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1st Priority - Never Feel Anxious About Lab Values Again- Analyze Your Blood Test Results

Are you worried about a repeat blood test? You should never feel anxious about lab values again. As a general rule, accurate diagnosis is the key to getting the best treatment in the medical field. If the diagnosis is not right, treatment will not work. Sometimes, it may go against you. So here we are! You can see the process of analyzing your blood test results, and you will never feel anxious about lab values again.

Fig: Is your Lab Test Report Normal

Managing hypothyroidism is not easy and misdiagnosis often takes place. If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism and you see the doctor, you will simply get alternative hormones without doctors asking any further questions about the cause of this condition. Even worse, if you get blood tests normal but you have hypothyroid systems, they will simply tell you that you are fine. Even if you insist that there is something wrong, they might just give you an antidepressant, as they won’t have clue about your symptoms.

The steps

  • It is because of complex procedures in thyroid physiology.
  • There are several steps involved in the production, uptake and conversion of thyroid hormone in your body.
  • Malfunction in any of these steps, can cause symptoms of hypothyroid, but it may not be seen on common lab tests.
  • Simply assuming that all cases of hypothyroidism need same treatment and have same cause, doesn’t make sense.
  • However, the problem is when treatment standard for hypothyroidism doesn’t give much concern.

So, let’s discuss the thyroid dysfunction patterns which are not detected on common lab tests and solutions to analyze blood tests-

Having any of these patterns in your body means your thyroid is not working well and you would suffer from its symptoms. However, it is even more painful when you are told that there is nothing wrong in your body when you visit a conventional doctor.  
  • Normally, T4 and TSH are the markers of a typical thyroid panel.
  • According to lab, the ranges vary for these markers.
  • It is a problem in standard ranges.
  • Another problem is that these ranges don’t tell about healthy range as they are not research based.
  • It is based on bell curve of values that are obtained from the individuals who visit the labs to perform test.
Obviously, sick people visit the labs for blood test. If thyroid blood test normal range is created on results from those people, does it clarify anything about their health?

Thyroid Blood Test Normal But Still Have Symptoms

never feel anxious about lab values againFig: Thyroid Blood Test Normal But Still Have Symptoms

  1.      Low conversion from T4 to T3

Thyroid is a hormone and T4 is its inactive form which should be turned into T3 before it is used by the body. Over 90% of thyroid has been produced in T4 form. Increased cortisol levels and inflammation are main causes behind this particular pattern. Cell membranes are the place where conversion from T4 to T3 takes place. Cell membranes are damaged by inflammatory cytokines and our ability of T4 to T3 conversion is impaired. Elevated cortisol level also restricts T4 to T3 conversion. You will suffer symptoms of hypothyroid with this pattern but TSH and T4 levels will remain normal. It will be low if you get your T3 tested, which is under low settings.
  1.      Pituitary dysfunction causing hypothyroidism

The Increasing cortisol level is highly responsible for this pattern. It is indeed caused by blood sugar problem, active infection, pregnancy, chronic stress, insulin resistance, or hypoglycemia. The pituitary gland may fatigue by these stressors at the base of brain so it can no longer show the thyroid to release enough hormone of thyroid. It is also common with thyroid gland. Our pituitary gland doesn’t send right signals.   You will have low TSH than the functional range, i.e. 1.8-3.0, but under standard (0.5-5.0) range with this pattern along with hypothyroid symptoms. In the functional and lab range, T4 will be recorded low.
  1.      Increased TBG levels causing Hypothyroidism

TBG or Thyroid Binding Globulin is the protein transfers thyroid hormone with the blood. Thyroid is not available and inactive for the tissues once it is bound to TBG. In case of high TBG levels, unbound or free thyroid hormone levels will be low and cause hypothyroidism. T4 and TSH will be reported normal in hypothyroidism test with this pattern. T3 will be low, and TBG and T3 uptake would be tested higher. Elevated estrogen levels are responsible for increased TBG, which are usually due to estrogen replacement (like estrogen creams or Premarin) or birth control pills. It is important to clear increased estrogen from the body to cure this pattern.
  1.      Reduced TBG also causes Hypothyroid symptoms

It is the exact replica of above pattern. Free thyroid hormone may record high with low TBG levels. It is assuming that it causes hyperthyroid symptoms. However, taking free thyroid too much in the blood may develop resistance in the cells against it. Despite having enough of thyroid, cells would be unable to use it and you will still suffer hypothyroid symptoms. T4 and TSH would be normal in this pattern. TBG and T3 uptake would consider low and T3 would be high when tested. High testosterone levels are the main cause of reduced TBG levels. It is usually related with insulin resistance and PCOS in women. It is important to balance blood sugar and reverse insulin resistance to treat this pattern.
  1.      Resistance to Thyroid glands

Both pituitary and thyroid glands work well in this pattern. But when needed, hormones resist getting into cells, which is the main cause of hypothyroidism. In this pattern, all the markers would be normal as there is no way to test cellular receptor function. Usually, elevated cortisol levels and chronic stress are the major culprits behind thyroid resistance. Genetic factors and high levels of homocysteine are also responsible.

Common Thyroid Problems, Lab Tests and How to Deal with them

Our thyroid controls a lot of body systems and processes. It even controls our heart and brain functions, as well as growth of our nails and hair, and even our digestion and metabolism in the body. No other hormone in our body can play such different roles. So, it goes without saying that most of the functions in our body may affect when thyroid becomes unable to work. However, the problem is thyroid physiology varies from person to person and is very complex. When you have symptoms like weight gain or constant tiredness related to thyroid, your problem may be different and more complex than a patient who can be treated by just giving thyroid replacement medicine. Keep in mind that thyroid dysfunction has nothing to do with sign of aging, as it is commonly believing thing. You may even have symptoms of thyroid, despite normal lab results.   As a results, there is no magic pill to fix your thyroid that can work for every patient. Rather than diagnosing levels of thyroid, doctors usually make more complex diagnosis to know why a patient is struggling with symptoms. Here are some of the hidden problems related with thyroid and what you can do to deal with each –
  1.      Thyroid dysfunction due to resistance

This is not a typical thyroid problem that most women have. Instead, it is a problem with cell receptor. As discussed above, thyroid hormones are responsible for most functions of our body to work well. However, toxins and inflammation block the cell receptors and our body feels hypothyroid symptoms, despite the fact that hormone is producing well. It is simply because those hormones don’t get where they should go. You will get normal TSH values but you will still feel low.
Lab tests – Markers like homocysteine and CRP levels along with reverse T3 can drop light on availability of hormone receptors and inflammation levels. Low HDL and high triglyceride levels are also the symptoms of insulin resistance, which usually takes place with resistance to thyroid.

What you can do – Resveratrol and liposomal turmeric are best supplements to deal with high levels of inflammation.
  1.      Autoimmune thyroid issues

According to a research, around 90% of all cases have autoimmune hypothyroidism. It is one of the most common signs of Hashimoto’s disease. Well, thyroid is not the root of the illness when it takes place. Instead, it is the victim of misled attack by immune system, in which it is confused as a virus by your body.    You usually get the common thyroid medication when you see your doctor. Whether you have autoimmune disease or true hypothyroidism affecting your thyroid. However, we are familiar to cure autoimmune thyroid disorders naturally in functional medicine and it can vary from person to person, as our body is biologically different. Tests – TBG antibodies and Thyroid peroxidase What you can do – To manage this condition naturally, you can do a lot of things. It is good if you heal the gut by making diet change and taking compounds like Baicalin to promote Treg (T cell) to manage immune system.
  1.      Increased levels of thyroid-binding globulin

High estrogen levels are most commonly in women, especially those who are using estrogen creams or birth control pills. All of the hormones are moving across the body on thyroid binding globulins (TBG), which carry proteins throughout the body. In case of increased TBG levels, it could increase protein-bound thyroid hormones, which have no use for the body. Tests – Free T3, TBG, and T4, along with expanded panel of female hormone. What to do – You can take herbs like milk thistle to clear excess hormones from the pathways of detoxification and also mythylation by taking active B vitamins.
  1.      Thyroid under-conversion

Also known as low T3 syndrome, this pattern is commonly related to chronic adrenal stress as well as the increased cortisol levels. Most of the thyroid hormone comes as T4, which is inactive metabolically and it should be turning to T3 to use in the body. Over 80% of conversion of thyroid takes places in liver and 20% in gut. In this process, 5’ deiodinase is a special hormone takes an iodine molecule away from T4 to activate T3. Medical literature is covering this pattern for years but it is not improving effectively by thyroid replacing hormones. A lot of thyroid drugs are T4 synthetic, which is not the issue with this pattern.

Tests to conduct – Total T3 and free, microbiome test, liver enzymes, and testing magnesium, selenium, and zinc nutrients.

What you can do – Along with getting gut, adrenal fatigue, and liver health controlled, you can promote healthy thyroid function by taking foods high in zinc, selenium and magnesium. Some of the best options are shellfish, brazil nuts, and oysters.

  1.      Pituitary Hypofunction and Hypothyroidism

Our thyroid simply follows the instructions from the brain. If pituitary gland malfunctions, especially due to chronic infections, chronic illness, or even benign pituitary tumor, you will suffer improper functioning of hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid (HPT). Pituitary gland serves as a pathway between your thyroid and brain. It is placed at the base of our brain. If it is not interacting well with thyroid gland, it will be fine but it will not get the signal to work. Tests to run – Inspect low levels of T3 and T4, even with low or normal TSH. Also go with labs to check for EBV or Epstein-Barr virus. What you can do – To promote proper HPA function and pituitary health, it is recommended to use the tools that can support natural brain functions, such as olive leaf, astragalus, sage leaf, zinc, L-lysine, and vitamin C.
  1.      Thyroid over-conversion

This function is common in people who have high testosterone levels, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is commonly assuming by most of us that if body produces high levels of T3, the thyroid hormone would be metabolically active. As you know, taking too much of anything is not good, no matter how healthy it is. Similarly, overly T3 conversion can be harmful for cell receptors and they may resist T3. Even though there is a lot of conversion, you cannot get the most of it. Tests – free and testosterone serum, total T3 and T4, HbgA1c and fasting blood sugar tests.

What you can do – Along with healthy foods like fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and meats, also take natural supplements like chromium and alpha-lipoic acid medicines, cinnamon etc. which can balance your blood sugar levels.

When it comes to usual thyroid health, sea vegetables like nori, dulse, and arame are the important sources of nutrients, including iodine, which is important to improve the production of fuel thyroid hormone.

Why Am I Always Tired And Have No Energy?

Also known as feeling sluggish, overwhelmed, low, overtired, weakness, or exhaustion, extreme fatigue is considered the most common symptom of thyroid disorder. If you have to take a nap after lunch or when you wake up you find your brain foggy, unrefreshed despite having proper sleep. There are many people like you. However, there are some ways to deal with your fatigue, such as making changes to your thyroid dose, looking for another drug or changing your sleep habits.

Thyroid and Fatigue

Fatigue is the most common hypothyroid symptom (underactive thyroid gland), which takes place due to the lower production of thyroid hormone. When the cure for hypothyroid is complete, the best thing is that many patients report improvement or recovery of fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom of overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), which is usually because of anxiety, insomnia, or improper sleep habits. The treatment of fatigue is with the cures of hyperthyroid problem and Graves’ disease.

What causes extreme fatigue?

If you are experiencing fatigue even after treatment of thyroid disease, there are other causes of extreme fatigue in women to look for –


With both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid, people have signs of depression. Along with extreme fatigue symptoms, here are other signs of depression –
  •         Feeling low or sad
  •         Low interest in day-to-day activities
  •         Problem in concentration
  •         Having too little or too much
  •         Slow down of movements, thoughts, or restlessness
  •         Feeling of guilt or hopelessness
  •         Problem in sleep like problem in staying asleep, waking up unrefreshed, or falling asleep
  •         Depressing thoughts
If you are having any of these symptoms, it is important to see the doctor. Treatment also includes the combination of antidepressant with psychotherapy and it can sometimes change your life.

Sleep disorders

According to a research, thyroid disease is related with sleep problems like sleep apnea. When breathing stops for a while when you sleep. Fatigue is highly responsible for sleep apnea, because of lack of oxygen. Along with grogginess and fatigue, other signs of this problem are gasping for air when waking up, snoring, headache in morning, and waking up to urinate more often at night.


If you are suffering from fatigue for a long term, and it takes place with other symptoms like wide muscle pains and aches, it might be fibromyalgia. According to a research, fibromyalgia also causes by an autoimmune thyroid disease which is “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis”.


Usually because of low RBC count, Anemia is commonly accrue due to hypothyroid. It may also lead to pounding heart, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Inferior sleep habits

When thyroid disease is usually relevant to improper and un-refreshing sleep and insomnia, fatigue can also the cause due to poor sleep patterns. The National Sleep Foundation suggests adults to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours and most of us are not so lucky to get that much sleep on daily basis. Here are the tips to help you improve your sleep patterns. It can help you give proper rest to your mind and body to get through the day in healthy and happy way –
  •         Stick to the same schedule to sleep on both weekends and weekdays.
  •         Your bedroom must be cooler than other rooms.
  •         Avoid television, laptop, smartphones and other devices before sleep
  •         Don’t drink alcohol and caffeine before sleep and in the afternoon
  •         Use blackout curtains or blinds or use dim lights in bedroom
  •         Avoid naps
  •         Don’t exercise after dinner

Here are some of the steps to relax your body before sleep –

  •         Take hot bath or shower before sleep
  •         Listen to relaxing music to fall asleep
  •         Use earplugs or sound conditioner to avoid noise
  •         Drink relaxing herbal tea before sleep
  •         Have protein-filled bedtime snack

Other causes

Along with aforementioned medical causes, there are several potential causes of extreme tiredness, including the followings:
  • Chronic liver or kidney disease,
  • Alcohol, infection,
  • Drug abuse and side effects of medications.
  • According to some people, changing diet improve fatigue, be it avoiding sugar, gluten, or dairy.

Never Feel Anxious About Lab Values Again – Analyze your blood test has been designed by scientists who are always trying hard to make platform easier and smarter. It is able to add current blood test results ordered by the doctor and you can get the full value. It is one of the best features of this lab test analyzer admire by its users. You can get scientifically-proven and personalized recommendations for supplement, nutrient, lifestyle changes and exercise on the basis of biomarkers, which come with lab-based tests, without any additional trip. Even better, you don’t even have to add the results manually, which is very cumbersome. You don’t need Ph.D. in biology to understand blood test results and wade through the complex terms like GLU, ALT, etc. Even though blood tests and codes are for doctors, it doesn’t mean you cannot understand it. Now you don’t have to do manual entry. All you need to scan your blood test report, upload it, and leave the application to do the rest. Here’s how it work –
  •         First of all, you get your blood test report in PDF or as hard copy
  •         Scan the report and save as PDF or JPG
  •         Upload the file to
  •         Get your results in your inbox
Don’t worry if you have report in several pages. Send multiple pages in one upload. This will send confirmation email after receiving your report. analyzes your report with its smart machine intelligence technology. Also, it extracts the text, including values, biomarkers, units, and date of test. The specialists will review your results to ensure accuracy. This is the technology where both machines and humans work together. Ref:
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An Ultimate CBC Test Cheat Sheet You Should Check

An Ultimate CBC Test Cheat Sheet You Should Check

The Complete Blood Test or CBC test is one of the most anticipated and a complete blood count test. To analyze the CBC test, you should keep in mind that there are two important parts of blood – cellular and plasma elements. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood which enables the smooth flow of blood. Blood cells are other parts of your blood.

