results. These instruments can have surveillance systems to catch discrepancies or malfunctions and to help the lab staff regarding this matter. Quality assurance procedures are conducting to guide and keep track of all of the activities.

                    Fig: Analytic Process

  •       Valid test reagents – Mentioning the Expiry date in all test materials. There are routine procedures conducting in the lab to ensure that the test materials are fine. Also they are not crossing the expiry date.
  •      Operations of instruments – All instruments must be tested and calibrated well as per the standards regarding maintenance, quality control, and operation.
  •     Testing staff – The lab staff assigned to testing should have proper training and education. They should be certified well and licensed in some states to perform lab testing.

Post-Analytic Procedures

After completing the test, results should be delivered on a timely basis to the healthcare specialist –
  •      Transfer of reports to the concerned party – The healthcare provider who suggested the test should get the test report to diagnose and cure the disease and help the patient.
  •      Timely data reporting – A turn-around-time (TAT) is achieved and is monitored as part of quality assurance for most lab tests.
  •      Critical limits – Each lab is having a system in place for quick reporting. It is showing a life-threatening or critical condition. When test value falls within these limits, it needs doctors to take immediate action. Failure in reporting those values may take a toll on the patient’s life or medical condition.
  •      Reference intervals – Lab reports should also cover a framework to interpret results, which is also known as reference interval. A reference interval should be established in each lab for each test. They should also offer written details of test results. In these intervals, small variations are usually observed from lab to lab. This is because of the changes in testing methods or instrumentation methods. They may also change for biological factors like age, sex, or other clinical situations.
A lot of blood test are collected and managed by a Laboratory Information system which can send online detailed reports to the healthcare specialist. You can send the report directly in the clinic or healthcare provider with a printer, by faxing or by email. These systems are used to track test orders, helping in quality control, pre-analytical information, and report and store all results. Lab reports can also specify the values which fall off the reference or expected interval. Which is performed to focus on the tests which need the most attention.

Importance of Full Blood Test in Diagnosing Condition

A healthcare provider should evaluate all of the findings. Some information and lab test data from sources like -family and personal medical histories, physical exam, signs and symptoms. Also, the other examinations like x-rays before making a treatment plan. By considering the disease response and complex physiology, the diagnosis shouldn’t made only on basis of a single lab test. Does the data fit well with other puzzles? The diagnosis can be more reliable with careful consideration. Therefore, evaluation of test results should be done carefully to lower the risk of errors.

Do You Need Clear Interpretation of Blood Test 

Do you still have any doubt even after getting lab values normal? Use Analytics. It is a smart lab test analyzer which provides results with keen research and unique algorithm. It can identify the levels with risks of mortality and disease. Also, define the optimal ranges so you can reach the desired health goals.   It works on the unique machine intelligence algorithm. Also, it can suggest you with proper lifestyle changes, diet, and supplements which you need to reach optimal ranges. If there is still some confusion with normal levels, don’t worry. This lab test analyzer application will help you reach your desired health goal. Ref
  4. 4.
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How Lab Report Software is the Advanced Future of Clinical Diagnostics?

How Lab Report Software is the Advanced Future of Clinical Diagnostics?

From being stuck in a cranny of a hospital setting or being limited to a few practitioners to survive to be one of the highest revenue sources. He hubs for excellence in the healthcare industry, laboratories have seen a lot of challenges in their journey. Here, we will see some benefits of using Lab Report software for easy and fast lab report analysis.

Fig: Lab report Software

With the evolution of evidence-based treatment, accurate diagnostic results are very important in patient care. o, there is huge pressure on labs to perform well. t goes without saying that technology is reducing the need for human tasks to improve performance greatly. o especially in healthcare, laboratory software systems are gaining popularity prominently. Like other industries, diagnostics is also becoming part of the fourth industrial revolution, according to the World Economic Forum leaders. Robotics, digitization, and automation are highly responsible for 'smart factories. Hose is a truly flexible laboratory that can manage high volume/routine and fully customized analyses. Hey, we are also providing affordable prices for the comment. This integration chain is growing to cover various fields of science like genetics, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. t is facing change at a rapid rate which is giving birth to very unique and latest technologies. To go well with the changing environment, clinical laboratories are also trying hard to retain the top level of flexibility to adapt well to recent changes and stay ahead in completely new ways. To explain it further and more clearly, let's check out some major trends in medical science that are influencing and taking clinical diagnostics to a whole new level –