Fig: The CBC cheat sheet

In our blood, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets are the major cells. Each of these cells conducts major and specific functions. The amount of various types of blood cells is measured in complete CBC test. Even, the one can also get some important insight into other parameters in each blood cell.

What Does Each Abbreviation Mean In A CBC Test?

Complete Blood Count is conducted to assess the overall health of a patient and it is one of the most common tests. It helps physicians to diagnose autoimmune disorders, infections, anemia, and other diseases. Here are some of the common abbreviations in CBC test –

Red Blood Cell (RBC)

The main function of red blood cells is to provide your lungs with much-needed oxygen through body tissues and remove carbon dioxide from the body. Here are the recommended normal RBC values – Infant – 4.1 to 6.1 million/µlt Children – 3.8 to 6 million/µlt Men – 4.5 to 5.5 million/µlt Women – 4 to 5 million/µlt High Level – The high level is It indicating smoking, dehydration, pulmonary fibrosis, congenital heart disease, renal cell carcinoma, pulmonary fibrosis, and polycythemia vera. Drugs increasing RBC levels – Gentamicin, Methyldopa Low Level – Anemia, Bleeding, overhydration, malnutrition, hemolysis, deficiency of erythropoietin, multiple myeloma, leukemia, thalassemia, porphyria, sickle cell anemia Drugs which lower RBC level – Hydantoins, quinidine, chloramphenicol, and drugs for chemotherapy

Hemoglobin (Hgb)

The Red blood cells contain a protein named hemoglobin. Our blood is made bright red by hemoglobin due to the presence of iron. People living thousands of meters above sea levels and smokers are more likely to have high hemoglobin levels. It is because their body produces it more to fulfill the need of oxygen. However, low amount of hemoglobin leads to different types of blood diseases like thalassemia and sickle cell disease. Recommended range Pregnancy – 10-15 g/dL Male – 13.5-16.5 g/dL Female – 12-15 g/dL High Level – Reasons for high level are due to smoking, dehydration, tumors, polycythemia vera, lung disease, erythropoietin abuse, blood doping Drugs causing high hemoglobin count – Iron supplements, erythropoietin Low Level – The low level is due to blood loss, lack of nutrients, sickle cell anemia, renal problems, leukemia, bone marrow suppression, etc. Drugs causing low hemoglobin count – Antibiotics, aspirin, sulfonamides, anti-neoplastic drugs, trimethadione, doxapram, indomethacin, primaquine, and rifampin.

Hematocrit (Hct)

Also called as PCV or packed cell volume, Hematocrit refers to the percentage of a volume of RBCs in the blood. Hence, the result you will get varies by structure, size, and total RBC value. It is important to determine Hct to assess and diagnose a lack of nutrition, blood diseases, and hydration level. Recommended range Men – 41% to 50% Children – 36% to 40% Women – 36% to 44% Infant – 55% to 68% High level – Some of the common causes include smoking, dehydration, hypoxia, tumors, polycythemia vera, lung diseases, erythropoietin abuse, cor pulmonale, and blood doping. Drugs which increase levels – Iron supplements Drugs which reduce levels – Antibiotics, aspirin etc.

White Blood Cell

There are, generally five different types of white blood cells – lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and basophils. Recommended Range – 5000 to 10000 per microliter High Level – Some of the common causes include smoking, infections, inflammatory diseases, leukemia, severe mental or physical stress, tissue damage Drugs causing high level – Heparin, Corticosteroids, epinephrine, beta-adrenergic agonists, lithium, and granulocyte colony-provoking drugs Low Levels – It may caused due to deficiencies in bone marrow, autoimmune disorders, liver problems, viral diseases, spleen issues, radiation therapy, and extreme bacterial infections Drugs causing low levels – Chemotherapeutic medicines, Diuretics, captopril, histamine-2 blockers, antibiotics, quinidine, anti-thyroid medications, terbinafine, chlorpromazine, etc.

Platelet Count

Also known as thrombocytes, platelets bind together and circulate in the blood to clot over the blood vessel which is damaged. Also, it is very important to assess platelet count to diagnose the risk of thrombosis in patients. Recommended range – 150,000 to 400,000 per Micro-liter High Level – Some of the common causes of high level are:
  • Allergy
  • Cancer
  • The recent removal of the spleen
  • Polycythemia Vera
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic myelogenous leukemia
  • Secondary thrombocytosis
Drugs causing high platelet – Steroids, romiplostim, immunosuppressants, human IgG Low Level – Some of the common causes of low levels are:
  • Leukemia
  • Viral infection
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Alcoholism
  • Deficiency of folic acid
  • Vitamin B12
  • Hemolytic uremic condition
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
  • HELLP syndrome,
  • Sepsis
  • Vasculitis
  • Cirrhosis etc.
Drugs causing low platelet – Some of the common drugs include aspirin, chemotherapeutic drugs, anagrelide, hydroxyurea, ranitidine, statins, quinidine, vancomycin, tetracycline, sulfonamides, valproic acid, etc.

Reference Ranges In Blood Tests

In blood tests, reference ranges are, basically, sets of values used to figure out a set of test results by a health professional from blood samples. Therefore, the reference ranges are assessed using clinical chemistry, pathology and statistics. As such, blood test results are analyzed with the reference range that comes from the laboratory. Simply put, a reference range is the set of values, which is 95% prediction based off of mass statistical data.  Lab Me is working hard to rethink this out dated methodology and create ranges that are specific to you. A simple explanation of all CBC test markers Do you get a fasting blood test every year? have you asked for markers like thyroid, vitamin C- or D-reactive protein, and hormones? You get a copy of test results to compare your files year by year? Are you familiar with the meaning of blood markers? Therefore, you should look for the following markers when your blood test is being done along with regular ones –
  • Ferritin Iron
  • B12
  • Cortisol
  • DHEA
  • Vitamin D
  • Insulin
  • C-Reactive Protein
  • T4 TSH
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin A, C, B7 (Biotin), B3 (Niacin)

Androstenedione and Dihydrotestosterone Testosterone

When it comes to hair loss, hormones that are discussed mostly are a group of hormones named as androgens. DHT is the combined term which describes three categories of androgen hormones. If a woman is having hair loss, it is wise to evaluate her thyroid health because hyper or hypothyroidism could be at the root of the hair. According to the experts, your hair indicates your overall health. So, whatever you do for your health may lead to a direct impact on hair. Here are some of the blood test markers you should include when CBC test is conducted by the doctor –
  •         ESR or Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
  •         CRP or C-Reactive Protein
  •         Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and other tests – in case of symptoms like CFS due to hypothyroidism
  •         EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) antibody test
  •         Cortisol – In the case of low adrenal gland functions and/or low cortisol concentrations are found.
  •         Rheumatoid Factor
  •         Lyme Antibodies Test

Here Are The Blood Markers Belong To Extended CBC test Panel –

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Ferritin (Iron)
  • Magnesium
  • Homocysteine
Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) test to detect LUPUS and other autoimmune problems So checking out blood test report seem boring to you? Add more than just regular markers to know more about your health and make it more interesting. Now consider the CBC test apart from the test result in Organic Acid test. You can get to know about the imbalances in your body, how your body is working, lack of nutrition, and pathways to detoxifications. Also, order the Organic Acid Test and get CBC test from the physician to get a complete insight.

What A High Or Low-Value May Represent?

Levels going below or above the normal CBC values in the following areas are the indicators of a certain problem– White Blood Cells (Leukopenia) Low WBC count represents a medical condition like bone marrow problems, cancer or autoimmune disorder which removes white blood cells. There are some medications that may lower the WBC counts. On the other side, higher WBC count represents inflammation or infection. It could also be a sign of bone marrow disease or immune system disorder. Reaction to a certain medication is the major cause of high WBC count. RBC Count (Hematocrit and Hemoglobin) Hematocrit and hemoglobin are related to Red Blood Cell count as your red blood cells are determined by each measure. In these areas, if readings are lower, it is the sign of anemia, which causes weakness and fatigue. There are many causes of anemia, such as low levels of iron or vitamins or blood loss. Higher RBC count than normal or erythrocytosis or high hematocrit or hemoglobin levels could be the cause of heart disease. Platelet count – Higher or lower platelet count may represent a common medical condition or side effects of a drug. If platelet count goes beyond the recommended range, you may need other tests to determine the cause. Clearly Defined Ranges for Each Biomarker The Common CBC test Panels CBC with Differential It determines the percentages and numbers of several types of blood cells in a sample. CBC lab test is one of the widely-used tests to keep track of overall health.

BMP (Basic Metabolic Panel)

  • It measures the functioning of the kidney, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar levels.
  • This is one of the most common tests conducted by healthcare professionals.
  • BMP has 7-8 biochemical tests.
  • The BMP helps monitor and assesses overall health, medical therapies, response to medication, and it determines the functioning of metabolism.

Lipids panel

It determines fatty elements in your blood because high cholesterol and triglyceride levels are responsible for high risk of heart diseases. CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
  • It tests functioning of liver, kidney, parathyroid and diabetic status, fluid and electrolyte balance.
  • CMP consists of a panel including 14 blood results and it expands as BMP or basic metabolic panel, including liver tests.
  • It is also called as CMP 14 or Complete Metabolic Panel 14 or Chemical Screen.

Here is some detail about the CBC Biomarkers

RBC (Corpuscles)

  • Red Blood cells are split inside liver and spleen and are made in bone marrow.
  • It may increase due to high testosterone levels and dehydration.
  • It may be lower because of the lack of nutrients (for eg. Vitamin B6, iron, Vitamin B12, and folate), chronic inflammation, kidney dysfunction, blood loss, and anemia.


  • It includes the percentage of blood volume having RBCs.
  • Dehydration, smoking, increased testosterone levels, poor oxygen levels, lack of thiamin, and insulin resistance.
  • These are some of the common causes behind increased levels. On the other side, liver disease, anemia, lack of arginine, hypothyroidism, lack of protein, inflammation caused due to lack of nutrients.


This type of protein in your blood delivers oxygen to the cells. It may increase due to poor oxygen, dehydration, increased testosterone levels, lack of thiamin, and insulin resistance.

Here are some of the common causes of a reduced level of Hemoglobin:

  • Hypothyroidism,
  • Liver disease,
  • Anemia,
  • Lack of arginine,
  • Lack of protein,
  • Inflammation caused by a deficiency of nutrients like magnesium,
  • Vitamin E,
  • Copper, zinc, etc.


  • These are nucleated, small cell fragments vital for vascular integrity and clotting.
  • It may increase because of deficiency of iron, anemia, hemolytic, collagen problems, stress, blood loss, inflammation, and infection.
  • It may reduce because of liver dysfunction, alcoholism, bacterial/viral infections, bleeding, and pernicious anemia.

Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)

  • This is a measure of the average platelets size. It increases because of the increment in the production of platelets.
  • This is often the case because of destruction or loss of platelets. Increased MPV value can be associated with mortality and vascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers, and thyroiditis.
  • The main causes of lower MPV include the conditions related to under-production of platelets, including cytotoxic drug therapy or aplastic anemia.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)

  • It determines the average weight of hemoglobin in each red blood cell.
  • It may increase because of the lack of nutrients like folate, vitamin B12, and Vitamin C, lack of thiamin, alcohol consumption, and hyperlipidemia.
  • The major causes of lower MCH include deficiency of iron and nutrients like copper, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A.

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

  • It estimates the average size of the red blood cell.
  • It may increase because of a lack of nutrients (folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin C), deficiency of thiamine, and alcoholism.
  • The main causes of lower MCV value are the deficiency of iron and nutrients (copper, zinc, Vitamin B6, vitamin A, and C).

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

  • It measures the average value of hemoglobin in RBCs.
  • It may increase due to deficiency of nutrients (folate, vitamin B12, and Vitamin C), thiamin deficiency, consumption of alcohol and hyperlipidemia.
  • The major causes of low MCHC levels are a deficiency of iron and nutrients (copper zinc, vitamin B6, A, and C)

RBC Distribution Width (RDW)

It measures the variation in the size of the red blood cell. The main causes of increased levels are anemias related to deficiency of nutrients (vitamin A, iron, zinc, copper, vitamin B6).

Absolute Lymphocytes

It is a type of white blood cell, including T-cells, B-cells, and Natural Killers. The main causes of its high level are viral infections, auto-immune diseases like Crohn's disease, and hypoadrenalism. Major causes of its lower levels include a spike in white blood cells and zinc deficiency.

Absolute Neutrophils

This is a kind of most abundant WBC which controls pathogens. However, it may increase because of inflammation or bacterial infection. Also, It may reduce because of deficiencies of nutrients (B12, copper folate) and a spike in other WBCs.

Absolute Eosinophils

These are the immune cells which activate in last stage inflammation. Hence, Allergies, parasitic infection, asthma, skin diseases like ulcerate colitis, eczema etc. Also, aspirin sensitivity is the major causes of its increased levels. Elevated cortisol may be the major cause of its lower levels.

Absolute Monocytes

These are basically white blood cells which turn into macrophages and leave the circulation. It may increase due to collagen problems, inflammation, recovery after a trauma, and ulcerative colitis.

Absolute Basophils

These are white blood cells related to hypersensitivity and inflammation. It may increase due to allergies, inflammation, hypothyroidism and hemolytic anemia.

Analyzing A CBC

  • For a Complete Blood Count, the blood sample is assessed in our partner laboratory. There are several automated machines which conduct the analysis of your blood sample with precision and reliably.
  • A small sample of your blood is collected from your body and is extracted into the machine.
  • The values of components are determined and display within a few minutes. Later on, the technicians will do QA for review.
  • Your results are digitized and sent to Lab Me anonymously and encrypted.
  • Lab Me aggregates your data and compiles it into your dashboard.
  • In the past, a small sample of the blood was collected and placed on a glass slide for visual tests on a microscope to analyze such data. A doctor or a well-trained lab technician was responsible for this test.
  • Now with advancements in technology and techniques since 2018, the accuracy of micro-sampling techniques are now as reliable as going to the lab.

The Usage of CBC Test

  • A Complete Blood Count analysis is widely using test. It can conduct usually as part of the general screening and routine health exam by a doctor.
  • In case anemia or infection is suspect, it may order. It is asked even when it comes to assessing unusual bleeding.
  • One of the major causes of inflammation or infection may be the abnormality of white blood cell differential or increased white blood cell count.
  • The Low or high WBC count may also be the sign of cancer, including lymphoma or leukemia.
  • Low level of hemoglobin or red blood cell count is usually the sign of low blood (anemia).
  • Usually, anemia is seen when hematocrit or hemoglobin is low on the CBC. It may be a sign of disease but not a disease.

CBC test For Anemia Test

There is a long list of anemia causes. These are simply a few of the widespread causes. Due to the constant loss of blood, the CBC test report may suggest anemia. However, we can use this test to diagnose colon cancer and other types of cancers also. Usually, RDW and MCV indicate some clues if anemia is found. The Low platelet count may also be one of the common problems found in the CBC test report.

The major causes of it include:

  • Some medications,
  • Bone marrow problems, or alcoholism,
  • Genetic or immunologic problems,
  • Cancers like leukemia, and advanced liver disease.
MPV can show the frequency of making platelets in the bone marrow and how it is releasing into your blood. Also, the blood malignancy or inflammation may also be the cause of high platelet count.

Why Lab Me?

Lab me is the first in the USA to offer an at-home CBC test.  Our lab is CAP & CLIA accredited, and use the same technology that your hospital or clinic would use.  We then use proprietary technology to turn your results into something that is visually appealing, simple & easy to understand.
  • To review your overall health. Your doctor may recommend a complete blood count as part of a routine medical examination to monitor your general health and to screen for a variety of disorders, such as anemia or leukemia.
  • To diagnose a medical condition. Your doctor may suggest a complete blood count if you're experiencing weakness, fatigue, fever, inflammation, bruising or bleeding. A complete blood count may help diagnose the cause of these signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects you have an infection, the test can also help confirm that diagnosis.
  • To monitor a medical condition. If you've been diagnosed with a blood disorder that affects blood cell counts, your doctor may use complete blood counts to monitor your condition.
  • To monitor medical treatment. A complete blood count may be used to monitor your health if you're taking medications that may affect blood cell counts.
Also, you can use this application for different types of tests, including
  • Detect infections
  • Provide historical tracking to your MD
  • Monitor disease
  • Track drug efficacy
As the result, you can start using today and start interpreting your complete blood test reports at home. It works on machine intelligence which gives accurate measurements of your blood reports. Lab Me can explain what your blood test report has to say in easy and simple language. Hence, it can help avoid confusions and gives detailed and in-depth insight into your future. Plus, never have to drive to the MD to get the prescription, or to the lab for the test, or sitting in a waiting room - ever again.You'll Never Regret Using Us & If You Do We Will Give You Your Money Back! Track your most important biomarkers for heart disease, diabeties, fatigue and thyroid risk.  Start now with a trial one-off test.  If it didn't provide value to you - tell us and we will refund you within 30 days.  No questions asked.
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Blood Test Analysis Demand Is Becoming High- Why?

Blood Test Analysis Demand Is Becoming High- Why?

Blood test analysis demand is high. Glucose and cholesterol testing occur every once in a while as part of most of our annual blood test analyses. There is a list of blood tests. These days, advanced glucose monitors test at a very high frequency and play a vital role in improving the quality of life. Also, it offers a great opportunity for people to keep track of their physiological conditions.

Blood Test Analysis

Fig: Blood Test Analysis Demand Is Becoming High

Cholesterol testing is getting there even though it is not as modern as glucose testing. At the Dublin Quantified Self meetup in January, the theme was based on high-frequency blood testing to monitor glucose and cholesterol levels. On glucose level, DCU’s Donal O’Gorman, a professional in tracking glucose tolerance in humans, and on cholesterol, Quantified Self Labs’s Azure Grant spoke. Here are the benefits of high-frequency glucose and cholesterol tests.

Glucose Testing

Poor glucose control and diabetes is a major problem these days across the world. Donal O’Gorman is speaking about blood glucose in the body and the ways to measure it next. He is an expert in this field. Also, Donal serves the National Institute for Cellular Biology (NICB) as an interim director and controls 3U Diabetes Partnership. Poor control over glucose levels in the body doesn’t just cause diabetes, but it also causes complications in other diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancer or Alzheimer’s, according to the latest findings. If we discuss the history of type 1 diabetes, Donal spoke about using glucose monitors, injecting insulin and implementing advanced glucose monitoring measures. From Apple iWatch with the integration of glucose monitor to insulin patches to release insulin when required. A new technology is developing these days for the near future. When it comes to controlling glucose levels, one important takeaway is exercise all day long for great health benefit on glucose levels which lasts a whole day and even in the night. High-frequency blood test analysis provides a lot of information to keep track of your health. There is a new science to discover cholesterol testing and how high-cholesterol readings are treating high-frequency data. High-frequency information is showing the complication of biomarkers. It can help to interact with the body in different ways which are still not known completely in the day. Better technology bringing better solutions to growing advances in technology.

Cholesterol Testing

Quantified Labs are running ‘Blood Testers’ experiment to find out what people could learn with hourly measurements of lipids. The lipids of blood such as HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. This experiment consists of over 25 volunteers over three continents and nine countries from the Quantified Self-community. According to the study, the cholesterol levels in humans change drastically in a day and even at the same time from morning to morning at a rapid rate. How it is happening is still not clear. However, the initial mapping is being done in this experiment about lipid dynamics in the world. This is a novel experiment in two different ways. First of all, it is the highest real-world observation in the temporal resolution of blood lipids that are conducting in humans. It is also an aggressive form of research led by the volunteers. Participants can control and have access to their own data and they can use and share experience in physiology, research methods, data analysis, and technology. There are cycles throughout the day, according to the study, which response to major changes throughout the day, such as what time we sleep at or wake, what time we eat etc. Along with mapping changes in blood lipids in and throughout the days, here’s what we have learned –
  • Over two weeks of moving to a vegan diet, cholesterol is reduced on the day and it remained significantly lower. 

  • Triglyceride levels and cholesterol of a participant reduced gradually during marathon training.

  • There is a huge variability from morning to morning at a rapid pace.

The third finding may be more important. Is a single sample relevant which is tested once a year? Keep in mind that annual measurements play a vital role in the decision of the physician to prescribe cholesterol-controlling drugs. In a group, this type of self-experimentation brought up a lot of interesting and new ethical concerns about participatory research. Even though the popularity of Citizen Science is growing rapidly for a decade. The research which organized, directed and disseminated explicitly has little precedent by the participants in the 21st century. It has spurred on a new field of legal regulation and ethics regarding research.

Are home-based, on-demand blood tests good for health?

Products which were once available only in traditional stores are now coming in our doorsteps these days. Products are sometimes easier to access and more affordable than before simply by avoiding the role of storefronts and middlemen. What if those middlemen are doctors and those products are blood tests? There are different companies like Lab Me Analytics enable patients to keep track of their blood test analysis and get all the insight about their glucose and testosterone levels at home. Is there any risk or benefit of collecting and interpreting your clinical information if you don’t have any training? Peter Andrey, a leading science writer, ordered the blood test from a leading pharmacy company Inside Tracker to figure it out. A nurse arrived at his apartment, to collect his blood sample and the numbers came back two days later, relating the complete range of biological indicators like vitamin D, glucose, and testosterone levels. But, according to Smith, blood test analysis results have been clear of dispensing medical help.

Smith says, “They said it is under the range of what is expected by us for someone of your activity level and age. So, they really come handy when it comes to interpreting data for you. They have made it clear that it shouldn’t be treated as medical advice. Instead, it is simply the tool to get healthier.”

It may enough for some people to use high demand for blood testing as a tool to lead a healthier life. In this subject, Smith has written an article on Outside magazine. Smith took a lot of blood tests over the few weeks, changed his exercise routine and diet between the tests. Also, he asked an endurance athlete who treated a burn hip using ibuprofen, before taking a blood test from Inside Tracker.

He says, “It seems she knew that she was abusing ibuprofen. When she got the numbers, she was kind of shocked that it’s just like, not good for her liver. So, she knew it already that she was being engaged in dangerous drug abuse. She actually wanted to change her habits after seeing her numbers.”

In the increasing access to blood testing at home, potential mistakes can be seen by some medical professionals. An associate professor at Northwestern University of pathology, Shannon Haymond has added that we can visit the store for urine drug tests or pregnancy tests. A lot of diabetics have experienced in checking their own blood sugar levels. She feels that at-home blood testing can put us on the wrong path by and large, in terms of monitoring our health. She added, “I feel there is a point that blood test analysis may affect badly. Actually, the whole thing is too interesting in clinical settings. However, the hospital settings and a lot of efforts are taking to cut down the number of tests that are offering and the tests patients are getting. It is sure that there are several things to do and it’s the wastage of resources and money.” Along with that, Haymond further added that tests don’t produce accurate blood work results always. She says, “There are plenty of false negatives and positives you may get in some tests, and those percentages can ramp up too frequently, according to the way they are being used. So, I feel that there is the idea that it is simply a test. There is actually a harm to be done in some cases.” When most of the blood work from Peter Andrey came back in the healthy range, his baseline test showed his levels of vitamin D to be lower. He spoke with Inside Tracker official who told that his levels were too low and he wouldn’t be able to reach the normal range without taking vitamin doses.

Smith says, “I actually didn’t want to take supplements. When taking supplements, one of the common problems is that they are all kinds of disagreements about the proper levels of vitamin D. Second thing is that if you are taking supplements regularly, you simply have to take more tests to find out if you are not exceeding your limit.”

The option to test his blood at home constantly is no call of the siren. But he will not rule out to do it in future occasionally. He says, “It’s like it is a kind of taking an Uber or hailing a cab at this point. The results are fast and it is very simple to do.”

Meeting growing demand for lab services with the growth of the healthcare industry

Reducing reimbursement, higher volumes and increased pressures of cost are some of the challenges, hospital labs are facing these days. What are the strategies that laboratories can adapt to meet those challenges and improve the value of patient care? Senior Healthcare Consultant, Dr. Virginia Cardin, Frost & Sullivan had discussions on results from the recent research on hospital labs, which details insights on how labs are adapting to succeed in an environment that is shaped by competition, changing healthcare reform and provider dynamics.

Laboratories Provide Valuable Service, Not a Product

Dr. Cardin says, “From the point of view of a laboratory doctor, it is going without saying that laboratory is offering essential and important service. There is around 75% of the information available from the laboratory on the basis of which inpatient treatment decisions are made by the physicians.” When this view is shared by the clinicians, with great importance on their bonding with pathologist or director, hospital leadership doesn’t do that sometimes. Dr. Cardin notes, “There are C-level executives who sometimes combine costly real estate with low generation of revenue.” There are some test labs that certainly perform which are reimbursed at low cost. It shows the view that service offered by the lab is a product. Dr. Cardin counters, “The opposite is right actually. Lab test services are tedious in different degrees, which need advanced analysis by medical technician/laboratory, clinical director or pathologist. It covers the interpretation of values, sometimes value ranges, combined with patient’s history review as well as clinical presentation. Like medical practice, it is both a science and art. The challenge is having hospital leadership to recognize the overall value of lab service in the same way as the total investment return.

Clinical Experience

The clinical experience applied to identify abnormal readings and to make recommendations of follow-up on the stage or degree of abnormality. Also, to influence the decision of clinician on specific intervention or therapy is an illustration of value provided by lab staff. Clinical experience is getting the natural history of condition or disease, such as regression and progression characters on one hand, and ability to offer analysis on less optimal samples. As noted by Dr. Cardin, it is recommended to wait and watch, in some cases, patient follow-up in a few months, rather than suggesting higher level diagnostic or medical procedure. Clinical experience can also cover the consultations in some unsuspecting cases where there is the rare case of disease and results are not coming to conclusion. For a lot of test results, results can be reported in different normal values. More than one doctor can order tests for a patient in a hospital. If varied test panels give high values in some cases and conflicting normal values possibly, collaborative consult and further investigation with a clinical director or pathologist will require. It results in deliberate and better patient care.

Helping An Organization To Attain Business Goals

A laboratory can play a vital role in the ability of a hospital to stand out as a hub of excellence. It is important for hospital staff to find out how a lab can help them to achieve their main goals. In a survey conducted by the Frost & Sullivan, lab directors discussed new ways that have been explored by them. According to Dr. Cardin predicting demand for more esoteric and diagnostic tests, low resources and usefulness of turnaround time of inpatient test can lead to havoc in lab management. Stat tests should have high priority and labs may have additional contracts with labs to meet their unique needs. Others have built outpatient/outreach program strategically to generate new sources of revenue. Should hospital labs build partner or capacity externally? Well, there is no specific way. The ability to provide a broader level of test menu was reported too as a vital consideration in a verdict to partner with reference labs. Dr. Cardin reports, “Hospital labs will often go with reference labs to perform esoteric tests like fertility, oncology or molecular tests. According to 70% of hospital labs, they have agreements with around 3 reference labs which could help their activities of outreach marketing.” There is also a financial rationale to supplement test with the additional partnership. Along with increasing prominence of low-volume tests on the cost-efficiency level, labs can benefit with savings and connectivity with hospital information system and lab information system.

An Important Role in Improvement of Healthcare

With the improvement of the healthcare environment, there is a strong case which we can make that hospital lab should consider as an asset to the organization. Lab tests can be considered as transnational. However, the basis of interpretation is on the care and history of the patient. It is vital to have access to meaningful, complete information. Also, it is important to the health system and outcomes. As an information provider, labs are about to play a vital role. Dr. Cardin says, “Our main goal is health maintenance and wellness as healthcare providers. Laboratories and hospitals should figure out how well they can offer the right service to the right individual. We know it as a call to action. Laboratories need to step back, assess where they are now, and where they should be in the next few years.”

Evolution of Technology in Clinical Laboratories

The lab environment is characterizing well by dramatic and rapid innovation since the 1980s. There has been significant growth in the complexity and range of services and tests available. Sometimes, lab technology remains ahead in medical advances. The testing techniques to screen or diagnose for a specific condition are available in some cases before proper treatment. Testing is more effective with improvement in lab technology. It is including both advance and new sets in testing techniques and types of equipment. Technology can save time in order, getting test results and will revolutionize the way we transfer data. Also, by creating research opportunities on large sets of data, it will play a large role in drug research and development. Especially, when it is very effective than other methods, innovation is being adopted by providers, payers and patients. Also, the efficient innovation in medical care can affect by policies based on coding, coverage, and payment. There are different variations in the technology using by various labs.

Role of Information Technology in Laboratory Testing

Laboratory services are no exception in IT revolution like several other areas of healthcare services. Lab technicians stay ahead with emerging technology. Also, they are finding more efficient and innovative ways to offer services. The services such as: convey information, train themselves, their clients, and their staff, manage data and market their products. Online communications are not getting hampered by geographic distance and difference and they are cost-effective. It is forecast that the internet will be the main mode of communication in the future. These days, test results and requests for testing are communicated online. Even hard to diagnose images are sent efficiently and quickly to the physicians through electronic image transmission. It is going without saying that information technology is creating new opportunities in advertising and marketing for labs. New testing techniques are simple enough for the collection of the sample at home. In addition, improvement of customer empowerment and IT have combined to create new marketing opportunities for lab tests. Labs may follow the leads of the pharmaceutical industry by marketing and making products available to the customers directly.   It is up to the customers as of whether they want to bypass their physician to keep results off their records. A lot of these tests are organized by consumers. Hence, they don’t have an incentive of coverage to get these tests with their physician.

Lab Me Analytics – A New Benchmark in Lab Testing

Lab Me Analytics is one of the best examples of technological innovation in laboratory testing. You can track your blood work results in real time and interpret your lab results. It is a secure and effortless way because you just have to use the picture of your lab report and upload it to the system. You never need to wonder what those confusing letters and numbers mean. You can track and compare your CBC results in real time and understand results quickly. It uses effective machine intelligence technology to analyze, track and report the meaning of your blood work. You also don’t have to worry about security. This technology uses military-grade encryption so your data is anonymous all the time. It uses advanced deep learning mechanism to interpret test results and you can have deep look at your blood work. You can understand your results quickly and easily despite any confusion or complexity. The expert team behind this application looks for patterns and anomalies in blood work with technologies to give unique benefits.
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Want Number 1 Analysis of Blood Test Results? Try Lab Me For Free

Quick Summary of Blood Test Results

Blood test results are confusing. In a survey, we found that unless you had a medical background, the majority of people simply don't understand blood test results and that creates fear.  Not to mention additional time and money in follow-ups. When your report looks like this, it's no wonder why: standard blood report lab me While I could go through and tell you about each of these individually, I would like to show you a better way to look at normal blood test results. understanding blood test results Not only do you get the idea right away, you also see tracking over time (how blood work was intended to work), and a breakdown of what that biomarker means.