Genomics witnessing Rapid Growth thanks to automation

There has been a significant improvement in genome sequencing over the past few years. n addition, sequencing has been very affordable, and there is room for library preparation, and technology has been available more widely due to both of them. In addition, there is a significant improvement in knowledge of genomics due to data analytics advances by showing unknown correlations, hidden patterns, and other insights, especially when it comes to testing data sets on a large scale. Automation technologies allow great flexibility, higher throughputs, and affordable solutions. Ll, these technologies are the heart of this development. n addition, DNA sequencing and genotyping have been very reasonable, and DNA testing has been made available to consumers. s a result, its growth rate is very strong, and customers are looking for genetic tests. A majority of customers also want their samples to go for research purposes. This is why the huge amount of biological data generated is growing significantly.

Patient-oriented approaches and personalized medications

Ever-changing expectations of consumers are highly responsible for the increasing demand for personalized medicines. Especially in western countries, the aging population expects longer and healthier lives. Due to this expectation, the demand is increasing for more personalized solutions. There is also a high interest in training programs, tailored diets, and personalized cosmetic products and treatments. Personalized medicine is surely a great development. t has much more viable by integrating tiny automation into healthcare and genomics. Based on an average person who may or may not exist, robotics and automation in clinical diagnostics are now customized for medical treatment as per the genetic build-up of a person. Due to these advances in patient-oriented approaches, the healthcare field is witnessing significant growth.

Clinical diagnostics to be more complex

Clinical diagnostics are all set to be more complex. Ll thanks to the advancement of genetics and significant needs for innovative and latest therapies. Also, as a result: more data, more samples, and more variations in experiments. It will play a vital role in developing sophisticated systems with increasing robotics and automation that can be adapted well to various workflows and processes. Machine learning, cloud computing, and other growing technologies will be very helpful for laboratories in the future. Also, it will be a lot easier to share and analyze data. With the use of cloud computing, research groups will be able to access and collaborate on a lot of data at the same time. Algorithms to learn from data, make predictions and gain more insights are being used by cloud computing.

More flexibility will be needed in in-depth research.

Groundbreaking research in areas like stem cell technology, cancer immunotherapy, regenerative medicine, and gene editing plays a vital role in market opportunities. These breakthroughs are giving huge paradigm shifts and opening up new opportunities and markets for clinical lab report software so they can simultaneously meet safety and quality standards.

Effects of these trends on Clinical Labs and IVD agencies

These types of trends bring a lot of exciting and new possibilities for clinical labs. ell, they also come with some unique challenges, concerns about the integrity and safety of people, ranges of heterogeneous innovations, and ever-changing environments to work in. There is no solution or gold standard for such kinds of challenges. Those who can go with the rapidly growing environment will stay ahead of the competition. To catch up with the new opportunities, it will be important for clinical laboratories to change and adjust processes regularly. For instance, it promotes integrated flexibility in clinical applications to move across genetic and tailored services. Also move to recent market segments like mass spectrometry, immunoassay, and molecular testing. n simple words, it is about moving rapidly with market trends.

Pathology in Future

Pathology is always an important part of our lives and the healthcare industry. Pathologists have their important for clinicians to diagnose illnesses and diseases like cancer, monitor the status of improvement, and manage treatments. Pathology has been going digital over the years and has great potential to transform this traditional practice. Pathologists use digital pathways to deliver services and information.

The pathology market is flourishing with digitization.

There are only 33 companies across the world supplying digital pathology programs, hardware, and solutions. t is expected for the digital pathology market to grow significantly, with around $4.5 billion of sales across the world by the end of 2018. Followed by Europe and Asia, North America is the market leader in this segment. The Asian market is set to top the growth chart shortly because there is significant awareness of several benefits and growth of digital pathology to improve the quality and accuracy of diagnostics by the Ministry of Health in Asia.

Digital Innovations in Pathology

Here are some of the common examples of innovation and digital technology in pathology –
  • I am changing infrastructure in lab-oriented communications using interfaces with Lab Report Information Systems and Lab Information Management Systems.
  • We are expanding the reach of digital pathology at remote locations and enhancing expert opinions and consultations.
  • We are integrating laboratory test result management in laboratories in different sites with varying levels of information systems, such as immunology, hematology, cytology, microbiology, and biochemistry.
  • Higher efficiency in data processing and overall work of multi-disciplinary teams with consolidation through integrating systems.
  • She has improved patient care by sharing information like electronic health records and promoting referrals and consultations.
  • Obtain corporate intelligence through data mining to get a better insight into pathology reports and processes and use the results well to improve patient health and pathology solutions.
  • They are helping patients to self-manage their long-term disorders.
  • We have automated sample identification with end-to-end management of samples to better control the transport and collection of samples to labs from hospital clinics and surgeries.
  • Automated and quantitative image detection and analysis to detect areas of interest and offer risk-based prioritization of cases.
  • Usage of digital pathology in training, education, and elaborating cases of tumor boards.
  • Some common benefits are improvements in communication, patient safety, and service delivery, lower costs, reduced errors, and more efficient and better utilization of data.

Shortly, digital pathology is going to offer the following services –

  • Early diagnosis of illness or disease
  • Therapies will be personalized, and patients can get tailored medicines according to their conditions.
  • Analyze and extract data to determine the connections between treatments and tests and enhance results.
  • Pathologists get a complete insight into patients' care and health status.
  • Pathologists can access previous records and data from various sources instantly.
  • People can easily manage their health by accessing electronic records
  • Optimized delivery structure without geographical limitations and boundaries
  • Pathologists can interact with patients smoothly

Pathology Lab Reporting Software – To Ease Record Management

These days the age of technology has its pros and cons.  your lives have been made easier with it. Ut, there are still some hitches to consider. After all, there are two sides to every coin. When it comes to digitization, healthcare is no exception.

Fig: Use of Pathology Lab Reporting Software

When all the other sectors are digital, pathology labs have also come forward to providing online solutions. Lab I is one of the leading names in digital diagnostic and pathology solutions, along with lab management software that works on machine intelligence. So, let's discuss laboratory report software. s the name suggests, this cloud-based mobile app has been designed for pathology labs to manage Home visits and in-clinic appointments, reports, tests, and other allied aspects.

Usage and Benefits of Pathology Lab Report Software

If you have pathology lab software in your device, you are just one touch away from your pathology laWithith a few taps; you can access all the relevant data you need. t is a robust system to assemble all test records, i.e., from the request for an appointment to the delivery of the report with every small detail. Along with helping with lab tests, the system is efficient enough to collaborate all of the information of the sample lab report at once. The statistic is centralized for the complete administration of work. t can provide easy and smooth access to users with their history. Once pathology software tracks all the data, there is no risk of issues like-
  • Delay in appointments,
  • Missing the reports,
  • Jumbling in different types and numbers of tests,
  • Waiting for delivery of messages, etc.
All in all, this software improves the genuineness of pathology lab service you ou may consider your pathology software as a store that consists of everything relevant to your health. Here are some of the benefits of Pathology Report Software


Transfer of samples is a process that takes most of the time in delivering reports. Before sending it from the collection hub, it is time to register models. After receiving it at the processing department, it has to write again. There is a different sample tracking model and the base of the batch sheet in a robust Lab Information System (LIS). Barcode is assigned to the whole batch of samples before transferring the same to the processing chamber.

Real-time tracking of samples

The Laboratory Management Software has a "Sample Workflow Manager" feature to handle samples automatically once the selection is barcoded and collected. Hence, technicians can easily keep track of models simultaneously.

Manual work only on abnormal reports

Integrating the auto-authorization procedure can automatically approve reports that come with normal values. t leaves enough time for doctors and pathologists to focus only on abnormal values. t can save a lot of time and effort for both pathologists and doctors.

Efficient logistics management

The LIS is including smooth and effective logistics management system. t can add barcodes to each sample, signals, and the processing hubs when samples are booked at a collection center. herefore, it's possible to allocate reagents, resources, and material even before processing center receives samples.

Reduced human error

Labs can improve efficiency significantly by integrating devices and lab equipments on a secure and single platform. his way, data can transfer automatically from the device to the LIS. t can reduce manual work and save time and there is the low risk of human error.