Traditional Blood Test Results Cost

Traditional blood testing for uninsured Americans can run between $500-$1500. The cost increases when you consider time lost in scheduling, driving, waiting rooms, and follow-ups. A doctor must also sign off before getting the lab work done. The costs add up. At-home testing offers a cost and time-effective solution. Home use tests allow you to test for some diseases or conditions at home. These tests are cost-effective, quick, and confidential. Home use tests can help:
  • Detect possible health conditions when you have no symptoms so you can get early treatment and lower your chance of developing later complications (i.e., cholesterol testing, hepatitis testing).
  • Detect specific conditions when there are no signs so you can take immediate action (i.e., pregnancy testing).
  • Monitor conditions to allow frequent changes in treatment (i.e., glucose testing to monitor blood sugar levels in diabetes).
While many people will say they "feel fine," they often also feel like they could be doing better healthwise. Feeling "fine" is just that - a feeling. Feelings are subjective, and the truth is - you don't know until you take a look "under the hood." Simplified blood test results help you do this in a meaningful way.

Using A Personalized Dashboard To Monitor Your Results

Using a dashboard to track your results comes with some significant advantages. To name a few: You have access to your history, telling you when and where you have gone off track.   The ability to monitor a disease or condition (such as diabetes) allowing you more control over your treatments. Objective data telling you if a treatment, prescription, or lifestyle modification is truly working or not. The ability for you or your doctor to make data driven discions around your health. A customer we were speaking to told us the story of how he was tracking his PSA on a regular basis. PSA is prostate specific antigen and is one of a few tests that can help determine the health of the prostate and possibly warn you of forthcoming cancer or other issues. Traditionally, if the test is above 4 - it's considered above normal and warrants further investigation. However, since he had been tracking it for close to 7 years, he could see that he had been over 4 for the entire 7 years. When he showed the graph to his doctor, the doctor canceled the scheduled biopsy and even said this type of tracking "was the future". The point is, people aren't statistical ranges. Yes, the majority will fall into the normal ranges, but some float above or below their whole life yet live a full life. A good example is a cholesterol. There are many people the have high LDL yet still live to their 90's.   The problem is, without historical tracking, you really have no way to know. Also, the majority of people surveyed said that "they had no idea where all their old tests were, or how to gain access to them".   The Rise Of Direct To Consumer Medicine The millennial generation has a majority distrust towards the medical system compared to baby boomers. That mistrust is fueled by rising costs, paradigm shifts in wellness thinking, and data privacy concerns. Statements like these are becoming more common: "I am healthy. I'm 30, I go to the gym two or three times a week, I eat plenty of vegetables, and I'm lucky to have never suffered from a serious illness. However, I also have this nagging sense that I could be fitter, stronger, more resilient to colds. I could be less tired, less prone to mental fogginess. I could be more optimal." The demand for more control, privacy, and cost-sensitive solutions is driving the direct to consumer blood testing market.   At-home blood tests are part of a more significant healthcare trend toward improving patient access to medical services while reducing their cost. The market for DIY medical tests is rapidly growing: It's projected to reach $340 million by 2022 as existing tests become more affordable compared to traditional routes, and scientists develop entirely new tests. On an economic level, direct-to-consumer (DTC) medical tests could help low income or rural families access affordable medical care, no matter whether they're insured, and reduce healthcare costs overall. Traditional Results Require A Medical Degree To Understand When you first get your report back, the first question that comes to mind is, "what's wrong and how do I tell"? Lab Me works to solve that by making it glaringly obvious and easy to understand whats super and whats not.   Clarity provides instant peace of mind in knowing that action can be taken immediately. It gives the power to make the necessary lifestyle changes and monitor those changes with the most robust data possible - your blood.

Why Lab Me Analytics?

Lab Me Analytics offers low cost, at-home blood testing. By automating the doctor's sign off, it not only saves you time but considerable amounts of money. It comes in handy when estimating your overall health condition. Keeping in mind that lab results may often come outside of the normal range for different reasons. Abnormal numbers may be relevant to the following things:
  • Age
  • Food choices
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Physical exercises
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Sample collection problems and handling the sample
  • Smoking
  • OTC drugs (aspirin, vitamins, cold pills, painkillers, antibiotics, etc.)
  • Prescribed medication
  • Consumption of alcohol
Many reasons that are not related to a disease. However, always ask your doctor about any unusual and abnormal lab results. A single blood test is not enough to diagnose or cure any health condition or disorder. However, it can come handy when you have to get more insight into your health. You can also know the potential issues in the early stages when it comes to updating personal habits and treatments that work well. Additional Reading
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Know the Accuracy of Your Medical Test Results

Know the Accuracy of Your Medical Test Results

Every once in a while, almost all of us undergo a medical test and we rely on its accuracy. The medical test results are the source to figure out what happens next. Our healthcare providers may prescribe a new treatment or we are diagnosing with something new. They may change our treatment plan or declare us a cure for our current medical problem. According to the results, we are often suggested of just doing what we have been expected to.  

Fig: Know the Accuracy of Your Medical Test Results

  What most of us don’t know is that all medical test results are not accurate or correct. Inaccuracy or fallacy of test results may cause a missed diagnosis, misdiagnosis or even failure in diagnosis. As a result, we don’t get proper treatment or even get the wrong treatment due to which we are forced to suffer from something we didn’t actually have.

Why we get the wrong medical test results?

There are different reasons behind getting inaccurate or wrong test results. It is basically due to mistakes in handling specimens and messing up the documents. There are also problems in how the medical test is conducted or whether the equipment was calibrated properly. The tests may also have issues with accuracy on themselves. There is nothing much to do to avoid these reasons especially because of circumstances which are out of our control. The only way out is to undergo the same test again to prevent the outcomes of those pitfalls in case the original findings are wrong. When we discuss the problem in accuracy, it is because of the quality of a medical test and the results of the same. The medical test which is reviewing and running properly, deliver the right outcomes. Most of them are 100% accurate, but those tests also have a risk of failure, even though it is too small.

Accuracy in Medical Test

There are medical tests that are not accurate and dependable enough for their outcomes. Also, you get some evidence to know whether you should rely on their results or run additional tests. It doesn’t mean that medical test is wrong. It may mean that the test is just not accurate enough for some of the purposes. When medical tests are conducted for years, doctors are fully aware of their rates of accuracy who conduct them. But it may not the case for recent tests. For patients awareness, the key is to ask about the accuracy of tests before and after getting results. Today, both patients and doctors have to know and better understand whether they can rely on the results. The reliability of results will help find out what to do next. Here are some of thing things to consider for both doctors and scientists to determine the accuracy of medical test –

False Positives

  • In some tests, there are high rates of false positives, especially when the test indicates that an individual has a condition or disease, and they don’t actually have it.
  • For whatever the blood type test was conducted, the test returns positive.
  • It should be considered incorrect. Suppose a woman undergoes a CA-125 test to figure out if she has ovarian cancer.
  • If there is high false positive in the result, it means she is told that she has ovarian cancer, when she actually didn’t have.
  • This full blood test shouldn’t be used to determine ovarian cancer.
  • It can be used with other types of tests but it shouldn’t be only used to figure out the diagnosis.

False Negatives

  • There are some tests which come with a high amount of false negatives.
  • It shows that a patient doesn’t have the condition he or she has been tested for.
  • Actually, they have it. This way, mammograms have high false positives and false negatives.
  • False negatives often come from inaccuracy of scans and other errors like the sensitivity of equipment.
  • There are other considerations to determine false negatives and false positives.
  • They are based on specificity and sensitivity.
  • But the bottom line is – you need to consider the risk of mistakes before relying on medical test results and then decide the steps to be taken next.

What you should ask regarding Medical Test Results?

When you get the test results which influence your decisions regarding what to do next – or which doctor you should choose to change their recommendations – here’s what you need to ask to figure out the reliability and accuracy of results –
  • How often do you get false negatives from this test?
  • Do you get false positives from this test?
  • Is the doctor or you are confident about the accuracy of the test results?
If there is an indication from the doctor about the inaccuracy of the results, ask these questions –
  • Are you sure that the results you are recommending for me are accurate before starting the treatment?
  • Is there any other test we need to do to find out if it confirms or ensures that these results are true?
It is your own research and doctor’s answers that will help you make the next decision about your health.

Reasons You May Not Get a Diagnosis

There is nothing more annoying or disappointing for you or your doctor than getting no name or label for what your symptoms mean. Not getting any label or name for those symptoms means the patient is not diagnosed. Doctors use the term ‘failure to diagnose’ to specify that a patient has some unidentified or undiagnosed symptoms. We also know this as one of the forms of missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis. There is the case of legal ramifications in case where failure in diagnosis caused harm to a patient. When it comes to curing a diagnosed injury or illness, when a failure occurs, it is just known as ‘delayed diagnosis’.

Reasons behind Failure of Diagnosis


Fig: Reasons behind Failure of Diagnosis

  •  There are some symptoms that are hard to determine. For example, if you often have a headache, it may just another headache or a symptom of a major health condition.

  •  The cause of your symptoms in the body may not clear and you are just assuming that you are seeing the wrong doctor, which leads to the delay in diagnosis.

  •  You may have several medical issues, which may cause conflicts in determining symptoms.

  •  There are confusions between the supplements and drugs patient takes, which causes symptoms.

  •  There are certain diagnoses that don’t have specific tests. In those cases, doctors may use vague symptoms or several symptoms which causes a lack of diagnosis.

  •  There are thousands of conditions which are so uncommon and rare that only a few physicians know about them.

  •  The actual medical condition may not be so appropriate or unusual to the patient’s age. The doctor may not conduct diagnosis which is too rare for that age or too rare for a patient. For instance, lung cancer is highly rare for a younger patient.

  •  The patient may not rely completely on the symptoms. For example, a patient says he doesn’t drink alcohol but still have pain in the liver area. He may not be diagnosed with cirrhosis in the liver immediately.

  •  There are still some symptoms which may not have been named yet in one specific diagnosis. Medical science may not have specified a diagnosis yet.

Despite the common outcome, the lack of a specific diagnosis is very disappointing and annoying at the end, and even scary at the worst. There is nothing worse than spending months or years without getting the diagnosis with any condition. It can cause a lack of treatment. It may cause further frustration for the practitioners.

The Frequency of Misdiagnosis

The frequency on which patients are not diagnosed varies as per the symptoms or final diagnosis. Here are some of the common examples of misdiagnosis –
  • Sleep Apnea – Around 5.4 million patients remain undiagnosed with this condition in the US (i.e. around 2% to 4% of missed diagnoses).
  • Glaucoma – Around 1 million patients remain undiagnosed in the US (i.e. around 0.37% of missed diagnoses).
  • Ovarian cancer – Women remain undiagnosed for several months. It is usually because those symptoms are confusing with that of gastrointestinal issues. So, it is happening most commonly that those diagnoses are missing.
These are just the examples. Misdiagnosis can take place in virtually any condition or disease.

What are the circumstances that may cause by the lack of diagnosis?

  • There are chances that your healthcare provider may ignore your illness and just tell you that it’s just your assumption. Unless you know yourself, you will just need to change the doctor and find one who will work for you.
  • Your physician may define your illness, which is something you don’t accept for diagnosis. These diagnoses are just ‘trash can’ or considered ‘fake’ by professionals. They are supposed to make up to give a label to the patient.
  • You may just keep feeling worse or get sicker. Your symptoms may eventually get pronounced enough for your problem to diagnose.
  • You may cure for symptoms due to which you get some relief. However, by relieving symptoms, you may observe that you are just covering the parts of your medical condition.
You should keep in mind that the doctor wants you to have a proper diagnosis as it will be ideal to figure out the best treatment. In addition, you should keep in mind that medical science is highly advanced, but it doesn’t mean it is always perfect or accurate. It is important to know what you don’t have. There are chances that your doctor is more willing to find out what’s going wrong in your body. If you are remain without a diagnosis for a long time, and gets irritated because your doctor couldn’t confirm a specific problem with you, it doesn’t mean you should completely rely on the internet for self-diagnosis. It is because there are certain risks in doing that.

Consequences of Doing Self-Diagnosis Just by Relying on the Internet

Most of us just rely on the internet for our health-relevant concerns. According to a 2014 study in the Pew Research Center, around 87% of adults in the US had used the web for their health concerns. In 2012, around 72% of them added that they have used the internet for self-diagnosis. Over the past few years, patients are using the web to find medical information. A doctor taking a couple of minutes to explain a disease, its anticipates course, and Genesis, after a description of cure options. With the propagation of the web, a technology which has led to change medicine more than another invention has literally changed the patient-physician dynamic. Today, anyone can access health information and bring the same knowledge to the doctor’s office. Medical information on the internet is considering as supplemental from a clinical point of view and is using well to help in decision making. Medical information you get on the web shouldn’t be used for cure or self-diagnosis.

Online Searches by Patients

Patients are usually using the web in two different ways. First off, patients seek details before visiting the clinic to choose whether they have to meet healthcare professional to start with. In addition, patients search the web after the doctor’s appointment for either because of disappointment with the information provided by the doctor or reassurance that the information provided is correct. Even after gathering health information from the web, most of us don’t use the web to diagnose ourselves and visit our physicians to conduct diagnoses. In addition, a lot of people ask their physicians about drugs and details about an alternative cure for referrals to the specialists. Especially active users are the ones having chronic illnesses who not just seek more information about their problems using the web but also look for others regarding support. In addition, people who don’t have insurance often check the web to learn about illness and symptoms. In the end, people with rare illnesses often share details and scientific resources with online platforms that would be forced to meet others like the ones in the real world.

There are three ways for Physicians to Respond

According to Patient Education & Counseling review, Miriam McMullan recommends healthcare professional to respond in any of three ways after patient sends health information online to a health care provider or physician.

Health-professional wise relationship – A healthcare professional may assume that his medical authority is being usurped or threatened by the detail cited by the patient and will assert ‘expert opinion’ defensively to shut down any discussion. This reaction is widespread among doctors with poor skills in information technology.

Then, the physician will use the rest of a short visit of a patient to direct them towards the physician’s own action. With this approach, the patient may feel disappointed and annoyed and patients can leave the appointment feeling that they are often equipped better than a physician in seeking treatment options and health info online.

Patient-wise relationship – In this approach, the patient and healthcare provider look at and collaborate with online sources together. Even though the patient has more time to do online research, a doctor or other professional may take some time during patient’s visit to surf the web with the patient and direct them to the sources of other information. According to the experts, this is the best approach. But there are several complaints that there is a lack of time during clinical visit of a lower level to search the web with the patient and to discuss treatment options and conditions.

Online prescription – The healthcare professional can recommend some websites to the patient for reference at the end of the interview. With several health relevant websites, it is not possible to treat them all. Instead, healthcare professionals recommend certain websites of recognized institutions like MedlinePlus, CDC, or NHS Choices.

What Do Physicians suggest on Online Information?

Nothing is clearer than general reactions of doctors who hear from patients round-the-clock. This way, Dr. Farrah Ahmed organized six groups with 48 physicians who had been practicing in Toronto. According to them, there are three overarching themes –
  •         The expectations of reactions of patients
  •         Physician contextualization and interpretation of details
  •         Physician burden

Expect Patients’ Reactions

In the focus group, physicians claimed that, some patients who rely on internet health info were distressed or confused by the information. A smaller number of patients used the web to either learn for self-diagnosis or learn more about their pre-specified medical conditions with our without self-care. Patients who use the web for self-treatment and self-diagnosis were considered as challenging. The physicians who based their opinions on sentiments of patients, the inability of patients to evaluate the health details and the likeliness of patients to accept health info on blind faith have been presented. Physicians loved it when patients learned more about their specific medical conditions using the web. However, physicians are totally against the fact that patients using internet information to either treat or diagnose themselves or test their knowledge. They didn’t just characterize patients as challenging but also ‘adversarial’, ‘neurotic’ and ‘harder’ and coming from the educational background. They also discussed emotions of frustration and anger when it comes to defending their treatments and diagnosed with those patients. Here are some of the specific comments from those physicians –

“Those patients just come up with a lot of annoying facts in a lot of cases, which they don’t know how to interpret, which are just misinformation.”

“They just come with some obscure stuff and articles about conditions and some are quite scary.”

“I feel the internet is helpful in one situation. If a patient has a diagnosis, they can just educate themselves.”

Physician contextualization and interpretation of details

There are many doctors in the study who believed that putting information from the web in relation to the patients is their responsibility. In simple word, the physician is responsible to consider the medical history of each patient. For those self-educators who are using the web to learn more, this process is very smooth and also allowing treatment. However, it is taxing for physicians to teach patients who have a concern and details from the web. In the end, patients who rely on the web to self-treat or self-diagnose the condition often allow physicians and ask them to defend their diagnosis when providing incorrect details from the web. Remarkably, only few doctors didn’t feel that using online information was their responsibility. In addition, some physicians went so far to avoid patients who asked those details, charge extra for their visit, or refer those patients to the specialized.

Physician’s Burden

There are many physicians that dealing with information about the patient is cumbersome and time-consuming. Hence, they consider it as ‘annoying’, ‘irritating’, ‘frustrating’, headache and even ‘nightmare’. They are feeling that it is hard to deal with the health details about the patient. There is plenty of cynicism among focus group members. Along with the burden of having extra health information, there are many physicians showing concern over quantity and quality of health details on the web.


If you are concerned about the accuracy of health information on the web, Lab Me Analytics is the best solution as it is accurate and works on machine intelligence technology to diagnose the health condition of the patients. It is a lab information solution which is very efficient and accurate to help interpret medical test reports. It can provide information in a very user-friendly manner and suggests solutions to help improve your condition. All in all, it is very helpful for patients who need the constant online blood test. Ref  
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Factors That Can Affect The Laboratory Tests

Factors That Can Affect The Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests, in particular, blood work are the most commonly prescribed tests in the USA.  The most common of these factors are diet, starvation, exercise, posture, daily and seasonal variations, menstrual cycle and pregnancy.  factors influencing blood tests Fig: Factors That Can Affect The Laboratory Tests Can the test be done quickly or the patient should prepare in some way, for example, fasting? Is the patient taking any drugs which may affect the results, for example: taking antibiotics before the fecal antigen test for Helicobacter pylori? Does the test need to be performed at a certain period? Example:
  • Measuring testosterone in the morning?
  • For antibodies after Seroconversion?
  • A test result that is returning from the lab will basically cover a threshold value or reference guide based on guidelines.
  • On paper, this result doesn’t represent the significance of the test, which is applicable only when all the factors have been considered for the patient.
Here’s the general overview of concepts to help clinicians to consider different factors which can influence the interpretation of results. If you don’t know how a test can be affected by specific factors identified by you, it is important to discuss it with the lab first.

Ask these questions to yourself before going for lab investigation –

  • What is the purpose of requesting the test? Is it to investigate signs and symptoms?
  • Are you keeping track of the effect or disease of a medicine? Is it a screening test?
  • Will this test improve patient care?
  • Will I understand it easily?
  • What is the procedure to take the sample?
  • About the collection and transportation of the sample?
  • How easy is it to interpret?
  • How they will inform you about the result?
  • Are there any harms of doing the test?

Biological Changes

There are certain changes in lab test results which we can expect because of non-modifiable factors. Those factors are biological rhythms, age, and physiological changes in pregnancy.  One can control these factors, i.e. by choosing the right time of the day, month or year. You may consider in the interpretation of test results, such as the variation of reference ranges or thresholds for clinical changes according to age, gender, and prenatal stage.

Aging process

Apart from increasing poly-pharmacy and co-morbidity, the aging process is widely responsible for the change in test results Older people are more likely to have test results that have abnormal reference range. Labs can offer reference ranges according to age. But in the case of other laboratory tests, the result out of range in an older patient should be interpreted with the overall clinical image in mind. Assessing the magnitude and rate of change over time provides more details in several cases than interpreting the value of the result. The population range of tests can show many more changes than that for a patient, such as a liver enzyme or serum creatinine. The previous results of the patient are helpful.

Interpreting laboratory tests results

When interpreting laboratory test results, a common sign of the effect of sex, age is observed. Also, the other variables are ALP or serum alkaline phosphate, which is asking for liver function. The upper limit of reference can increase reportedly during puberty as it is the time of maximum remodeling of bones.  ALP levels fall to another upper limit after this period through younger life and, it then rises again, especially in females around pre-menopause, which reflect a rise in bone turnover. In serum ALP, the rise may take place in women in the later stage of pregnancy (because placenta produces ALP), and other times like in weeks after healing the fracture. Another common example of changing lab values is lipids which changes with age. Total triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels increase with age, until around 50 to 60 years of age in males and 60 to 70 years in females, i.e. when they start to decline in most numbers of adults.  Triglyceride levels may keep on rising in older females. Most labs don’t report ranges for lipid levels as it is known to be less clinically important than targets on the major cause of increased levels and risk of heart disease. When we discuss interpreting lab results in an older patient, make sure age-appropriate range is used when available. Normal changes relevant to age, i.e. poor renal function, may help determine results out of reference range in the older patient. However, it is not only the age that is responsible for the abnormal result.

Biological Parameters

Certain lab parameters vary according to the time of day, month or week or year when sampling them. Hormone production (like testosterone, cortisol, etc.), body temperature, cardiac function, platelet, and cognitive function follow a circadian rhythm. To work for this effect, there are some laboratory tests recommendations at a specific period of the day. For example:
  1. The sampling of testosterone must be done from 7 am to 10 am. This usually occurs because very high testosterone levels take place usually in the early morning and they are significantly lower (around 50%) in the evening, especially in males at a young age.
  2. Serum cortisol should be sampled for most purposes in the early morning as diurnal variation is marked, with levels at least 50% to 100% higher in the early morning than that in the late afternoon.
  3. Vitamin D testing can be effected depending on the time of the year. The most obvious example being winter, where it is the lowest.

Menstrual Cycle

Females in their menstrual cycle have expected rhythms of LH, FSH, progesterone, and estrogen every month. In a general setting, such kinds of hormone levels may require to investigate the conditions like amenorrhoea/oligo. The meaningfulness and interpretation of result depend not just on value, but on stage in a cycle when the hormone was taken. LH levels in a menstrual cycle peak mid-cycle to deal with ovulation. FSH levels are also responsible for peak mid-cycle. The predominant estrogen in ovulating women (Oestradiol) is highest before ovulation, and it then reduces if fertilization doesn’t take place. The N.B. investigation of oestradiol levels is not important in women who are going to take estrogen-based oral contraceptives as it suppresses the ovarian axis. The FSH and LH are suppressed in women who are going to take depot progesterone. We all know that Progesterone levels are to peak in the next menstrual phase, after ovulation, to prepare endometrium. It is often important to measure the progesterone levels to establish if ovulation takes place, i.e. usually 7 days before the period of menstruation, i.e. around day 21 of the month if the woman has the 28-day cycle. During menopause, FSH levels tend to rise and oestradiol levels reduce, but it is not always reliable to monitor hormone levels when it comes to predicting the day of menopause, as changes occur as per the ovarian activity.


During pregnancy, psychological changes result in variations in several lab parameters, including renal and liver function, blood volume, and hormone levels. For different stages of pregnancy, reference ranges come for some medical laboratory tests. However, those ranges are sometimes not as define well as the general range. Along with it, pregnancy-based changes like changes in protein binding can affect the assays differently. Example: Free hormone levels that can depend on the assay. Hence, care is the must when interpreting laboratory test results. Also, based on reference ranges and patients should contact the labs in case of any doubt. When performing lab investigation in a pregnant woman, note down the week of gestation. Here are some of the common examples of lab values which change with pregnancy –

Reference Range

A reference test is a numerical range of results which is derived strategically by testing healthy people. However, ‘healthy’ is not simple and it relies on different assumptions. Some factors to define a range simply with ‘perfectly healthy’ in many cases to make it unusable and unrealistic. The range is also referring widely to the Gaussian distribution. Hence, 68% of values are based on the standard deviation of the mean value, 99.7% of values in three SDs, and 95% in two SDs. However, a lot of ranges lack in Gaussian distribution but the upper end is skewed in the upper end. The range can derive by turning the log of data, or just by considering the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles in a population that is being studied.

The Variation of Laboratory tests ranges

For lab results, reference ranges usually cover two SDs from the mean value. It means one in 20 healthy people have a test result out of reference range. These ranges vary from labs to labs and they can change if new evidence is available. The lower and upper limits are not absolute in the range and they don’t define any ‘abnormal’ or ‘normal’ results. But there are certain points in which the possibility of the clinical situation may arise. Some of the ‘reference ranges’ depend on the changes from international bodies to optimize the outcomes of the patient, instead of the statistical distribution of the population. For instance, the upper reference range is based on guidance in TSH of the early pregnancy stage. For serum uric acid in patients having treatment to lower uric acid, the limit depends on the guidelines of the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR). Interpretation of results out of the given range depends widely on the clinical background of patient, clinical questions and pattern of other abnormal ranges.

Individual Changes

Health status, diet, and lifestyle factors of the patients can have the pre-analytical influence of lab changes.

Nutrition and Diet

Calorie restriction, fasting, malnutrition, food exclusion diets, and dehydration are responsible to affect lab results. In some laboratory tests, their significance may depend on certain dietary factors. It is vital to ensuring sample gluten in the diet for several weeks before serology tests for celiac disease or fasting before checking the effect of an intervention in a patient with high triglyceride levels. Assessing diet factors in some cases can help interpret unexpected results, i.e. a vegan or vegetarian diet which may reduce vitamin B12 levels. Increasing ketone levels and a high protein diet can increase uric acid levels due to the low carb diet.


Up to 12 hours of fasting before laboratory test may help get the most accurate result in these laboratory tests, according to the clinical scenario, which can affect by taking certain foods –


  • Uric acid – Usually, there is no need for fasting for accurate results but recent dietary intake may help determine unexpected outcomes.
  • Glucose, only when indicated – These days, HbA1c for most patients is recommended as a first choice test for monitoring and diagnosis of type-2 diseases, and do not need fasting.
  • Triglycerides – Fasting is not necessary for most patients in lipid testing but it may recommend monitoring high triglyceride levels in individuals.
  • Creatinine – High amount of meat in a recent meal can affect serum creatinine test significantly and it must in mind when testing for monitoring eGFR5
Starvation and low caloric intake – It results in some changes to parameters like thyroid, glucose, renal function, liver function, and lipids. The levels of uric acid may increase due to ketonemia (which is the cause of lower clearance). Dehydration – It can be the cause of potassium and sodium imbalances and it can also affect several other indicators like urea and creatinine, hematology and lipids, etc. Malnutrition – It is having different effects on lab results, according to the nature of the nutrition status of a patient. Malnutrition is considered as a lack of energy and protein, without deficiencies of micro-nutrient. However, malnutrition is defined as over-nutrition, under-nutrition, or deficiency of nutrients. Malnutrition is known to be the cause of results like reduced ferritin folate as well as levels of vitamin B12.


On laboratory tests, the effect of alcohol may vary on the extent and duration of use. Transient (acute) effects of consumption of alcohol (i.e. within 2 to 4 hours) include increased plasma lactate and serum glucose, with lower excretion of uric acid because of taking hepatic gluconeogenesis. Here are the chronic effects of consuming alcohol on laboratory tests –


  • The levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), as well as mean cell volume (MCV), are widely using to test for high alcohol consumption.
  • Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and ALT/AST ratio
  • Ferritin and uric acid because of alcoholic hepatitis and fatty liver.
  • Creatine kinase because of alcoholic myopathy.
  • Other abnormalities like thrombocytopenia and anemia.
Consumption of alcohol can also play a vital role in the deficiencies of minerals and vitamins. The effect may occur due to the replacement of food consuming with alcohol and vitamins like lower levels of vitamin A, folate, vitamin B and calcium.


When we discuss lab parameters, there is no complete study on the effect of caffeine. It is having a short lifespan of 3 to 7 hours, but it varies among people. Consumption of caffeine can cause elevated levels of blood glucose levels. It can also affect investigations like metanephrines interpretation when it comes to investigating hypertension.

The timing of investigation in case of illness

The significance of the investigation relies on the time of the sample taking to the stage of the disease. The selection of the right investigation can also influence the stage of illness. For instance, the serology test may negative for syphilis in case the sample is taken after exposure too early. There are different types of serology test which provide details regarding past or active infection. Acute illness may also affect the result of investigations. For example, Ferritin is an acute protein phase and levels can increase by infection and inflammation, along with malignancy and chronic disease.


Exposure to nicotine and smoking can both have chronic and acute effects on investigations. Within 1 hour after smoking up to 5 cigarettes, serum/plasma concentrations in fatty acids, glycerol, adrenaline, cortisol, and aldosterone may raise. Chronic smokers may have significant rises in leukocyte, lipoproteins, heavy metals, hematocrit and tumor markers, and reduce in activities of enzymes.


On laboratory parameters, the effect of exercise depends on the health status of the patient, intake of water and food after or during exercise. Vigorous or extreme exercise in a person who is not familiar with this activity level may cause changes in some lab parameters. For instance, the most common cause of increasing CK (creatine kinase) levels is exercise. CK levels can elevate due to intense exercise for several days to a week. Thyroid function is also supposed to change among people going through the high-intensity workout. For instance, FT4 and TSH levels can increase in anaerobic exercise but it reduces FT3. AST and ALT levels can also rise after a workout. After a workout, haematuria and transient proteinuria are also common but they resolve after a couple of days. There are some other analytes which can raise by exercises, those are as follows:
  • Creatinine
  • Urea
  • Prothrombin time
  • Lactate dehydrogenase
  • D-dimer levels
The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and fibrinogen can reduce. Most of those effects may transitory but it depends on the individual health factors.

Analytical Changes

These variations take place due to errors in test methods as well as equipment. It may cause a slight difference in analyte values every time of measurement. Lab equipment and modern test methods mean more accuracy in lab test results. Usually, variation in measurement should less than half the biological variation of the patient. After collecting a sample at the practice, it is vital to know about the type of container as well as the medium of the sample for a specific test. It can also affect the lab results. For instance, a PCR testing swab should move in a dry tube or tube with a viral transport medium. Blood testing is one of the least transparent and most misunderstood parts of medical science. We simplify that with easy to understand results and affordable testing you can do at home. Additional Reading
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Save money of Lab tests using Lab me analytics

Save money of Lab tests using Lab me analytics

There are thousands of tests being offered by laboratories. So, it is recommended to patients to discuss their conditions and symptoms with a healthcare provider and decide which Lab tests are important together. Healthcare providers can help narrow down your options that would come handy and help patients stay away from unnecessary tests.

                Fig: Save Money of Lab Tests Using Lab me Analytics

An unnecessary lab test can cause needless treatment

The ‘normal’ range of every person is a bit different from the rest and blood test results of some patients will show abnormal values even though there's nothing bad. It consists of 95% of the results from the healthy population. It means 5% of people who are still healthy are out of normal range. The odds of getting abnormal values increases with more tests and further testing is required for abnormal results. It may also cause anxiety about unnecessary treatments and health, which further increase the cost of healthcare. So, you should go for only those lab tests which are suggested by the healthcare provider.