Fast operations save lives

Every minute is valuable when handling test reports with abnormal values that can take a toll on someone's life. o, there is a feature of panic alert in an efficient LIS solution which can send an automatic alert to the concerning doctor. his way, they can take immediate action and it saves the life.


Effective MIS dashboards generate inventory, operational, financial, lab, and test-based reports in personalized formats. fficient lab information system can help in data mining for lab owners. lso, it can create trends, crunch numbers, and projections to enhance revenues and track metrics.

No longer unwanted expenses and pilferage

The Advance inventory module is recommend to automate purchases with expiry alerts and predictive reordering. t will be helpful to reduce wastage, pilferage and unwanted expenses.

Scalable solution

Lab information systems make it easier to grow laboratory businesses. t becomes very simple to collect and process centers with cloud-based LIS and takes only a couple of hours when master data is provided. ll of the centers can be managed by lab owners on secure, single platform and they also work individually. Medical laboratory reporting software has endless benefits, such as speedy results, error-free operations, better utility and lab management. xpand your business, process large numbers and varieties of samples, and enhance revenues with LIS.

What to Know Before Using Lab Test Software?

There are different operations you need to conduct if you own a pathology lab to ensure smooth functioning of your lab. eporting, testing, and documentation of reports are some of the major tasks that you need to execute without any errors. These tasks are dependent and discrete on one another, there are high dependencies for a lab result software such as:
  • Labs perform medium to large-scale operations for those dependencies and it is the best fit for them.
  • Lab management software can improve your efficiency and you can manage samples and data efficiently.
  • The whole workflow can automate along with other processes when integrating medical instruments and machinery.
  • Lab information systems are used by lab technicians and doctors to conduct different types of medical tests.
  • Usually, lab report systems come with features to manage order like entry, patient check-in, result entry, processing specimen, and patient demographics.
  • Lab information system can store and track clinical information about the patient. uring a visit, it also store information in the database for reference.
  • Laboratory Information Management System is closely associated with LIS.
  • A Lab Information System stores clinical information.
  • LIMS can be installed on a PC or mobile device or also used as an online tool to store and manage data. lso, it can produce reports from the stored data.
It is always wise to have a laboratory information system to analyze your lab report. Here are some things you need to consider before you install it –

Takes time to go Live

It is not a regular work to move operational and business process to LIMS program. owever, it is also not tiresome. ut it calls for a turnaround time to get those processes live. ou may want to customize LIMS to meet your business needs. t takes the longer time to set up than usual.

Needs IT Support

Your staff has to be tech-savvy and they should have proper technical knowledge before moving to LIMS. ou have to give proper training to your staff to operate the software and enough technical knowledge to perform the basic IT functions. f you cannot spend on training, will you acquire professional support on daily basis?

Cost and flexibility

Basically, LIMS is a complete package in itself. ut there are high chances you would need a program that can meet your business needs and complement your practices. It is better off if you have a module which can meet your needs rather than changing the processes.   standard program may be feasible economically for a business but it needs more work to do than usual. It is always wise to go with LIMS when making a switch to a high-end lab. is an online lab report solution which stays always ahead with technology. LIMS also gives the technical benefits to the futuristic pathology lab. t is coming to the market to fulfill the needs of doctors and patients for best lab report and results.

Why Do You Need

For efficient lab management, laboratory management solution is always recommended. is very important for you to collect data and interpret your lab report. This software automates all of the lab functions, such as -
  • Management,
  • Administration,
  • Information and data management,
  • Data transfer between technicians,
  • Labs, and doctors, and quality controls.
Here are some of its key features –
  •  Lab test
  •  Lab automation
  • Online billing
  •  Online portal for patients
  •  Interpret lab report and key reference ranges and suggest important changes you need to make to reach optimum level of health
Here's what can do –
  • Store, track, and manage patients' reports and allied info
  • Manage clinical tests and reports
  • Generates patients' reports smoothly

Manage Samples – It manages, stores, and analyzes software and also helps in managing results and tests and generates reports.

Manages subject – It also helps store patient's data and detailed information, generate reports, and maintain demographics details.

Manages Lab Test – It efficiently manages report, entry of results, and registration of samples.

This lab test software also helps users to track and manage their blood work reports. t also secures user data so any unauthorized user cannot access this information. is a cost-effective and user-friendly program that automates all lab functions. Ref
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