Excessive testing can increase the risk of sick patients

Excessive testing can also cause a threat to your health according to your circumstances. Sick patients may not able to replace blood cells as frequently as a patient who is healthy. So, drawing more amount of blood may cause depletion of blood due to multiple tests. Working with highly skilled healthcare providers is very important to determine the right tests for unhealthy patients and to avoid any extra cost.

Displaying the cost of lab tests initially could save money: Studies

There is a list of lab tests. It is always better to predict when a future lab test may play a vital role in gaining information. Also, influence clinical test management in patients suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding to reduce unnecessary test ordering. According to recent studies, frequent lab testing doesn’t lead to better lab results. Unnecessary lab tests cause wastage of over $910 billion annually in US healthcare. Along with cause, the lab test is an important safety issue for a patient. Performing a large number of tests can cause incidental researches, which results in unwanted follow-up testing. Blood draws in the early morning can affect much-needed rest. Vulnerable patients can even cause anemia and complications associated with over-testing.                

            Fig: Displaying cost of lab test initially could save money

By mentioning the cost of lab tests in the healthcare system in real time, physicians might think before they order them. Costs of healthcare can keep going up and doctors control over 80% of such costs. Could providing real-time information to the physicians about the cost of test they are ordering will be helpful to avoid unneeded testing? This is the question which was addressed in the Springer’s Journal of General Internal Medicine.

The Study

In Atrius Health, over 215 primary care doctors underwent a study. Atrius Health is an alliance combined by six non-profit groups of medical professionals. The hospice and home health agency in Massachusetts, where they use an integrated electronic health record mechanism. In the intervention group, physicians received real-time data on lab costs for 27 different tests. Between the control and intervention groups, changes in the rate of lab test ordering were compared on monthly. It is on the basis of up to 12 months before and after six months when the intervention took place. After waiting for six months post-intervention, all of the doctors who took part in the study also requested to check their attitudes about cost displays and costs.

According to the researchers, there was a major drop in the rates of ordering tests. Also, both low and high costs by the healthcare providers to whom the costs of lab tests were displayed in real time electronically. It covered a major decline in ordering rates for up to four of 21 laboratory tests of lower cost and one of 6 lab tests of higher cost.

Along with it, physicians were usually too open towards intervention. Around 81% of them reported exercise could play a vital role in improving their knowledge about the cost of healthcare and they requested cost information in real time on the predefined set of care services. Thomas D. Sequist, MD, MPH, Atrius Health, and senior author on the research, believes in controlling over ordering of healthcare services. He added, “Our study has reported that electronic health records can play a vital role to educate doctors. Also, it can promote transparency in cost, and control the use of unnecessary ordering of lab tests. This is like adding price tags on products available in the supermarket. Once you know the price of products, you become more careful to buy them.”

Why there is a Difference in Price of Tests?

Just like the price of most goods and services vary, and so are the lab tests. In some Asian countries like USA, prices of services are already discussed with the patients before proceeding. They have a chance to negotiate the cost or deduct a service before starting the treatment. However, patients don’t have any idea about the estimate or cost of health care procedure or service for several days or months in the US. Once a consumer can access the upfront cost, they can easily do comparison shopping. There is a room for negotiation even in medical care. Just like with any service or goods, it is vital to keep in mind that some things can cost higher as there is additional cost involved that you are going to pay for. Some healthcare units use special types of equipment that are found only at their center.

Does it make sense to go with cheapest Lab Test out there?

Not really! There are some valid reasons why it is better to go for an expensive lab test. First of all, you need to mention why you want to go for lower pricing and listen to the concerns of your doctor if they have any. Doctors are usually affiliated with one laboratory only. They can order tests only through that laboratory and obtain results with ease. Due to this reason, they sometimes don’t know the competitiveness of their lab if compared to other labs outside. Hence, they don’t know about how much amount their patients could save. Even if you succeed to convince your doctor to go for a full blood test at any other facility, you will still need a physician from that particular laboratory to order your test. Proper planning and coordination can help you save more if you need lab tests on a regular basis. The same situation can take place in case of prescription medications. Pricing varies in different pharmacies. You should compare prices. Like lab tests, doctors sometimes use only one pharmacy and they often don’t know how reasonable their pharmacy is compared to third-party pharmacies.

Is there any room to avoid unnecessary lab tests and to improve Lab Testing?

At Johns Hopkings University and other reputable organizations, new research reveals how repetitive lab testing is expensive and unnecessary for patients. A constant sampling of blood could also cause a lot of health complications like anemia from the hospital. According to a research published in the journal of JAMA Internal Medicine, the unnecessary sampling of blood can affect the hemoglobin count of a patient and it often causes repeat testing unnecessarily. Hence, at least 20% of hospitalized patients can develop anemia from a moderate to severe level. Then, this spiral may cause further unwanted interventions, tests, and costs.

Impact on lab tests quality and value

The faculties and residents of the High-Value Practice Academic Alliance are the ones who conduct research. The HVPAA is a consortium of over 80 medical institutions which collaborate to lead healthcare quality on a large scale. According to the research, unnecessary lab tests can have an adverse impact on the value of healthcare providing by the hospitals. When tests don’t cost hospitals a lot on their own. Also, the impact is given far-reaching that such tests influence around 60% to 70% of all decisions in medical care. In addition, the minor costs also add up on these tests. After being admitted to the hospital, patients routinely undergo a lot of lab tests, even without any justification. Usually, insurance providers reimburse for only those tests which have proven necessity. So, the costs of any additional tests simply go on the funds of hospitals. A lot of routine medical tests are not necessary for the patients but they still get them. Healthcare Finance News reports reducing unnecessary lab tests have nothing to do with missing diagnosis or frequent readmission to hospitals.

No more unnecessary tests

Repetitive testing can affect patients in terms of false positives, overdiagnosis, overtreatment and excessive testing. Here are some of the main causes of overtesting and overtreatment in hospital settings–
  • Patient Calls
  • Habit
  • Financial benefits
  • Fear of being sued and doing too little
It is very difficult to know a plan of action. However, there are two ways recommending by HVPAA –
  • Design educational initiatives across hospitals that are backed by data to standardize. 
  • Outline the best medical approaches for blood tests and allied services.
  • Make target numbers to reduce orders of lab tests and provide quick feedback to healthcare providers.
  • Some providers order laboratory blood test, in response to their own ordering behavior. They know about their patterns and let go of such habits.
Be sure healthcare providers are able to justify the reasons for each lab test they are going to order. If they are unable to do so, they don’t have to perform the test. It is simply expensive unnecessarily and it can affect patients in long run.

How to Manage and Improve Blood Work Process?

When tests are usually conducting by several labs, it is not so easy to figure out who is testing what. Apart from managing data from such tests, all of the tests should have the following process:
  1. Plan
  2. Coordinate,
  3. Communicate,
  4. Schedule, and track well.
Hence, each test and data should find and aggregate for analysis.

Keeping Reports up-to-date in the Cloud

There are different futuristic organizations adopting cloud management to assign tasks to both external and internal labs. Cloud computing is widely using to track, map and schedule blood work with quick updates. Healthcare organizations can access the data on the go by storing it in the cloud. This can improve collaboration with external labs and partners. Planning and communication can be the further improvement to better track, schedule and collate more easily. Similarly, it may approve and review the decision along the process, from one platform to other integrated, clear insight into all the workflows. Thanks to the cutting-edge data management program, organizations can save more time on administration and analyze any data which is generated.

Staying compliant

To improve the final product, proper utilization of data is the key result of effective data management. It can collect and order information. Therefore, organizations can easily know what ingredients are needed for modification of the product. Also, there are some authoritative bodies have their own benchmarks for lab testing. Organizations using cutting-edge data management program can embed tests and rules when it comes to assigning workflows to labs.  It also can manage the important data, time-saving and improving the productivity of medical staff. Cloud-based software products have literally become the benchmark in the healthcare industry. These solutions can track, assign, convey and capture data in different locations efficiently to enhance all aspects of the lab testing process. Well, you just have to pick the right system.

Promoting Aggregation of Data

Along with managing the testing part of tracking, scheduling, and communication, healthcare units should find and aggregate all data. The Cloud-based lab test management software combines test ordering, test management and collaboration to address the challenges in the analysis by defining how data is reported. At the beginning of any process, automating the requirements of data capturing saves time.  Also, the advanced lab test management software can have dedicated features to visualize the regular lab tests process. It gives a complete overview of the work to the researchers from start to finish. Some of these tests help generate a lot of data which is needed to analyze the specific experience. The key here is to formatting and organizing data in an easily digestible way.

Software Modifications can save costs and reduce the chances of unnecessary lab tests

When patients have to go through multiple lab tests as part of their admission process, they will definitely question why or how could their healthcare providers choose those tests for them. Medical professionals are widely using electronic media systems which list all of the lab tests where medical professionals can go for. A researcher from the University of Missouri along with her staff have surveyed how these lists are modified. Also, to ensure healthcare experts omit unwanted lab tests, which could result in lower cost for patients and better care for them. Victoria Shaffer, assistant professor in MU School of Health Professionals who specialize in health sciences, said, “Ordering several lab tests may lead to unneeded testing and also wreck havoc on patient’s health by causing financial stress and physical discomfort. By changing the way the lists were designed by the electronic order set, we could change both the quality and number of lab tests that are ordered by clinical staff.”

About the Research

The research team of Shaffer conducted research on how doctors selected lab tests with three designs of order setlist on the same electronic system.
  • The first design includes an opt-in model which has no lab tests assigned. Also, it is a standard mode of lab test ordering in health records for a lot of healthcare units.
  • The second order set design includes a model which has a requirement for physicians to de-select the tests that are not relevant.
  • In the last design, only a couple of tests are selected previously on the basis of pediatric experts’ recommendations.

Clinicians ordered three other tests on average with the opt-out version rather than the recommended or opt-in versions. However, healthcare providers ordered more tests suggested by pediatricians with the suggested design than opt-in design.

Shaffer added, “The findings are showing that with default selections, either with recommending or opt-out method, Lab tests were ordered by physicians. Clinicians ordered more numbers of tests recommended by experts through these methods. But these approaches includes costs. It costs $71 more for each patient by using opt-out methods. With a set of defaults recommending, it lowers the costs but needs consensus.

Shaffer is also an assistant professor in MU College of Arts and Science’s Psychological Sciences division. According to him, IT experts should work with experts engaged in studying the interaction of people with medical professionals and technology to further improve software and come up with the best product. It is important for them to work together and come out with systems to provide the best performance and care for patients. There are different methods which could improve lab tests software. Also, ensuring to order only the most relevant lab tests and save money in the long term.

How Lab Test Software can help Save Money?

Lab test software can enhance the quality of data in a lab setting and also provide significant time and cost savings. Those savings can result in better access and automation to the lab data. The lab test software can provide a lot of opportunities to save on cost for laboratories.
Here are some of the common examples –
  • Improvement in turnaround time and sampling.
  • Better reporting quality as well as advance distribution/generation.
  • The better readiness of audit and regulatory compliance
  • Electronic links and other computer systems like ERP/MRP systems
These improvements can save costs significantly, such as –
  • Spot problems along the process sooner and it can correct faster
  • Improved raw material monitoring for better result quality
These benefits can affect the approval of the project but it is also vital to recognize intangible benefits which can save the cost.  Also, can use as background information to promote approval of the project, such as –
  • Constant access to test methods
  • Procedural consistency
  • Image of new recruits and external clients
  • Better information for planning and decision making
It is important to do the following things to detect changes in cost savings –
  • To Determine the current situation
o   Determine key areas o   Quantify test and sample outcome o   Analyze the flow of work o   Detect bottlenecks of productivity
  • Consider business objectives in future
o   New technology o   Management goals o   The arrival of new MRP/ERP systems o   Regulatory pressure
  • Assign data in a sensible form
  • Know the key areas which will benefit from lab test software
  • Calculate how much amount could save in each area after this software is introducing.
Of course, the last step is very challenging and achievable in enough detail as you feel vital with the help of studies of time and motion type. A lab test is recommended constantly for patients who are hospitalized. It's especially true for intensive care where patients are recommended to go through blood test frequently with phlebotomy complications. When part of this test determines changes in the detailed status of ICU patients. There are few other tests run by following guidelines by default and are not driven by patient-centric questions. Heavy use of lab tests increases utilization of the resource. Hence, it plays a vital role in blood loss and is obtaining without an order of the physician.

Download Lab Me Analytics to avoid Unnecessary Tests?

Lab Me Analytics generates data strategically by using machine intelligence to receive results and provide second opinions.  It interprets your blood work data strategically on your mobile device. Ref
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Lab Me Analytics: An Ultimate Lab Test Software

Lab Me Analytics: An Ultimate Lab Test Software

Like any other industry, healthcare is not dependent on itself. This industry is ever-growing and not showing any signs to stop when it comes to face the challenges and find solutions for them. Lab test software is really a healthcare solution. The lab results software has been offering industry standard healthcare solutions over the past decades. In order to stay ahead in this world of competition, technological innovation is something you always require. A laboratory can always avail the benefits with smart infrastructure by adding automation.There are many successful lab software examples. Lab test software  can play a vital role to incorporate the system in all of the laboratories functioning well for better results. These days, the medical lab results software has come a long way for functions relevant to sample management, such as workflow management, resource management.   So, it goes without saying it’s the right time to upgrade your clinical lab with lab test software. It will automate the important functions to maintain the overall workflow in the organization. Be sure to install online lab test software in your laboratory. This cloud-based system is really the best solution for many reasons.

What is Lab Test Software?

Lab Test Software is a program used for data management in a laboratory which helps in processing a large number of samples to manage the overall workflow in the laboratory.

            Fig: Lab Me Analytics: An Ultimate Lab Test Software

With the help of lab test software, laboratories can integrate instruments, automate workflows, and manage samples and related details. In addition, labs can provide valid reports instantly and can keep track of data in various experiments. The lab test software falls into several categories –
  •      Diagnostic Testing
  •      Clinical Chemistry Analysis
  •      Quality Control
  •      Immunoassay System
Why to use Lab Test Software in Your lab?
  •      Integrate in-lab instruments and systems
  •      Workflow automation
  •      Keep track of data from constant runs
  •      Centralize data storage and access
  •      Initiate data analysis downstream

Why Use Lab Test Software?

Lab Test Software is mainly used to improve the overall efficiency of sample management and processing. Hence, using Lab Test Software can quickly reduce the needs for manual work and it gradually improves efficiency and accuracy in analysis. It can capture and process data and store it for reference. The proceeding process varies according to the vendor who is offering laboratory results reporting software. Here are the stages of laboratory test software
  •      Scheduling, assignment, and tracking of blood sample and workload for analysis
  •      After the reception, a sample is logged in
  •      Storage of sample data
  •      Quality control and processing related to the sample
  •      Approval, inspection, and compilation of sample data for further analysis and report generation

Types of Lab Information Modules in Clinical Labs

The blood test management software has come a long way over the years, i.e. from tracking samples to enterprise resource planning for specialty and clinical labs. Here are the phases a usual workflow plan for lab information system in a lab goes through –
  •      Analytical – To test the samples.
  •      Pre-Analytical – For the collection of specimen.
  •      Post-analytical – Result review.

There are laboratory departments that use this module –

  •      Immunology
  •      Blood Bank
  •      Hematology
  •      Clinical chemistry
  •      Microbiology

Here are some of the common functionalities in the lab information system

With the advancement of technology, there are different functions of lab management software. Medical lab test software is built in order to support any process which is upcoming while working effectively on a set of specific functionalities, such as tracking sample, data collection, report generation, and data storage. Here are some of its core functions –

Workflow Management

With lab test tracking software, there is a great need for workflow management along with record holding and sample management. The accuracy of the workflow system is not having the limits of data, but it calls for the on-point assessment of the process. As the name suggests, workflow management assigns work and automate workflows if it is delegated well on the software. You just have to do the following things for better workflow management trough test lab management software
  •         Configure the flow of the process of work for analyzing the sample
  •         Enter ideal codes to direct the software for the work assignment
  •         Assign additional instruments for specific work
Even, with the help of test lab scheduling software, workflow management can save time and conduct job precisely.

            Fig: Workflow Management of Lab me software

Sample Management

The blood test analysis software was designed with an aim to help along the process of sample management which takes places in laboratories. When a sample is received in a lab and registered in blood test analyzer software, this system gets initiated. A lot of samples are analyzed and collected in a day. So, it's hard to record samples without the risk of confusion with other tests. With this software, one can easily track sample if it is assigned and labeled well through RFID on barcodes or samples. Here’s what blood test android software includes –
  •         Details of the clinic/doctor who suggests analysis
  •         Details of the patient
  •         Analysis/tests required on the sample
  •         Stages of destination and sample
  •         Expected date for report generation
  •         Storing procedure
  •         Creating a record for the future purpose


Electronic Health Record (EHR)/Electronic Medical Record (EMR) are the programs which stores and collects information on the medical history of a patient in the form of records which can be shared through various mediums of health care. A lot of blood test interpretation software programs come with in-built EHR/EMR systems. Using it with EHR will be very helpful to your lab as a real-time exchange of data which can be made possible with ease.

Why not use Offline Lab Test Software?

The offline version of LMS test lab software is the matter of the past. Here’s why you shouldn’t use offline software –
  •      No facilities for mobile app
  •      Not so user-friendly
  •      Can generate reports. But patients get reports by visiting the premises directly.
  •      Records of patients not synced with several locations
  •      There is no chance to retrieve data in case of a server crash. So, there is less data security.
  •      High maintenance
  •      Future updates are not so easy to install.
There are some problems with the offline version of blood test machine software. Since it is not available 24x7, a collection of data can be stored in desktop only, raising chances of loss of data. Also, the offline version of this software is limited only to small laboratories that have only one clinical lab.

Why Choose an Online version of Lab Test Software?

The online version of lab test software is completely based on the cloud. Data can be viewed across the world if they get updated online. Keeping track on live instrument information with the right set of tools will help your company to make quick decisions with proper information and promote the timely delivery of results. A manual, time-consuming process will be turned into an automated and quick process where there are no human errors in processing and collecting information, so the company can focus its resources on core functions and achieve great efficiency and productivity in work. Here’s why you need to use online lab test report software
  •      Storage of instrument data for auditing
  •      Low cost of maintenance
  •      Get notified with future updates
  •      Secure environment
  •      Using mobile app to track updates

How to pick the right Lab Test Software?

Picking the best blood test results software relies completely on the need of lab as well as processes covered. You should know the best way in which the data of the user should be logged in and ways on how to analyze. You can find the best blood test tracking software according to your needs. Here are some of the requirements –
  •      IT requirements
  •      Functional requirements
  •      Error handling
  •      Interface
  •      Data management
Similarly, it is always wise to have diagrams of business flow which will clarify the workflow process and requirements in the lab. It will help to take the systems and instruments involved in a lab which should be interfaced well with the software for a smooth workflow.  


It is good to understand the needs of lab systems as the most important part of picking the right type of software. You cannot use lab software for mining gas and oil for the clinical laboratory. Before you invest in lab test software, be sure that the software fulfills all your laboratory needs. From the process of data entry and sample collection, it also covers the process of saving and generating reports. Also, the functional needs should be listed and cross-checked clearly and regularly even after implementing this system. Here are some of the functional needs you need to ensure –
  •      Lab Test Processing
  •      Sample Collecting
  •      Test Scheduling
  •      Sample Tracking
  •      Report generation
  •      Instrument control
  •      Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  •      Resource management
  •      Statistical analysis
  •      Accidental Prevention and Lab Safety measures

Future Upgrades

Consider your existing needs before choosing lab test software. It helps you make an apt choice. There is a scope for the evolution of lab management software according to the changing technologies and very convenient flow of work. You should look for a program from a vendor which is suited well for both your future and current requirements. While seeking suggestions on the system improvement might be very late when lab test software has been implemented. List down the requirements and analyze it with your expert teams who can figure out improvements according to updates in future. When it comes to tie up with B2Bs, add more location, NABL policy changes, a home collection module, etc, lab test software must be capable to adapt and upgrade the same. It will help ensure your business is on track with technology and can benefit from it when it comes to workflow management and productivity.

24x7 Customer Support

When it comes to pick lab test software, look for the one with round-the-clock customer support. In case you face any problems, you can simply connect with customer support personnel anytime and anywhere and resolve the issues immediately.

Mobile App

Using lab test software is the best way to automate lab functions. It means one can easily complete the process of sample analysis and more efficiently. Mobile apps can further improve workflow management. Lab Me Analytics helps approve data of pathologists on the go. It is very useful and efficient for both doctors and labs. It saves most of the time on workflow management. In a mobile app, the automation of clinical approval can be helpful to make a quick decision. It is the best way to pick the best lab test software. It should be cost-effective to your laboratory, but you don’t have to miss on the vendor credibility or quality when picking the best lab test software.

Data Security

Data security is very important for any industry, especially the one which has report generation and storage of patients’ data. Lab test software is implemented especially to make process secured and easier to protect the patient data against misuse. Hence, it should improve the knowledge base of the system in your lab by sharing information through different departments in an organization.

Why Invest in Lab Test Software?

Lab test software is a very effective tool to make the processes easier in modern laboratories by automating them. Being an all-inclusive program, such as ERP tools, lab management program, and virtual software, and data analytics tool, Lab Test Software works well on the lab informatics. When each of the operations can be done manually, here are the reasons you should rely on lab test software -


Above all, the first and most important part of lab test software is accuracy. Lab management is really a very challenging and tedious process, which covers a lot of stages. So, there is a high risk of improper readings, data mismatch, and wrong updates when it is handling manually. So, you need lab test software for automatic management to keep records up-to-date.

Centralized access to data

Lab test management software can make it easier to access patient reports and records. Hence, any verification or referencing of patient data can be done quickly or shared with technicians, clinicians, and others in a jiffy. In addition, it updates crisis situations and critical values automatically to ensure quick attention to critical cases.

Ensure peace of mind with instant updates

You really don’t have to move around when it comes to obtaining lab test results. Patients can get updates automatically through email or SMS. This software can send test results as emails or SMS with PDF. The software is providing proper information to the patient about the progress of lab testing over time which helps affirm about the process and gain confidence. It also conducts invoicing when it comes to process.

Work with instruments

Lab report software can conduct testing and analysis on clinical instruments directly. And lab test software can quickly achieve the test results from an instrument and store the same in its database which can be reviewed, shared, and maintained on the go. It avoids requirement for handling manually which has high risks of errors and can be very time-consuming.

Tracking sample

Lab test software keeps the track record of samples at the time when samples are collected. Some of the records maintained are phenotypic information, clinical reports, and freezer location. Freezer location is provided in detail in most cases, such as a column, row, rack, shelf and box that are specified well. The software maintains a complete track record of all thaw cycles and freezes cycles. Also, there is a lab technician/clinician, who is managing the sample, details of collection center, and sample movement monitoring. With these details, lab test software is 100% sure that the sample doesn’t get lost or mismanaged at any time during the whole course of the process.

Smooth workflow

Record maintenance and workflow can automate well to save more time. As the process is coded with this software, it gives instructions about the next instruments to use. The technician may have to handle the next stage, etc. This way, manual intervention to direct record movement or instruction and tracking are cut largely. Simply speaking, lab test software can assign and manage works to a lab technician and make process stress-free as a whole.

Faster Access

Both patients and doctors can easily access the lab management software with their login portals. It has specified templates to send and generate invoices for labs and patients. In addition, it can easily create a comparative analysis with ease and convenience to set against patient history and last reports to enable faster workflow.


Lab management program can serve productively and improves results. The lab results are shared among the users automatically. We can easily access patient history. The reports are syncing with EMR of the physician for easy access. Automatic alerts and updates are shared without any manual intervention in critical cases. As a result, it can also enable digital signature and reduces the wait time for physical document approval.

Improve TAT

When the sample is collected, the overall time needs from the beginning to the reports sharing with clinicians and patients for the next process is lower. Also, this can reduce manual handling, error, and the need for cross verification at different points. This lab management software calibrates and manages medical instruments well that are connected well with it and it can also update automatically in case of alarming reports and readings. It further improves the time of the whole process.

Best Quality Control measures

During the course of testing, a machine-based analysis may need calibrations and change at any time. With proper quality control measures, it is very simple to identify variations. Simply speaking, quality control ensures precision and accuracy of data. In addition, its results are stored in the form of database and one can set it over actual results and enable total control over errors or deviations. Also, with lab accreditation like NABL, you can have guaranteed workflow and quality of results.

Lab Me Analytics – The Future of Lab Testing

A lot of healthcare software programs work on old and inefficient client-server systems that are accessible from networks with desktop computers on premises. This way, Lab Me Analytics complete redefines how clinics and hospitals are managing. It can take healthcare management to a whole new level. You can have a fully integrated management suite in the cloud-based platform to offer a secure, robust, and best solution to meet your needs. We are passionate both about healthcare and technology. With decades of experience in healthcare technology, healthcare, Customer Service, Marketing, Information Management, etc. Also, our team has the knowledge and understanding to meet the challenges in the healthcare industry. Lab Me Analytics offers easy to use Pathology Reporting Program for Medical Labs. Also, It is a single module which can fit easily with all systems with proper reporting. Finally, you can fully customize the reporting according to laboratory needs.

Here’s what you will get –

  •      Doctor-specific templates – You will have templates that are made according to the physician’s needs. It generates reports automatically to save time from manual intervention.
  •      Auto Alert – In case of abnormal reports, you can enable abnormal alerts without any human errors.
  •      Add formula – You can add formulas for results. The final value could calculate on the basis of machine result and formula. You don’t have to calculate manually.
  •      Historical chart – With this feature, you can see the trend for a specific test over a time period. It may apply to any test.
Along with these features, Lab Me Analytics is used to send smart notifications. It enables us to send notifications automatically to the customers about their test results. Also, they can access lab notifications through SMS or email and the test report can send directly from the notification module. It means patients will notify when results are ready. Hence, you don’t have to call the doctor’s office for follow-up. You can also provide digital signatures on lab results. There is no need to seek manual signatures and printouts. You can get reports in PDF form. All in all, it helps both doctors and patients to make informed choices. Ref
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Improve and Ensure Your Lab Reports Progress with Lab Me Analytics

Improve and Ensure Your Lab Reports Progress with Lab Me Analytics

A lab reports management program efficiently supports patient report management and operations in a pathology lab. This automation system manages and stores the record of doctors, patients, reports, and tests with packages and samples. Hence, the pathologies can manage the transactions effectively and writing lab reports for revenues earned and business insights.

Fig: Your Lab Reports Progress with Lab Me Analytics

The software provides analytical data which is helpful in decision making. This way, pathology reporting software improves the efficiency of all the departments. Also, it ensures better customer support at fewer efforts and low costs. Lab Me Analytics stands out of other lab management programs in terms of custom software development and overall design. So, from the front desk to delivery of reports, Lab Me Analytics is a complete solution to manage lab report better and to keep track of lab report progress.

Lab Me Analytics – Designed for Your Success

Lab Me Analytics serves as an integrated solution offering the industry’s best user-configurable features. Also, it offers the best solution to existing requirements and it can be adapted well according to your business needs. The software is committed to open standards, which means it can comply with your current computing environment and will also adapt to your future needs. Even better, the users of Lab Me Analytics can easily upgrade to the latest versions and implement the latest technology without having the needs to reconfigure it. As a result, it features a different software enhancement program offers added value as a new product with functional modules.

Lab Me Analytics Specialization

All in all, Lab Me Analytics features all the conventional ELN and LIMS concepts and further extends them with complementary technologies and capabilities. In addition, it can be done with smooth and complete integration. This system meets diverse laboratory needs. As a result, it becomes an all-inclusive system to meet the diverse standards of a modern laboratory. For the users, here are the benefits of using Lab Me Analytics –
  • Improved efficiency and low costs
  • Improved compliance and quality
  • Higher transparency of lab test status
  • Flexibility to fulfill new requirements
If you are no longer satisfied with your existing lab test software or it no longer supports the computing system, you should switch to Lab Me Analytics. It is a modern, proven, and comprehensive system for your laboratory. So, rather than upgrading or maintaining an outdated and poor quality system, it is better to invest in advanced and latest lab management system like Lab Me Analytics. Lab Me Analytics has been designed with extensive knowledge and experience to ensure your lab reports progress. You can count on this upgradable and flexible system which delivers the best results at low cost. Hence, most customers who rely on this platform, are having up-to-date systems to meet their diverse needs.

Lab Me Analytics – Key Features

Lab Reports

Fig: Lab Me Analytics – Key Features

Complete Order Management

Lab Me Analytics allows users to do so many things including:
  • Place orders for samples
  • Register samples,
  • Print bar-codes
  • Assign sample locations
  • Record data of the samples
  • Integrates with lab equipment and assign collection staff and to ensure absolute automation in your laboratory management.
Apart from the above activities, the user can also handle the following features:
  • Order Management – The software manages the whole life-cycle from requesting the order to notification of lab results.
  • Result Approval Process – After approval from the lab, results are shared with patients.
  • Official App – Plan for sample collection and update the data in real time with Android and iOS app.
  • Unlimited profiles and tests – You can have complete control over profiles and tests and create the desired number of tests.
  • Generate bar-codes with one click by integrating it with a bar-code printer.

Fully Customized Reports

Lab Me Analytics is a user-friendly lab reporting software to ease the process in diagnostic labs. This individual module is suitable for all systems to perform synoptic reporting. Also, the users can fully customize the reports according to the laboratory needs.
  • Create a lab report template on the basis of gender of the patient. Therefore, this software generates lab reports automatically according to the recorded patient information.
  • Generate lab reports example customized for your doctors. Also, the software generates the report automatically to save time for changes manually.
  • You can enable auto abnormal notification to avoid the chances for any human error.
  • Add Derivative Values/Formula for test results with ease. Similarly, you can compare the final value on the basis of machine result and formula. Hence, you no longer have to do any calculation manually.
  • The software also shows historical chart and trends for a specific test you have done over a time period. Hence, you may apply this feature to any test.

Smart Alerts

You may easily send automatic alerts to your customers about lab reports. Likewise, this software can send lab notifications like SMS or email of reports from automated notification module.
  • The software can send SMS to patients once lab reports are ready. Hence, you don’t have to call patients manually.
  • It also includes an option to provide digital signatures on lab reports. So, no manual signatures and printouts needed!
  • Send an automated email and SMS alerts on test progress
  • Send PDF reports through email to your patients.

One-Click Invoice Generation

Lab Me Analytics software offers various options for invoice generation and payment for Franchise, Credit Providers and Corporate Vendors and Suppliers.
  • Generate Invoice according to Rate Plan for Franchise. So, you no longer need to perform any manual calculation. Also, you can generate the invoice at any time.
  • Generate Invoice as per Rate Plan for Outsourcing Lab and raise the invoice at bill level or for around a certain period of time.
  • Login Ids are provided to B2B to view usage info and take printout. So, you can easily avoid paperwork.
  • You can have total control over your expenses. Set the hard limit to limit orders at the system level. Hence, you can allow both postpaid and prepaid payment with this software.
  • Settle and calculate referral incentive with one click. Also, you can calculate referral from the bill automatically.

Reports on the go

Lab Me Analytics is a complete Lab Information Software which displays the data from the app automatically. All of the reports are available right away and are pre-configured well.
  • Detailed report on Turnaround Time according to test and data is available in detail.
  • Users can view all outsourced tests as per the current status. As a result, you can monitor the data Test wise, Patient wise, and Lab wise.
  • You can view all of the tests that are referred out with actual status. Also, you can see the date-wise trend off the report.
  • The software allows you to see and export all of the past orders. Also access the detailed views by patient, date, by the consultant, and by machine.
  • The app features MIS for Android and iOS. Hence, you don’t have to use your computer to view data. You can also export the data to Excel on the go.

Make Informed Decisions

With Lab Me Analytics, you can provide details about the use of your lab assets. It is the best-in-class lab test software gives quick access to your data.
  • It displays frequently delayed tests, including order creation to updating order results and lab technician in charge.
  • Displays referrals with most revenue and it helps determine the pattern of referrals.
  • It displays which tests are frequently ordered and helps arranging additional staff and types of equipment. Also, the software can share the most revenue-generating B2B and helps set the credit limit. also displays new patients over time and helps plan out your marketing activities.

Why Go with Lab Me Analytics?

  • Displays real-time expenses, revenue, tests, and other important data
  • Displays all orders of the lab as well as their status
  • It gives details on sample collection and updates status directly from the app
  • Access the whole MIS data on the go
  • You can approve lab orders directly from the app
  • The app offers multi-location support

Lab Me Analytics – Reporting Process

Lab Me Analytics involves everything in the process from front desk to delivery to automate and manage your business.

Front Desk

Get your front desk automated and manage all workflows with configurable forms, automatic communications, and online payments with Lab Me Analytics.
  • Decentralize Bookings and Sales - Manage your bookings, sales, and collections in diverse locations with fully customized price lists that are applied as it is.
  • On the go sales bookings – End-to-end experience with separate logins for hospitals, collection centers, and corporate organizations.
  • Configurable Price Lists – You can manage multiple and separate price lists for various organizations which get applied automatically at the time of booking.
  • Manage appointments – With this lab test software, you can manage your appointments and bookings.

Complete Management of Patient Data

Manage all your patient data, customize workflows and deliver best diagnosis experience –
  • Easy to configure forms – You can fully customize patient registration form to meet your business needs and make sure you never get incomplete registrations.
  • Stress-free collection of online payments – With automatic pay-outs and payment gateway integrations, you can collect payments from patients on the go. In fact, patients can also check their reports on the app once their dues are settled.
  • Automated Emails/SMS – You can automate all of the communications and keep your stakeholders informed effortlessly, i.e. from welcoming patients to getting them notified about reports delivery and status.


Lab Me Analytics is designed to automate lab operations with robust and smooth. Just from managing blood samples to utilizing machines with rules, you can generate reports automatically and deliver them to the patients.

Sample Management

Generate sample labels automatically according to your sample codes and types. Lab Me Analytics helps segregate, manage, and reject samples on the basis of specified checks.
  • Color coding on detecting samples – Manage varied sample types with color coding for each type of sample so you can sort with ease.
  • Huge range of barcode labels – You can choose from various sample labels which can meet your operational needs. So, Lab Me Analytics makes it easier to print reports and manage samples directly using the app.
  • Sample Tracking in Real-Time – You can keep your stakeholders and patients on track by sharing sample status in real time.

Makes Reporting Easier

Customize reports in any of your desired format that can match your business requirements with ease. Similarly, you can set rules and calculations for reference ranges on the basis of age and gender. Easy to configure reports – Customize your report formats with ease or you can choose from predefined formats of scientific reports as per your business needs. Configurable reference ranges – You can easily configure reference ranges on the basis of age group and gender and set ranges through months, days, and years. Track their past results – You can view the current results of patients as per the last report status and make better and informed decision by comparing both reports.


You can authorize reports by setting specific rules for your in-house team of doctors, i.e. from specific rules of the department to minimum rules for authorization. Digital signatures – Enable your doctors to prepare reports from the app with a click and manage your access and patients’ signatures. The secure signing of doctors – Manage the signatures of your doctors privately and securely with detailed audit logs for each signature. Also, you can independently sign the doctors and have complete rights on signatures.


With an improved focus on automation, you can deliver more to your patients for less. Also, automate your business to enable fast checkups, reduce expenses and continuous tasks.

Automate Your Instruments

Integrate Lab Me Analytics completely to your instruments and get reports from such instruments. Manage your instruments with the bi-directional interface, so your employees can help patients and work with healthcare providers.
  • Automate results and interface instruments with patient reports and avoid manual errors on data entry.
  • Transform into automated and digital operations to increase the productivity of the workforce.

Smooth Digital Experience

Lab Me Analytics is the first-ever end-to-end and complete report delivery system. Hence, it should be enabled for all stakeholders and deliver the completely digital experience.

Payments and Finance

Finance is inter-connecting to your operations and it is an important part of the business. Also, the user can have better financial control over your operations –

Finance Analysis

The project, analyze and plan well with in-depth statistical charts which can give the visual presentation of financial information.

Daily information and finance on an official app

This app provides real-time business insights so you can stay updated and monitor your businesse in real time.
  • You can get a quick overview of business and operational insights
  • It displays your sales summary with organizations and referrals
  • Get the information about your collections of online payment
  • Keep track of unpaid and paid businesses.

Consolidated reports in different locations

It is not that simple to manage finance updates and it really gets difficult with growing business. Also, you can get financial and business reports in different locations.
  • Location-based details – You can get location-based updates on your app directly. So, you will never lose track of your business.
  • Multi-location tracking – You can share your business summary in different locations as Excel, MIS or PDF in a click.

Maintains Audit Logs for everything

It is very vital managing healthcare information. Even a small error can cause serious problems that make it harder to trace the root cause of the problem. Therefore, Lab Me Analytics is maintaining active logs regarding sample, reports, bills, and payments and provides a clear and detailed audit trail.
  • Trace-ability – Find detail logs for specific bills, reports, and payments with details on what and when was edit over time.
  • Consider erroneous changes – Identify error in data instantly with details about changes over time. It has become easier to make corrections with an accurate audit trail.

Benefits of Lab Me Analytics

Lab Me Analytics is the first choice for hundreds of diagnostics centers and labs. Hence, this lab automation software has been designed to deliver more value to doctors, patients, and organizations.

Improved Patient Experience

This digital platform has been proven to improve patient experience with clear communication to drive retention.
  • It provides seamless patient experience, i.e. from booking home collections to getting reports and making payments on the go.
  • Features integrated online payment system, so patients can make payments from the app and check reports exactly when they are prepared.
  • Provides option to the patients by sharing feedback exactly on the app.

Stay Connected

Easy interface and mobile apps provide seamless connectivity to the business all the time.
  • Save your turnaround time with the quick delivery of reports to doctors, patients, and organizations.
  • You can manage all locations with the mobile app and through the web and keep track of all activities.
  • Also, can access patient data on the go.
Long story short, Lab Me Analytics saves cost with accelerated ROI by automating consistent processes with efficient data management. As a result, it automates workflows to perform error-free operations. Ref:

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Do You Have Abnormal Blood Test Report? Lab Me Helps To Deal With it

What are the symptoms of abnormal blood test report?
There is no simple way to diagnose every disease. Some diseases have similar signs and symptoms, which makes diagnosis difficult. For example, diabetes might cause fatigue, irritability, frequent urination, blurred vision, or unexplained weight gain. LabMe is a service that allows patients to get answers from top experts at their fingertips. Patients share their medical reports with us and our doctors review them to provide recommendations. Get answers today
Lab reports provide important information about your health status. They also tell you whether you are at risk for developing certain conditions. Lab tests are used to monitor certain aspects of our health. They measure things such as electrolytes, cholesterol levels, glucose levels, liver function, kidney function, thyroid functions, etc. There are several types of lab tests. Some of them include CBC (Complete Blood Count), CMP (Chemistry Profile), ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) and Liver Function Tests. Abnormal blood test reports can indicate various medical issues. This may include conditions like anaemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, etc. If you notice any changes in your body or notice any symptoms related to these diseases, seek immediate medical attention.

What Do You Do with an Abnormal Blood Test Report? Lab Me Has the Solution

Your blood test results came back, and they were abnormal. Is this cause for panic? In this article, we explore what an abnormal blood test report means, how you can minimize abnormal blood results and how to understand your blood test results better. There are several routine blood tests you can take to measure your health. Having a good understanding of your results can help you make better choices when it comes to diet and lifestyle. While some tests will help diagnose or screen for specific diseases or conditions, other tests give a more general overview of how well your body is functioning. These tests can provide valuable insight into your general health. Blood consists mainly of white and red blood cells and platelets. When these components are within an abnormal range it could signify the presence of various health problems. Abnormal blood counts may indicate an underlying disease, but they are often treatable. Always check with your healthcare provider about what your blood test results mean. In most cases, there's no need to worry about getting an abnormal result. However, if the results are concerning, talk to your physician immediately. Also, try to stay calm. A positive attitude can go a long way in helping you deal with normal blood test results.

How Can I Minimize An Abnormal Blood Result?

The following tips can help you minimize abnormal blood test results. Make sure to follow all precautions mentioned below before taking any medication. 1. Know What Normal Range Means Most labs use ranges to define the average values for each component of blood. For example, the normal range for hemoglobin is 12 - 16 gm / dl. This means that the average person has between 12 and 16 grams of hemoglobin in every 100 ml of blood (or 1 teaspoon). 2. Don't Skip Tests If you skip testing, then you might not know whether something is wrong until it's too late. The only exception to this rule would be when you're pregnant. 3. Take Care Of Yourself Eat healthy foods. Try to avoid junk food and unhealthy snacks like fried chicken nuggets and chips. High fat intake reduces your energy levels which further leads to fatigue. If you feel tired, try to get enough sleep. 4. Exercise Regularly Physical exercise increases your heart rate and therefore helps in increasing your metabolism. It also stimulates your endocrine system, making your body release hormones that improve your overall health. 5. Reduce Stress Stress can lead to increased production of cortisol, a hormone that interferes with many bodily processes including digestion and immunity. So, reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.

Understanding a Normal Vs an Abnormal Blood Test Report

Your blood test results will tell you where your numbers fall within a reference range of normal values or results. These normal ranges are what is considered normal for a large group of healthy people. In other words, a normal result is a result that falls within the range of what is considered a typical result for healthy people. Because normal is based on large population ranges, you may get a result outside of these ranges and still be healthy. These normal ranges cannot take into consideration other factors or unique influences on a person's results. If your blood test results come back as outside of the normal reference range, you will need to have more tests done for a more accurate picture. On the other hand, some people who are sick may receive blood test results that are within the normal range. Some common causes of abnormal blood test report include: 1. Anemia Anemia occurs when your blood doesn’t contain enough oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Common types of anemia include iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. 2. Leukemia Leukocytes are white blood cells that fight infection. Leukemia is cancer of the bone marrow, which produces blood stem cells. Because leukemia usually begins in the bone marrow, bone marrow biopsy and aspiration are necessary to confirm diagnosis. 3. Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytes are small, round cells that form clots to stop bleeding at injury sites. Low platelet count indicates low platelets which makes you prone to excessive bleeding. 4. Neutropenia Neutrophils are one type of white blood cell. Neutropenias occur when there are fewer neutrophils than normal. They can be caused by chemotherapy drugs used for treatment of cancers and certain infections. 5. Hemolytic Anemia Hematocrit is a measurement of how much red blood cells are present in blood. A high hematocrit level indicates presence of excess amounts of red blood cells and therefore an increase in total amount of blood. When someone has a hemolytic anemia, their red blood cells break apart and leak out into the bloodstream Abnormal Blood Test Report

Other Factors That Can Cause an Abnormal Blood Test Report

Several factors other than illness can influence the result of your blood tests. These include certain foods and drinks, medicines, exercise, stress, and differences in lab procedures. Some routine blood tests look at blood glucose and triglyceride levels which are affected by when you last ate. While the fasting baseline is 8 – 12 hours, having a snack late at night before an early morning test could put your lipids or glucose levels out of range. While a high level of the muscle enzyme creatine phosphokinase can signal a muscular or heart disease, it may also indicate that you have worked out just before your blood sample was collected. A high level of the liver (bone) enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, is a common sign of certain cancers or liver disease. But these levels can be raised if you are recovering from a broken bone or if you are an adolescent.

An Abnormal Test Report May Not Mean You Are Sick. When Should You Be Concerned?

It is important to note too that reference ranges may vary slightly from one lab to another. So, depending on the lab, your results may show at the high or low end of normal or out of the normal range. It is easy to jump to conclusions but rather discuss your results with your primary healthcare provider. An abnormal blood test report on its own isn't conclusive. Rather look at and compare your results to previous tests. If there is a sudden change from your normal range or an out-of-the-ordinary spike, then there may be some reason for concern. It is important to have regular blood tests to monitor your health. Avoid skipping routine blood tests and have a check-up every year even if you feel fine. Your doctor can get a better and clearer picture of your health trends with a proper record of blood markers.

Normal May Vary. Why It Is Important to Establish Your Normal Baseline.

With Lab Me, you can easily establish your baseline normal. With the convenience of at-home blood testing and tracking, every blood test you get is placed in a graph so you can see how it is trending. Stock traders wouldn't make a decision based on one day of trading data. Neither should you or your healthcare professional. Don't base your health on a guess. Here are the most popular at-home blood tests that can help you make more informed decisions. Normal ranges are an indicator of what blood looks like for 95% of the population but this normal can vary according to sex and age. The normal reference range for the number of red blood cells in a complete blood count is 5–6 million cells per microliter for men. The normal range for women is between 4 and 5 million per microliter. The normal level of hemoglobin test in the hemoglobin test is much lower for children (11–13 grams/deciliter) than for adult men (14–17 grams/deciliter). Lab results are based on reference ranges. These ranges are based on what would be considered normal for 95% of the population. But many healthy people fall outside of that normal range. What is normal for one person may not be for someone else. When looking at your blood test results you want to know what is normal or abnormal for you. And knowing your baseline normal will give you a better indication if something is out of that range. Abnormal Blood Test Report

How Lab Me Works

Lab Me allows you to select a blood test that best suits you, perform the test at home, and mail it back to our labs for highly accurate results delivered to your computer or phone in a way that you understand.  Learn more here. Lab Me is easy to use with top-level encryption, state-of-the-art sample collection, and laboratory analysis. It benchmarks your information and interprets the normal range according to your health. It helps avoid wrong diagnoses and missing issues. The best part of this program is that it works on machine intelligence so your doctor can easily help you and provide recommendations to provide the best possible result. Your data will help this engine to detect if you are at higher risk for a serious event. It helps manage the complete blood history of families or keep track of loved ones. You can get quick second opinions by sharing reports with doctors. All you need to do is order a test kit from Lab Me, perform it at home and mail it back.  It takes less than 3 minutes and gives insight at speeds that conventionally aren’t feasible. Abnormal blood tests aren't reason to always panic.  Let Lab Me help you to understand the difference. This resource may add additional value to your reading: Abnormal Blood Cell Counts Treatment

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Affordable, Accurate At-Home Blood Testing, Tracking & Monitoring Learn More
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